Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2024)

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Homiletics Study: Children of the Promise

Kingdom Divided

Lesson 13 Passage: Amos

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Amos calls out Lord’s indictment of 8 nations (Amos 1-2)

1. The Lord roars from Zion in words of Amos (Amos 1:1-2)

2. Lord’s indictment of Israel’s neighbors – Three sins and more (Amos 1:3-2:16)

a. Damascus – threshed Gilead; fire on house of Hazael, break gate of Damascus, and people of Aram into exile (3-5)

b. Gaza – took captive and sold to Edom; fire on walls, destroy king, all Philistine dead (6-8)

c. Tyre – took captive and sold to Edom; set fire on walls and consume her fortresses (9-10)

d. Edom – pursued brother, slaughtered women, anger; set fire on Teman (11-12)

e. Ammon – ripped open pregnant women of Gilead; set fire on walls of Rabbah, consume fortresses and king into exile. (13-15)

f. Moab – burned to ashes bones of Edom’s king; send fire on Moab, consume fortresses, Moab will go down, ruler destroyed (2:1-3)

g. Judah – rejected law of Lord, not kept decrees, lead astray; send fire on Judah (4-5)

3. Indictment of Israel

a. Israel – sell innocent, walk on poor, deny justice, sexual deviates, profane name of Lord (6-8)

b. Experienced Lord destroy Amorites, bring out of captivity, raised prophets; I will crush you all (9-16)

Amos calls out Sovereign Lord’s punishment of Israel’s unfaithfulness (Amos 3-6)

1. Lord says He called you were His chosen (3:1-2)

2. Do you understand the signs; its all around (3-10)

3. God will destroy what you have created false gods and wealth (11-15)

4. What the Lord says

a. You’ll be taken away (4:1-3)

b. You’ll sacrifice and boast in sin (4:4-5)

c. God gave you hunger but did not return (7)

d. God withheld rain, but did not return (8)

e. God struck crops but did not return (9)

f. God sent plagues, overthrew, but you did not return (10-11)

g. Prepare to meet your God (12-13

5. God’s lament and call to repent

a. Your number will be reduced; seek the Lord and live (5:1-6)

b. You pervert justice (7-15)

c. You pervert religious celebrations and worship (16-27)

6. Complacency and Pride

a. You live in luxury; it will end (6:1-7)

b. God abhor’s pride; will smash houses (8-11)

c. God will a nation to oppress (12-14)

Amos calls out Sovereign Lord’s judgment and restoration of Israel (Amos 7-9)

1. Israel’s punishment shown to Amos

a. Locus strip the land; cries for help and Lord relents (1-3)

b. Fire and dries up deep; cries for help and Lord relents (4-6)

c. Plumb line in Israel; spare no more says the Lord (7-9)

d. Amos Instructed to prophesy against Israel (10-17)

2. Time has come

a. Ripe fruit – time for judgment (8:1-6)

b. Pride of Jacob – God will not forget things done (7-8)

c. Singing to mourning (9-10)

d. Famine in land (11-13)

e. Sin of Samaria will fall and never rise (14)

f. God is sovereign – sinners will die (9:1-10)

3. Israel Restoration

a. God will restore from ruins (11-12)

b. God will bring back people from exile (13-14a)

c. God’s people will never be uprooted (14b-15)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Amos calls out Lord’s indictment of 8 nations

Amos 1-2

Amos calls out Sovereign Lord’s punishment of Israel’s unfaithfulness

Amos 3-6

Amos calls out Sovereign Lord’s judgment and restoration of Israel

Amos 7-9

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Lord speaks through Amos nation’s indictment, Israel’s verdict and restoration.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT Almighty Lord sees and will judge our response to Him.

Specific Application Questions

What sins need to be taken care of; where do you need forgiveness and grace?

How have you experienced God but did not accept His direction?

In what ways do you recognize God’s work in you?

Principles to Remember

God righteously judges

God’s hand is visible

God desires our righteousness

Characteristic of God

Righteous Judge


Almighty Lord desires righteous followers who recognize Him as the source of goodness.

