The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Roasting the chiles until blackened then using the skin to flavor the broth base for the soup lends deep, rich smoky flavors to the final dish.
  • Soaking beans in salted water helps keep them tender as they cook.
  • Chicken is poached just until cooked through before being shredded and stirred back into the soup to keep it moist.
  • A healthy handful of shredded cheese enriches the stew.

Close your eyes. Let your mind float upstream and imagine a world in which all beans are tender, all chicken is juicy, and all chili is white. Let it envelop you in its warm, creamy broth, tingle you with its layered spices, and taunt you with its hint of lime and cilantro.

You there yet? Good. Now open your eyes, because you've got some words to read.

It's really easy to get yourself in trouble when it comes to talking about chili. It's a hard cold fact that a good 15% of the total economy of Texas comes from the manufacture and sale of pitchforks mass-produced for the sole purpose of chasing off anyone who dares slip a bean or two into the pot. In the past, I've written about all kinds of chili, from thehardcore Texas varietyto akitchen sink version made with beans, chiles, and chocolate, to classicNew Mexican-style chile verdeand all the way to[gasp!]not one, buttworecipesfor100% vegan chili(I'm pretty sure I've broken at least a half dozen county ordinances around the country in doing so).

This week I'm getting even bolder and exploring a chili that's not only made with beans, but it's made withwhitebeans. In place of beef, we've got chicken. And in lieu of the classic dried red chiles in achile con carne, we're starting with fresh green chiles. It's as if the whole world has turned upside down and inside out Matrix-style, we've planted our feet squarely on the inner walls of our brains and found our minds in a brown paper bag within, and it speaks to us saying:don't worry. All is still delicious.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (1)

To be frank, I'm not 100% certain where this dish of tender chicken and white beans bound in a creamy, fresh green chile sauce topped with shredded cheese comes from. I first tasted it back in 2007 when a colleague at Cook's Illustrated was working on a recipe. Since then, I've sought it out in numerous forms. Most recipes seem to be of the open-a-can, dump-and-stir variety. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the recipe actuallyoriginatedon the back of a wrapper from a can of Old El Paso chopped green chiles.

But we can do better than that. Much, much better.

Let's break it down.

The Chiles

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (2)

The vast majority of white chicken chili recipes out there start with canned chopped green Anaheim chiles, occasionally supplementing them with jalapeños. Some foods are better in cans. Winter tomatoes and, er... OK. One food is better in cans, and it's not chiles. Fresh it will be.

I experimented with different green chile varieties, including jalapeños, serranos, poblano, Anaheim, and bell peppers, and settled on a mix of three: jalapeños for their heat, poblanos for their fruitier, earthy flavor, and Anaheims for their brightness and grassy flavors.

Next question: how to incorporate them. Canned chiles come pre-cooked, either roasted or more often steamed to remove the skins. Incorporating them into a dish is as simple as dumping and heating. With fresh chiles, I knew I'd have to soften them and concentrate their flavor somehow first.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (3)

Recipes that call for fresh chiles, likethe one from Cook's Illustrated, invariably have you chop the chiles and sauté them in a Dutch oven before deglazing with stock and simmering them down.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (4)

You end up with a liquid that is bright green in color and, well, pretty bright green in flavor as well.

I don't know about you, but when I think of chili, whatever the color, I think of campfires and rich, smoky, deep flavors, not a bright green stew.

To get that flavor, I decided to take some notes from mychile verde recipeand roast the chiles until the skins were completely blackened. Anyone from New Mexico will tell you that this is the best way to work with them.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (5)

The flesh underneath gets nice and tender, while the skins char, infusing the rest of the chili with a rich, smoky flavor. If you want to be really hard-core about it, you can char the chiles individually over an open gas flame or on top of a hot coal grill, but a broiler does the trick pretty nicely.

