Eyes That Hold The Heavens - McPhoenixDavid - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Chapter One: Eyes That Hold The Heavens

They had made a terrible mistake. They had freed the world from the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but at a price too high to pay. Naruto's body was drained of all energy, his wounds too deep to heal. He knew he was dying, and he didn't want to drag Kurama down with him.

"Thank you, Kurama. You have been with me since the day I was born. You have suffered so much because of me. But you also taught me so much. You became my friend, my partner, my family. I'm sorry I can't keep you with me any longer. Please, go and join your other half. Be free, be happy. Goodbye, my lifelong companion." Naruto said, as he released the seal that bound Kurama to him.

"No... no... Kit... Naruto...!" Kurama cried out, as he felt Naruto's life force fading away. He tried to reach out to him, to hold him, to save him. But it was too late. Naruto was gone.

Kakashi and Sakura arrived at the Valley of the End, only to find a scene of horror. Sasuke and Naruto lay on the ground, motionless. Sakura ran to them, hoping to find a sign of life. She saw Sasuke's chest rising and falling, but his eyes were empty and wet.

"I... I acknowledged him..." Sasuke whispered, barely audible. "He defeated me. We cancelled the Infinite Tsukuyomi... but... we used too much chakra... it cost... his... life..."

"No..." Sakura sobbed, as she tried to heal Sasuke's wounds. But she knew it was useless. He had lost his will to live. His sky-blue eyes were dull.

Kurama emerged from Naruto's body, surrounded by orange chakra bubbles. He looked at the others, his eyes full of sorrow. He looked at his former vessel, his friend, his hero.

"Dad, Sensei, Obito, Rin, Kushina..." Kakashi muttered, as he looked at the sky, tears streaming down his face. "I failed you..."

"Kakashi." Sasuke called him.

He turned to the boy.

"Naruto's last words were... 'Tell Kakashi-sensei to move on. Don't let him spend the rest of his life grieving. Live long, live well.'"

"Kakashi." Kurama said. The man looked at him. "Make sure that the Uchiha scum doesn't get punished. That idiot told me to tell you that."

"Of course he said that." Kakashi smiled sadly, as he remembered Naruto's kindness, his courage, his smile. "Of course he did."

~• •~

The sun was setting over the Hidden Leaf Village, casting a warm glow over the thousands of people who had gathered to pay their respects to a fallen hero. A hero who had saved the world from the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but had sacrificed his life in the process. A hero who had touched the lives of so many, with his unwavering determination, his infectious smile, and his boundless love. A hero who was only seventeen years old.

His name was Naruto Uzumaki.

He lay in a wooden coffin, wrapped in a white cloth, with a red swirl on his chest. His face was peaceful, as if he was sleeping. His blond hair was ruffled by the gentle breeze. His whisker marks were still visible on his cheeks. He looked like he could wake up any moment, and say one of his catchphrases, like "Believe it!" or "Dattebayo!". But he didn't. He was gone."

Next to his newly dug grave, there was another grave, it was his mother, Kushina Uzumaki. She had died giving birth to him, and had never seen him grow up. She had never hugged him, or praised him, or scolded him. She had never told him how much she loved him. But she had left him a parting gift, a gift that had stayed with him until the end. A gift that had made him who he was.

His name was Kurama.

The nine-tailed fox, the most powerful of the tailed beasts, had been sealed inside Naruto since he was a baby. He had been hated and feared by the villagers, who saw him as a monster, a curse, a demon. He had been lonely and angry, and had lashed out at Naruto, who had endured his pain and hatred. He had been used and manipulated by Madara, who had tried to enslave him and the other tailed beasts. He had been freed and befriended by Naruto, who had seen him as a living being, a comrade, a friend. He had fought and bled with Naruto, who had shared his chakra and his will. He had died and mourned with Naruto, who had released him from his seal and thanked him for everything.

He was Naruto's lifelong companion.

And he was not alone.

Behind the coffins, standing in a semicircle, were the other eight tailed beasts. They had come from all over the world, to pay their respects to the boy who had united them, who had spoken to them, who had understood them. They had come to say goodbye to their friend, their brother, their saviour. They had come to honour his memory, his legacy, his dream.

They were Naruto's family.

And they were not the only ones.

In front of the coffins, kneeling on the ground, were the people who had known Naruto the best, who had grown up with him, who had fought with him, who had loved him. They were his teammates, his teachers, his rivals, his friends. They were his precious people.

And they were crying.

It was the day the world mourned for a hero. A hero who had saved them from darkness, who had given them hope, who had sacrificed everything for them. A hero who was only seventeen years old.

The funeral was grand and solemn. People from all walks of life came to pay their respects. Civilians, shinobis, merchants, nobles, and even a few daimyos. They all bowed their heads in gratitude and sorrow. Naruto was the only shinobi in whose funeral the tailed-beasts were present. They roared in grief and anger, as they watched their friend being lowered into the ground. He was buried next to his mother, who had died giving birth to him.