Posted bychucktat8:26 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (1)

Thursday, December 1, 2022


Homiletics Study: Children of the Promise

Kingdom Divided

Lesson 12 Passage: Jonah

Content (List of Topics or Events)

Jonah encounters God; hears His direction, is held accountable receives saving mercy bringing praise (Jonah 1-2)

1. Jonah reacts to God’s call

a. Jonah hears God’s call to preach against Nineveh (Jonah 1:1-2)

b. Jonah runs away from the Lord sailing for Tarshish (3)

c. Lord sends a violent storm that causes sailors to fear and lighten the ship (4-5)

2. Sleeping Jonah hears the request for God to save.

a. Captain of the ship goes to sleeping Jonah and asks for him to call on his god so they won’t perish (6)

b. Sailors cast lots to find responsibility for calamity; the lot falls on Jonah and asks “what”. (7-10)

c. Jonah says throw me into the sea; his fault (11)

3. God provides safety

a. Sailors plead for mercy, throws Jonah into the sea; then offer sacrifice to Lord (13-16)

b. Lord provides fish who swallow Jonah where he remains for 3 days & nights (17)

4. Jonah’s prayer of praise to God in fish

a. God heard Jonah’s cry and brought him up (2:1-6)

b. God heard Jonah’s prayer and grateful; salvation comes from Lord (2:7-9)

c. Lord commands the fish to place Jonah on dry land (2:10)

Jonah’s message leads Nineveh to repentance bringing God’s mercy (Jonah 3)

1. Word of the Lord comes to Jonah a second time for Nineveh (3:1-2)

2. Jonah proclaims Ninevah's overthrow in 40 days; people believe and fast (3-5)

3. Jonah’s warning reached the king of Ninevah and covered in sackcloth and the king issued a decree to not eat or drink, urgently call on God, and give up evil ways (6-8)

4. Hoping that God would relent from fierce anger (9)

5. God sees their response and did not destroy them (10)

Jonah’s anger brings God’s corrective lesson (Jonah 4)

1. Jonah’s anger

a. Jonah sees and becomes angry; knowing that God is slow to anger and abounding in love (1-2)

b. Jonah prays for God to take his life (3)

c. God challenges Jonah’s anger (4)

2. Jonah waits to see Ninevah

a. Makes shelter and waits to see what will happen to Nineveh (5)

b. Lord provides a plant for shade; Jonah is happy (6)

c. Worm chews plant and withers; scorching wind and sun causes Jonah to grow faint (7-8)

d. Jonah again says “it would be better to die than to live (9)

3. God uses plant, which Jonah did not tend or make grow, to illustrate God’s greater concern for Ninevah (10-11)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

Jonah encounters God; hears His direction, is held accountable receives saving mercy bringing praise

Jonah 1-2

Jonah’s message leads Nineveh to repentance bringing God’s mercy

Jonah 3

Jonah’s anger brings God’s corrective lesson

Jonah 4

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

God uses unwilling Jonah bringing repentance and demonstration of concern.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT God has a mission for His followers and amazing results can occur when we submit to His leading.

Specific Application Questions

How do you reject God’s leading? What results have you experienced?

When sin is identified, what is your response?

What is your attitude when results aren’t what you expect?

Principles to Remember

God calls us to do His will

Faithful service has results

God is slow to anger and abounding in love

Characteristic of God

Compassionate for His creation


God calls us to listen to His word and humble ourselves before Him.

Posted bychucktat2:17 PMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2)

Friday, November 18, 2022

2 Kings 6:8-14:29

Homiletics Study: Children of the Promise

Kingdom Divided

Lesson 10 Passage: 2 Kings 6:8-14:29; 2 Chronicle 21-25

Content (List of Topics or Events)

God’s protective miracle demonstrates power (2 Kings 6:8-8:6)

1. Elisha used to protect Israel from Aram War plans

a. Elisha warns king of Israel of Aram king’s war plans (2 Kings 6:8-10)

b. King of Aram enraged by warnings to Israel seeks to capture Elisha. (6:11-14)

c. Elisha’s servant tells of army surrounding city to Elisha; Elisha calms and prays (6:15-17a)

d. Enemy struck blind and lead by Elisha to Samaria (6:17b-20)

e. Captured enemy fed and Aram raiding ceases (6:21-23)