I also decided to add most of my other base vegetables—onions and garlic—directly to the same pan to be broiled. This not only enhances that sweet smoky flavor, it also means that I can cut back on my prep—no need to chop those onions or mince those garlic cloves like I'd have to if I were to sauté them.

After a stay under the broiler with frequent turning, the chiles should be blackened with the skins wrinkled on every surface. Look out for that skin wrinkling—it's an indication that it has separated from the flesh underneath, which is essential for when we peel those chiles.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (6)

Wrapping them up in foil as soon as they come out from under the broiler also helps steam those skins off.

Chile Tea, Anyone?

As any chile-head will tell you, now comes the most frustrating part of roasting chiles: removing that skin. The easiest way is to just run them under water and the skins will slip right off. This method is not advisable if you a) enjoy flavor and b) enjoy having your body unharmed by the angry mob that will pitchfork you if they catch wind that you've washed chile flavor down the drain.

Youcoulddo it the old-fashioned way and painstakingly peel every little fleck of blackened skin off with your fingertips on a cutting board.

But here's an even better method that I came up with when working on thisbraised chicken recipe: submerge the chiles in a bowl of chicken broth and peel them directly in the bowl. The skins will slip right off.

What's more, that chicken broth will now be infused with smoky chile flavor. Not only does it make peeling easier, but italsomakes the final dish more flavorful (don't worry—the skin and seeds get strained out later). I'd call that a big win.

To incorporate the chiles into the stew, I purée them with a hand blender— remember, they're already cooked so no need to chop and sauté again.

The one thing you do need to sauté? The spices. With my red chili, I use a variety of spices to build up powerfully layered flavors. In this case, however, keeping it mild is better than going all out. I use a simple combination of ground cumin and coriander seeds.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (8)

Sautéing them in fat (a.k.a. blooming them) not only develops flavors in them by triggering chemical reactions to take place, but it also helps those flavors meld more fully into the dish.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (9)

After about 30 seconds of blooming, the puréed chile mixture goes in. And once it was in, I strained the chicken stock into the mix as well, squeezing the skins to extract any last bits of flavor.

Things were smelling pretty good now with our sauce, and tasting it side by side with the simpler sautéed version I'd made confirmed that flavor-wise, there's no contest: roasted chiles all the way.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (10)

Time to move on to the other elements.

The Chicken

Slow-cooked chicken thighs seemed like a natural choice for a dish like this, but I found that the texture and flavor of the dark meat actually made the dish a littletooheavy for what it was supposed to be. Instead, I decided to go with chicken breasts.

Normally I'm a skin-on, bone-in kind of guy. I fully expected a batch I made by searing the chicken first and browning the skin before deglazing it with sauce would end up with more flavor than a batch I made with boneless, skinless breasts I simply poached, but remarkably, the flavor was not all that different: there's so much else going on here that the browning chicken steps are largely unnecessary.

Instead, I just dropped the chicken into the simmering pot of sauce (I added some store-bought chicken broth to the sauce base to bulk it up into a soupy mixture).

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (11)

The only real key to tender, moist chicken? Use whole breasts and cook themjustuntil they hit around 150°F (66°C) before taking them out. Any hotter and they turn chalky and stringy.

Shredding the chicken meat by hand after it's cool enough to handle produces nice natural chunks and also minimizes knife work (so far all you've had to do is chop an onion in half and slit a few cooked chiles!). I reserved the chicken meat off to the side until the stew finished cooking.

The Beans

There are a number of white bean varieties on the market. I made the stew with both dried cannellini and small white beans and both worked out just fine, though I lean towards the latter for their shorter cooking time. With certain beans (black beans in particular), soaking is completely unnecessary and actually detrimental. In this case, however, soaking the beans overnight improved their texture significantly without impacting flavor.

You've probably heard that you aren't meant to salt your beans until they're done cooking. Doing so would cause their skins to toughen or perhaps the universe to implode in a bad way. This is not true. In fact, soaking the beans in salted water (essentially brining them) can have the opposite effect, helping them to soften more easily as they cook and become creamier. Salting the cooking liquid also helps this process, though you shouldn't salt too heavily—it's gonna reduce down a bit as the beans cook.

