How to Grow & Care for Selenicereus Anthonyanus (Fishbone Cactus) (2024)

Selenicereus anthonyanus is one such succulent that can immediately start conversations for its beauty. This fascinating cactus variety has multiple common names that include Fishbone cactus, Ric rac cactus, and zig-zag cactus. These names resemble the unique shape and pattern of its leaves along a mid-spine that appears like a fish bone. Apart from these common names, it is also known as orchid cactus, which makes more sense when the fishbone cactus blooms and produces beautiful white to purple and pink orchid flowers.

Selenicereus anthonyanus fishbone cactus hails from Mexico’s tropical rainforests and loves humid & moist environments. This epiphytic cactus is an easy-to-care species and a perfect choice for freshers in horticulture.

This article speaks about how to grow and care for fishbone cactus This will help you grow and nurture your Selenicereus anthonyanus rightly. However, before starting with its care guide, you need to know something about its growth habit, growth rate, and flowering that will give you more reasons to plant this cactus at your place.

Fishbone Cactus Growth Rate & Flowering

The rate of fishbone cactus growth is fast. Therefore, if you are someone who has low patience levels to see your houseplant blooming then it’s an apt pick for you. As it’s an epiphytic succulent, it grows on a host plant that is usually trees; they can lock their roots into the crannies and nooks of branches.

Coming to the Selenicereus anthonyanus flowers and blooming season, you can witness extraordinary fragrant blossoms with a nice combination of dark violet-rose external petals and white internal petals. They flower from late spring to early summer. The flowering lasts only for a single day where they open in the later evening & afternoon. You will love the pretty fishbone cactus flowers!

Selenicereus anthonyanus Care Guide

In order to grow & care for your adorable Selenicereus anthonyanus cactus, here are some tips. Follow them to keep it happy at your place.

1. Water Requirements

Unlike desert cactus species, fishbone cactus appreciates humid & moist surroundings. Therefore, you should add humidity to your cactus by regularly misting it or with a humidifier to create a similar environment to natural territory. You can frequently water it to keep the soil moist. However, always water it when the top layer of the soil appears dry. Additionally, watch for overwatering as it can destroy your beautiful zig zag cactus.

During the cold season, cease watering in half and then resume it when it begins growing in the spring season.

2. Soil Requirements

The fishbone cactus potting soil should be a low-soil and well-draining mixture. You can make use of peat moss which can be combined with perlite to enhance the aeration. Insert the callused end into the soil mixture until it takes the standing position.

3. Light Requirements

For proper fishbone cactus care, you need to take care of its light requirements. Of the two types of fishbone cactus- Selenicereus anthonyanus and Disocactus, the light needs vary to a great extent. Here we are talking about the Selenicereus species and it likes indirect sunlight; low-lighting needs. So, you can place it in an outdoor area that has filtered sunlight or simply keep it indoors on a spot where bright & indirect light falls.

How to Grow & Care for Selenicereus Anthonyanus (Fishbone Cactus) (2)

4. Propagation Method

We know you love your zig-zag cactus and want to propagate it. So, here is how you can do it. Use fishbone cactus cuttings for quick & easy Selenicereus anthonyanus propagation. Once well propagated, you can adorn your other indoor and outdoor spots or simply gift it to your loved ones!

5. Temperature Tolerance

As this cactus is a member of the 10a-11b hardiness zone, it cannot tolerate extreme heat or cold. Its frost tolerance level is 30° F or -1.1° C. So, it is always best to grow it indoors to avoid any fishbone cactus problems.

6. Fertilizer Needs

This cactus is a quick grower that needs feeding therefore, you can make use of water-soluble fertilizer to support its growth. Ensure the soil around your succulent is damp before using fishbone cactus fertilizer.

7. Pests & Bugs

One of the fishbone cactus facts is that it is susceptible to mealybugs & scale. So, you should use a hose spray or tweezer to remove any pests and bugs from the stems. If you notice this problem persists, you can use an organic insecticide for added protection.

Buy Fishbone Cactus Online for Home & Garden Improvement

After reading about this amazing cactus variety, if you want to plant it at your place then you can check out the fishbone cactus for sale at Planet Desert. You can either shop for complete fishbone cactus online or just a cutting. The quality is simply mind-blowing and worth your investment.

Hopefully, this elaborated guide for Selenicereus Anthonyanus cactus is helpful to you. We have covered every important aspect from watering requirements to how to propagate fishbone cactus.

How to Grow & Care for Selenicereus Anthonyanus (Fishbone Cactus) (2024)


How to Grow & Care for Selenicereus Anthonyanus (Fishbone Cactus)? ›

Selenicereus Anthonyanus thrives in dry soil and should be watered sparingly. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants. Selenicereus Anthonyanus requires abundant, bright and direct light.