2. Famine in Samaria

a. Siege leads to famine cannibal acts; King blames Elisha; wants his head (6:24-33)

b. Elisha tells officer that famine over next day; but officer will not eat (7:1-2)

c. Leprose men go to Aram camp; Aram hear sounds of great army and flee (7:3-8)

d. Leprose men tell city gatekeepers, the king sends out messengers to see (7:9-16)

e. Man trampled fulfilling what had been said (7:17-20)

3. Shunammite Woman’s Land Restored

a. Elisha tells woman to stay where she can during 7 years famine (8:1-2)

b. Gehazi tells of things Elisha did for woman (8:3-5)

c. King restores everything to woman (8:6)

God’s judgment of sin fulfilled (2 Kings 8:7-10:36; 2 Chronicles 21-22:9)

1. Ben-Hadad, the Aram King illness

a. Elisha travels to Damascus and kings sends Hazael ask about his recovery (8:7-9)

b. Hazael brings gifts asking and is told to say he will, but in fact he will die (8:10-11)

c. Elisha cries and asked why, explains that he will be used to harm Israel (8:12-13)

d. Hazael kills Ben-Hadad and becomes king (8:14-15)

2. Jehoram becomes king of Judah, married Ahab’s daughter, he does evil in the sight of Lord, and God preserves Judah (8:16-24)

3.Ahaziah becomes king of Judah, reigns 1 year, follows ways of Ahab, he does evil in sight of Lord (2 Kings 8:25-29), (2 Chronicles 22:1-9)

a. Mother encourage wicked behavior (22:1-3)

b. Advisory encourage to visit wounded Jehoram in Israel (22:4-6)

c. Jehu executed judgment on house of Ahab and killed Ahaziah (22:7-9)

God’s saving provision (2 Kings 11-14:2; 2 Chronicles 22:10-25:29)

1. Joash protected

a. Athaliah mother of Ahaziah proceeds to destroy royal family (1)

b. Jehosheba (sister of Ahaziah) hides Joash in temple (2-3)

c. Jehoiada assigns temple guards to protect and provides weapons (4-11)

d. Jehoiada puts crown on Joash and crowds cheer “long live the king (12)

e. Athaliah comes to temple shout treason and is killed outside temple (13-16)

f. Jehoiada make covenant with Lord; tears down altars to Baal (17-18)

2. Joash becomes king at 7; and repairs temple

a. Joash does right in eyes of Lord; high places not removed (2 Kings 12:1-3)

b. Joash instructs priests to collect money to repair temple (12:4-5)

c. Joash in his 23 year asks why money not collected (6-16)

d. Joash takes sacred objects and pays to king of Aram (17-19)

e. Officials conspire and kill Joash (20-21)

3. Jehoahaz then Jehoash become kings of Israel and did evil (13:1-13)

4. Elisha is ill and Jehoash comes

a. Elisha says take a bow and shoot arrow, then strike the ground; then tells Aram defeat (14-19)

b. Elisha dies; three times Jehoash defeats Aram (20-25)

5. Amaziah reign

a. Did right in Eyes of Lord (14:1-4)

b. Executes those that killed father; not children (14:5-6)

c. Defeated Edomites (14:7)

d. Challenged Israel in battle, lost, kingdom plundered and conspired against and killled (14:8-20)

e. Azariah made king (14:21-22)

6. Jeroboam becomes king of Israel; saves Israel’s suffering (14:23-29)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

God’s protective miracle demonstrates power

2 Kings 6:8-8:6

God’s judgment of sin fulfilled

2 Kings 8:7-10:36; 2 Chronicles 21-22:9

God’s saving provision

2 Kings 11-14:2; 2 Chronicles 22:10-25:29

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

God uses Elisha and protects His promised lineage of David.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT God promises are true and he saves those who are wholly committed to Him

Specific Application Questions

God protects – Where do you need God’s protection at this time?

God delivers – Where do you fall short and need God’s strength?

God provides – What strength and provision from God is needed by you to live wholly for Him?

Principles to Remember

God protects

God delivers

God provides

Characteristic of God



God protects those who love Him; He is all we need.