I cooked mine directly in the sauce, letting them soften over the course of about an hour.

Youcanuse canned beans if you want to lose even more street cred (don't worry, I'm not judging—I do it all the time myself), but this is really the kind of dish where every little bit of extra effort ends up making a big impact in the finished product.

So far, the chili is prettygreen, right? So where does it get its white color from?

Here's where:

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (12)

We take some of those beans and purée them until they're completely smooth before stirring them back into the pot, turning what was a deep, roast-y green broth into a rich, creamy, pale green stew.

Final Assembly

We're on the home stretch here, we just have to reintroduce all of our players. At this stage, the chicken goes back in.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (13)

After simmering for another five minutes just to heat everything straight through, I gave it a taste. Certainly a huge improvement over the earlier sautéed versions I was making, but it still needed a bigger kick of flavor. One thing that commonly gets overlooked in soups and stews?Acid. When used right, acid can be just as important a final seasoning as salt or heat.

I added some in two different forms. Lime juice was the obvious first choice, but the pickling liquid from a can of pickled jalapeños was even better, giving the stew brightnessandheat at the same time. It was so good that in subsequent batches I actually decided to purée a few directly into my chili mixture.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (14)

Almost there, I thought.It just needs a touch more richness.

I tried stirring in dairy elements in a number of forms: sour cream, Mexican-stylecrema ágria, yogurt, heavy cream, even Middle Eastern labne. They were all fine, but none stood out to me.

Until I reached for the box grater and the block of cheese.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (15)

It's traditional to top your chili with some shredded pepper Jack cheese to melt into the stew as you stir. But if melted cheese is so good in the stew, why leave it to someone as untrustworthy as the diner to do it? Why not just incorporate some in the first place?

I added a big handful of grated cheese and stirred it until was completely melted into the broth.Bingo.

Topped with some more grated cheese, some chopped cilantro, sliced scallions, and extra lime wedges, this was the white chicken chili I'd been dreaming about my whole life, even if I never knew it.

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (16)

Tender, creamy, spicy, and bright, this is the stuff even a dyed-in-the-woolchile con carnetraditionalist will dip their finger into when they think nobody is watching.

And if you're wondering what you can possibly do with leftovers (if there is such a thing), here are two quick suggestions: Layer it with corn tortillas into a cast iron pan that just fits them. Top with more cheese and bake. Or even simpler, WHITE CHILI NACHOS. Yes.

October 2014

Recipe Details

The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe

Prep10 mins

Cook110 mins

Active75 mins

Soaking Time8 hrs

Total10 hrs

Serves6to 8 servings


  • 1 pound dried small white (Navy) beans, Great Northern beans, or cannellini beans (see note)

  • Kosher salt

  • 2 fresh poblano chiles

  • 4 fresh Anaheim or Hatch chiles

  • 2 jalapeño chiles

  • 1 medium onion, peeled, trimmed, and split in halt from top to bottom

  • 8 medium cloves garlic

  • 3 tablespoons vegetable or canola oil

  • 1 quart homemadeor store-boughtlow-sodium chicken stock

  • 1 whole pickled jalapeño pepper, plus 2 tablespoons pickling liquid from the can

  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin

  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander seeds

  • 4 breast boneless skinless chicken breasthalves (about 2 pounds)

  • 1 pound shredded pepper Jack cheese, divided

  • 2 tablespoons fresh juice from 2 limes, plus 1 lime cut into wedges for serving

  • 1 cup roughly chopped fresh cilantro leaves, divided

  • 4 to 6 scallions, white and light green parts only, thinly sliced


  1. Cover beans with 1 gallon (4 quarts) water. Add 1/4 cup salt and stir until dissolved. Cover and let rest at room temperature at least 8 hours and up to 24. Drain and rinse beans.