Konohamaru cried the most. He had looked up to Naruto as his role model, his mentor, his brother. He had vowed to follow his footsteps, to become the Hokage, to protect the village. He kept his promise. He became the seventh Hokage, and he led the village with courage and wisdom. But he never stopped missing Naruto.

Tsunade didn't move at all. She stood still, like a statue. Her face was blank, but her eyes were red. She had lost her lover, her brother, her student, and now her successor. She had lost too much. She couldn't bear it anymore. She officially retired, and left the village. Twenty years later, she passed away, and was buried next to Naruto.

Sakura cried like a baby. She had loved Naruto, but she had never told him. She had hurt him, ignored him, rejected him. She regretted it all. She wanted to make it up to him, to show him how much she cared. She began wearing orange clothes for him, despite looking hideous in them. She never took them off.

Hinata was silently sobbing next to her sister and father. She had loved Naruto, and she had told him. She had supported him, admired him, accepted him. She was happy with him, for a brief moment. She wanted to be with him, to marry him, to have his children. She never got the chance. She never married. She became the next Hyuuga clan head, and she led the clan with grace and dignity. Her final words before she died were— 'Naruto-kun'.

Kakashi tried his best not to be sad. He had taught Naruto, guided him, watched him grow. He had seen him become a hero, a leader, a legend. He was proud of him, like a father. He wanted to honour him, to continue his legacy, to make him smile. He became the next Hokage, and he married Anko, with whom he had a boy— Naruto Hatake. He named him after his student, his friend, his son.

Sasuke and Sakura married five years later, and had a daughter— Naruko Uchiha. She inherited his spirit, his will, his power. She idolised Naruto, whose face was carved into the Hokage monument, despite not being one. She called him her uncle, her hero, her inspiration. She became the Eighth Hokage.

Gaara later adopted a child, whom he named Naruto of the Sand. He was a boy who had been orphaned by war, who had been shunned by his peers, who had been lonely and sad. He reminded Gaara of himself, and of Naruto. He gave him a home, a family, a purpose. He taught him how to love, how to trust, how to live. He named him after his friend, his ally, his brother. Naruto of the Sand.

Iruka never married, he spent most of his time in 'Naruto's Ramen', which was formerly known as 'Ichiraku Ramen'. He had been Naruto's teacher, his supporter, his confidant. He had seen him grow from a troublemaker to a saviour, from a nobody to a somebody. He loved him like a son. He passed away ten years later, in his sleep. He dreamed of Naruto, smiling and laughing.

In most dimensions, Otsutsukis invaded the earth— Ishiki, Momoshiki, Urashiki, Code and so on. But in this one, they never came.

Naruto became more than just a name. He became a symbol, a legend, a legacy. People named their kids after him, in honour of him. His name was pronounced with utmost respect, with awe and admiration. History books made him a legendary figure, a hero of heroes. His accomplishments were still remembered, his deeds still praised. Kids in the academies were encouraged by saying that, 'You can always become a ninja even if you are the dead-last.' He was known as 'The Immortal Hero'.

How true it was— because nobody ever forgot him.

~~• •~~

In a distant realm, a newborn drew its first breath. The infant squinted, bewildered by the blurred world that greeted it.

"He is exquisite," murmured a feminine voice.

"Undoubtedly," chimed in another, perhaps male. "See his hair—the unmistakable mark of our lineage."

"And those eyes," the woman continued. "Not merely blue, but radiant. Like the very heavens themselves."

"They shimmer," he observed.

"Like the boundless sky," she agreed.

"So, these are THE eyes?"

"It seems so."

"I imagined a normal life for him."

"We shall grant him just that—a life of normalcy."


"But what shall we name him?"

"His eyes mirror the sky. Thus…"

"Tenodakume Gojo," the woman declared, her smile radiant. "A fitting name—Tenodakume."

The baby emitted an odd sound, baffling its caretakers.

"He doesn't seem to approve," the man observed.

"Nonsense! It's a splendid name!"

"Eyes that cradle the heavens? Too conspicuous. Can we shield him from those old fogies with such a moniker?"

"Have a better suggestion?"


"Too commonplace."





"George Washington?"

"You jest…" Their laughter echoed through the ethereal chamber.

Naruto, now thoroughly bewildered, recalled his demise. Yet here he stood, dwarfed by two colossal beings. The situation defied reason. When he attempted to speak, an infantile sound emerged—a newborn's cry.

'I am reborn!?' he wondered, his mind a tempest of questions.

~• •~

On a serene spring dawn, as the chorus of birds serenaded the world awake and sakura petals waltzed on the gentle breath of the wind, Tenodakume Gojo made his entrance into the world.