Posted bychucktat2:48 PMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (3)

Saturday, November 12, 2022

2 Kings 4:1-6:7

Homiletics Study: Children of the Promise

Kingdom Divided

Lesson 9 Passage: 2 Kings 4:1-6:7

Content (List of Topics or Events)

God uses Elisha to miraculously meets needs of Widow and Shunem family (2 Kings 4:1-37)

1. Widow and miracle of Oil

a. Widow of a prophet cries out to Elisha; a creditor is going to take sons as slaves to pay debt. (1)

b. Elisha asks what do you have with reply just a small jar of olive oil (2)

c. Elisha provides instruction to collect jars and pour oil in jars; miracle all collected jars filled (3-6)

d. Elisha instructs to sell oil 7 pay debts (7)

2. Elisha and well-to-do Shunammite woman a son is born.

a. Woman urges Elisha to stay for meal (8)

b. Woman and husband make a small room for Elisha to stay (9-11)

c. Elisha asks what can be done; Elisha tells her of son to be born (12-16)

d. Son is born as Elisha said (17)

3. Elisha raises dead woman’s son

a. Son dies in mother’s arms (18-21)

b. Woman goes to Elisha; is everything all right? (22-26)

c. Woman tells of son (27-28)

d. Servant followed by Elisha go to dead son (29-30)

e. Elisha prays and boy is revived from dead (31-37)

God uses Elisha to demonstrate wholesome provision (2 Kings 4:38-44)

1. Stew

a. Elisha returns to Gilgal; a famine request for stew (38)

b. Herbs and wild gourds gathered and put in stew (39)

c. Men cry out about stew there is “Death in pot” (40)

d. Elisha adds flour they eat; nothing harmful in pot (41)

B. Bread

a. Man comes from Baal Shalishah with 20 loaves of barley bread and heads of new grain (42a)

b. Elisha says give it to the people to eat (42b)

c. Elisha questioned how can this feed 100 men (43a)

d. Elisha says give it to the people to eat; Lord says there will be leftovers (43b)

e. They ate and there were leftovers (44)

God uses Aram commander’s leprosy and ax head to demonstrate things thought impossible (2 Kings 5:1-6:7)

1. Naaman healed of leprosy

a. Naaman, a great commander of Aram army has leprosy (1)

b. Naaman’s wife’s captive girl suggests that prophet from Israel can cure (2-3)

c. Naaman goes to master and tells of cure; master agrees with letter with silver and gold (4-6)

d. King of Israel reads letter tearing robes; saying “King of Aram picks a quarrel” (7)

e. Elisha hears of kings torn robes and send a message to have Naaman come to him (8)

f. Elisha tells Naaman to wash 7 times in Jordan; is angry and goes in rage (9-12)

g. Naaman’s servant convince him, he goes and is restored (13-14)

2. Naaman recognizes Lord as only God, offers gifts, telling to offer sacrifice only to Lord (15-18)

3. Gehazi cursed

a. Gehazi goes after Naaman requesting gifts of silver and clothing (19-24)

b. Elisha see’s Gehazi asking where he’s been, he denies, and is cursed with leprosy (25-27)

4. Impossible Possible

a. Prophets build a place to meet (6:1-4)

b. Ax head falls in water (5)

c. Elisha cuts stick and ax head floats (6-7)

Divisions (Main Blocks of Thought)

God uses Elisha to miraculously meets needs of widow and Shunem family

2 Kings 4:1-37

God uses Elisha to demonstrate wholesome provision

2 Kings 4:38-44

God uses Aram commander’s leprosy and ax head to demonstrate things thought impossible

2 Kings 5:1-6:7

Subject Sentence (Summarizes the contents of the Divisions – No more than 10 words)

Elisha used to demonstrate God’s miraculous physical and spiritual provision.

Aim (Main Teaching Point of the Passage)

CTATLT all things are possible with God; He sees our need, provides abundantly, cleanses and restores to new life. The lost are found.

Specific Application Questions

In what ways do you demonstrate your faith in times of need? Provide a recent time when you leaned on God for help.

How have you seen God abundantly provide to you? How have you responded?

Where have you responded in anger and rage? What needs to change to bring healing?

Principles to Remember

God knows our every need

God provides abundantly

Healing comes with humble submission

Characteristic of God

Meets our needs


Elisha is used to demonstrate God’s abundant provision.

Posted bychucktat7:08 AMNo comments: Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (4)

Homiletics in the Sierra Foothills (2024)


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