  2. Adjust broiler rack to 8 inches below broiler element and preheat broiler to high. Place poblanos, Anaheims, jalapeños, onion, and garlic on a foil-lined rimmed baking sheet. Toss with 1 tablespoon oil using your hands to coat. Season with salt. Place under broiler and broil, turning peppers and rearranging vegetables occasionally, until peppers are blackened on all sides and skins are wrinkled all over, 15 to 20 minutes total. Gather up foil and form a sealed pouch. Let chiles rest for 5 minutes.

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (17)

  3. Place chiles and chicken stock in a large bowl. Peel chiles under the chicken stock, leaving skins and seeds behind. Transfer chile flesh to the cup of a hand blender or a standing blender. Add broiled onion, broiled garlic, and the canned jalapeño (do not add jalapeño pickling liquid). Blend until a smooth purée is formed. Set aside.

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (18)

  4. Heat remaining oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat until shimmering. Add cumin and coriander and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add chile purée and cook, stirring, until incorporated. Strain chicken stock into pot, pressing on skins and seeds to extract as much liquid as possible. Discard skins and seeds.

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (19)

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (20)

  5. Add soaked beans and chicken breasts to pot, adding water as necessary until beans and chicken are fully submerged. Bring to a boil, reduce to a bare simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until chicken breasts register 150°F (66°C) on an instant-read thermometer, about 15 minutes.

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (21)

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (22)

  6. Transfer chicken breasts to a bowl and let rest. Continue simmering broth and beans until beans are fully tender, about 1 hour total. Remove 1 1/2 cups of beans and their liquid and transfer to a standing blender or the work cup of an immersion blender. Blend until completely smooth. Stir back into pot.

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (23)

  7. Shred chicken into bite-size pieces and stir back into stew. Stir in half of cheese until melted. Stir in jalapeño pickling liquid, lime juice, and half of cilantro. Season to taste with salt.

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (24)

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (25)

  8. Serve immediately with extra shredded cheese, lime wedges, cilantro, and scallions.

    The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (26)

Special Equipment

Dutch oven, immersion blender or standing blender, digital thermometer


This recipe can be made with canned beans in place of soaked. Use four (15-ounce) cans of drained, rinsed cannellini beans. Start from step 2 and reduce simmering time in step 4 to 30 minutes.

Read More

  • Crispy Braised Chicken With White Beans and Chile Verde Recipe
  • White Chili With Roast Turkey or Chicken Recipe
  • Chile Verde With Pork Recipe
  • Our Favorite Chili Recipes
  • White Beans
  • Chicken Breast
  • Poblano Peppers
  • Chicken Mains
The Best White Chili With Chicken Recipe (2024)


How do you thicken white chicken chili? ›

How to Thicken Chili
  1. Simmer down. ...
  2. Stir in some finely ground cornmeal or masa harina. ...
  3. Mix in a scoop of cornstarch, all-purpose flour, or oats. ...
  4. Pile on the vegetables. ...
  5. Try more tomato paste. ...
  6. Mash some beans. ...
  7. Crumble up some corn chips.
Oct 28, 2023

How do you make chili taste better? ›

Elevate your chili recipe by adding an extra layer of flavor. Cocoa powder, bacon, cinnamon, ground coffee and tomato paste will all add a rich sweet & salty flavors that are sure to surprise and delight.

How can I make my white chicken chili less spicy? ›

Add a generous dollop of sour cream, creme fraiche, or yogurt to scorching hot chili or stews, or even a touch of milk or cream. For best results, though, go with full-fat dairy. For tomato sauces and stews that don't want dairy, try shredding some cheese on top. Photo by Meredith.

How long does white chicken chili stay good in the fridge? ›

Storing & freezing tips

To store: this white chicken chili will stay good in your fridge for about 5 days. Once your chili is completely cooled, just place it in an airtight container (or multiple, if you'd like to meal prep it) without the additional toppings and place it in the fridge.