Where is the best place to plant a fishbone cactus? ›

An understorey plant adapted to tropical conditions, fishbone cactus thrives in heat, humidity and bright but indirect light. Grow fishbone cactus in a warm room, with winter temperatures no lower than 15ºC, near a north- or west-facing window.

How to care for fishbone cactus indoors? ›

Here's how to keep yours happy:
  1. Choose a spot with plenty of bright, indirect light.
  2. Let the soil fully dry out between watering.
  3. Fertilise with cactus feed once a month in spring and summer for extra growth.

How do I make my fishbone cactus fuller? ›

To make your Fishbone Cactus appear fuller, cuttings provide an excellent option. Aim to create each cutting at 3-4 inches long; no need to extend the length as more cuttings will contribute to a healthier plant! After you've created your slices, dry them out and wait for their callous-over period before propagation.

Do fishbone cactus like sun or shade? ›

Fishbone cactus needs bright indirect sunlight for most of the day. The best place to set your fishbone cactus is in an area with lots of morning sun but mostly shade in the afternoon. Do not place the plant in direct sunlight for a long period of time, as this can scorch the plant and cause significant damage.

How to make fishbone cactus bloom? ›

Sunlight is the ultimate influencer for the Fishbone Cactus to strut its stuff. These plants crave bright, indirect light to kick-start their blooming process. Too much direct sunlight can cause a sunburned diva, while too little light leads to a lackluster performance.

Where is the best place to put a cactus outside? ›

Cacti need full sun. A minimum of six hours a day in both summer and winter is necessary for most cacti species to flourish outdoors. Placement next to south or west facing walls, or next to cement walkways can add some beneficial reflected light and heat during cold winter months.

What is the best fertilizer for Fishbone Cactus? ›

Fertilizer. Your fishbone cactus should be fertilized once in the early spring with a liquid cactus/succulent fertilizer. As long as its potting medium contains organic matter (peat moss and/or orchid bark mix) the fishbone cactus will not require any additional fertilizing throughout the year.

How often should I water my Fishbone Cactus? ›

Fishbone Cactus needs 0.8 cups of water every 12 days when it doesn't get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5.0" pot.

When should I repot my Fishbone Cactus? ›

Repot every 2-3 years during the spring growth period. Choose a 2-inch larger pot and repot with care for cactus health.

How do you perk up a cactus? ›

  1. CUT ROTTING PARTS AWAY. Rotting is generally a sign of overwatering. ...
  7. LET THEM GET DRY. ...
Sep 24, 2020

Should I trim my fishbone cactus? ›

Fishbone cactus, also called ric rac cactus, can get grow quite large. For this reason, they need to be pruned often to keep them looking their best. The best time to prune your fishbone cactus is when it is actively growing in the spring or summer.

What are the benefits of the fishbone cactus? ›

Benefits of Growing the Fishbone Cactus

The Fishbone Cactus isn't just a pretty face; it's a natural air purifier. Like a silent, leafy warrior, it battles indoor air pollutants, making your home's air cleaner and fresher.

How do you know if a cactus isn't getting enough sun? ›

If a Cactus or Succulent doesn't get enough light, it can stretch towards the light source, making the plant tall and thin, a process known as etiolation. The plant's colour may also fade, and its growth could slow down.

Why are the leaves on my Fishbone Cactus so mushy? ›

Overwatering is a common culprit behind your Fishbone Cactus's mushy leaves. To combat this, let the soil dry out completely before you even think about giving it another drink. This could take up to two weeks, but patience is key.

Should I put my cactus outside in summer? ›

You can move indoor cactus plants outdoors during the summer when nighttime temperatures are at least 65 degrees F. Start their outside stay in a protected spot and let them get used to being outside, then move them to an area with more sun. Morning sun is best if you're planning to move plants between indoors and out.

Can fishbone cactus go outside? ›

You can move the plant outdoors in the summer if you'd like, but promptly move it back indoors in the late summer, when autumn is on the horizon. The ric rac cactus thrives in moist, humid environments that don't receive too much sunlight. So, if you grow it outdoors, choose a shady location, perhaps in the understory.

How often should I water a fishbone cactus? ›

I water once the top couple of centimetres are dry which in summer can be once a week. I make sure to always water at the sink and allow the water to drain thoroughly away before placing back in its decorative pot. Throughout the winter the plant will require less frequent watering, once every 2-3 weeks.

What conditions do fishbone cactus like? ›

Caring for a Fishbone Cactus involves mimicking its natural tropical environment. It thrives in bright, indirect light with high humidity and prefers well-draining soil. Watering should be moderate – allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings but maintain a humid atmosphere if possible.

What kind of soil does a fishbone cactus need? ›

As an epiphyte, the fishbone cactus appreciates a potting mix that is well-drained, airy, and rich in organic matter. Combine one part commercial cactus/succulent soil, one part perlite, one part peat moss, and one part orchid bark mix to create the ideal mixture for the fishbone cactus.


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