Should chili be thick or soupy? ›

Chili should be thick and hearty enough to be a meal on its own, but sometimes there's just a bit more liquid than you want in the pot. While you can simply keep simmering the chili, that method risks overcooking softer ingredients like the beans, losing all your nice texture to mushy monotony.

Is it better to use cornstarch or flour to thicken chili? ›

Adding flour directly into the chili will create lumps. Instead, make a slurry by mixing one tablespoon of cold water with one tablespoon of cornstarch. If you're using all-purpose flour, double the amount of water. Stir in the cornstarch slurry, evenly distributing it throughout the chili.

What is the secret to really good chili? ›

Add a touch of sweetness

Chili is rich, deep and often spicy, so adding a sweet ingredient is a great way to create balanced flavor. We've found that adding diced carrots is the easiest way to add natural sweetness, but you can also use vegetables like sweet potatoes or winter squash.

What is the most important spice in chili? ›

Most Common Chili Spices. Cumin, Chile Powders, and Paprika are the most common spices in chili followed by garlic, onion, coriander, Mexican oregano, and bay leaves. These ingredients can be combined to create a savory and well-balanced pot of top notch comfort food.

What is my chili missing? ›

Sometimes after a long simmer, your chili will taste wonderful be maybe missing one little thing you can't figure out. Try a tad bit of vinegar or a squeeze of lime! The acidity in vinegar & limes bring a good roundness to the pot and binds all the flavors together.

Should you add sugar to chili? ›

The chili tastes completely different without the brown sugar so if you like a subtle sweetness in your chili then you've just got to go for it! Trust me, it will not make your chili taste like candy. It's all about balance between spicy, smoky, and sweet.

How do you thicken white chicken chili with cornstarch? ›

Make a cornstarch slurry: Mix together 1 tablespoon each of cornstarch and cold water, stirring well to remove any lumps. Then, stir the slurry into your chili and let it simmer for another 10 minutes to fully thicken.

What kind of wine goes with white chicken chili? ›

White Bean Chili and Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay

This combination lends itself well to the minerality of many Sauvignon Blancs. Additionally, white bean chilis with white meat poultry tend to have a creamier texture that matches well with a buttery Chardonnay.

Can chili sit out overnight and still be good? ›

It would be very risky to eat any kind of meat, including chili, after it has been sitting out unrefrigerated for several hours. Bacteria growth can begin as soon as meat reaches the temperature of 40° Fahrenheit. Meat dishes that are not consumed or refrigerated within 2 hours of cooking should not be eaten.

Can I eat leftover chicken after 7 days? ›

USDA recommends using cooked chicken within three to four days, kept refrigerated (40°F or less). Refrigeration slows but does not stop bacterial growth. USDA recommends using cooked leftovers within three to four days.

What to do if my chili is too watery? ›

If your chili is too watery, there are a few steps you can take to thicken it: Simmer Longer: Continue cooking the chili uncovered over low heat to allow excess liquid to evaporate. Add Thickeners: Mix a small amount of cornstarch or flour with cold water and add it to the chili. Cook while stirring until it thickens.

How much cornstarch to thicken white chicken chili? ›

Make a cornstarch slurry: Mix together 1 tablespoon each of cornstarch and cold water, stirring well to remove any lumps. Then, stir the slurry into your chili and let it simmer for another 10 minutes to fully thicken.

What can I add to chili to make it more soupy? ›

Add more water or tomato sauce if it's too thick. Keeping the lid on can keep the steam in resulting in thinner chili. Also, if I cook chili in the crock pot it is usually thinner, as the lid collects the steam rather than it evaporating.

How do you thicken white sauce quickly? ›

Combine 2 tablespoons flour with every 1/4 cup cold water and whisk until smooth. Add the mixture to your sauce over medium heat, and continue to stir and cook until you've reached your desired consistency. Test with a spoon.


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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.