He was the progeny of Hanako and Koenji Gojo, two souls bound by more than love—they shared the legacy of their bloodline. Their matching hues of hair and eyes were the visible threads that tied them to the illustrious Gojo lineage, famed for their mystical Cursed techniques—Limitless and the rare ocular gift, the Six Eyes, a marvel that graced the clan once in generations.

Satoru Gojo, Hanako's elder brother, was the bearer of those legendary eyes, his gaze piercing the veil of the mundane to witness the extraordinary. His potential was boundless, his destiny to become the paramount sorcerer of his age. Yet, this gift cast a shadow over Hanako, leaving her overlooked and undervalued, her own non-combative abilities deemed inconsequential in the clan's eyes. While Satoru ascended to the ranks of a Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer, she remained obscured in the background.

Koenji's fate was marked by an even harsher stigma—Heavenly Restriction. Devoid of Cursed Energy, he was the outcast, the anomaly in a lineage defined by power. The clan's disdain weighed upon him, a burden he bore with silent resilience.

United by their shared isolation, Hanako and Koenji sought refuge in each other, their love a sanctuary from the world's scorn. At seventeen, they turned their backs on the Gojo name and found solace in a simple life, tending to a farm, their happiness a quiet rebellion against their birthright.

Then came the birth of their son, a child who defied all expectations. With the Six Eyes that mirrored his uncle's, Tenodakume's gaze held the brilliance of the heavens themselves. Even with closed eyes, the luminescence of his being shone through, a testament to the enigmatic power that coursed through his veins—a power that would one day challenge the very foundations of their world.

In the clandestine world of the Gojo clan and the broader realm of Jujutsu, the birth of a child with the Six Eyes was a harbinger of both awe and peril. Aware of the lengths to which some would go to possess such power, Hanako and Koenji made a heart-wrenching decision. They would shroud their son's gift in secrecy, proclaiming him blind to the world. A blindfold, akin to that worn by Satoro, would be his shield, a poignant but necessary ruse.

Tenodakume, a child of quietude and warmth, rarely shed tears. His world was one of gentle embraces and playful laughter with his parents, a sanctuary of love in a world fraught with hidden dangers.

When he uttered his first word, 'tou-chan,' it was a moment so tender it lingered in Hanako's heart for days, a balm to her spirit.

The name Tenodakume, however, seemed to sit uneasily with him, like a coat too stiff and formal. Thus, his father, inspired by a moment as simple as savoring a bowl of ramen, bestowed upon him a name that resonated with his soul—Naruto.

Naruto, with an appetite for life as voracious as his love for ramen, embraced the world with open arms. His compassion knew no bounds; he was a friend to every creature, great and small. His sense of justice was fierce, once defending the honor of an elderly woman with a courage that belied his tender age.

His parents admired his noble heart, even as they cautioned him against the folly of reckless bravery. Yet, Naruto marched to the beat of his own drum, undeterred by size or strength when standing up for what was right.

His quirks were many, each endearing him further to those who knew him best. His mother cherished his verbal tic, a signature melody in their daily lives.

Naruto bore the visage of a past life, sans the whisker marks and golden locks. His eyes, a mesmerising amethyst, held galaxies within their depths, a cosmic dance of stars and nebulae. His parents entrusted him with a sacred charge: to reveal the universe in his gaze only to those who held his heart, and whose hearts he held in return.

Beneath the veil of his blindfold, his world was awash with clarity. The fabric that shielded his eyes from the world was a paradox, for it hid the very beauty it sought to protect. He often pondered the reason behind this constant concealment—were his eyes too captivating, too extraordinary to be revealed?

As he grew, he came to realise that his sight was no ordinary gift; it was a dojutsu of remarkable power, allowing him to perceive the minutiae of the world in breathtaking detail. Knowledge flowed to him effortlessly, every explanation and lesson crystallising in his mind with vivid precision.

Yet, the origin of his unique vision remained shrouded in mystery, locked away by his parents' silence. He yearned for the day they would unveil the story of his eyes, but a whisper of doubt lingered—perhaps some secrets were destined to remain just beyond reach..

~• •~

At the tender age of four, Tenodakume Gojo, once known to the world as Naruto Uzumaki, crossed the threshold of academia. His intellect was undeniable, a brilliant flame that burned bright and unwavering. Despite his youthful defiance, he was a marvel—a prodigy whose spirit housed the wisdom of ages.

His teachers were drawn to his charm, finding joy in his innocent laughter and the sweetness of his demeanor. Yet, the shadow of envy loomed in the form of older children, who cloaked their intimidation with taunts aimed at his distinctive orange blindfold. But Naruto, resilient as ever, remained unfazed by their shallow jeers.

The day came when their words turned to actions, a physical challenge meant to break him. But the playground bore witness to their defeat, the bullies rendered unconscious, their plans undone. No suspicion fell upon Naruto, the 'blind' boy, an irony not lost on those who knew the truth.

Isolation followed, as fear replaced curiosity among his peers. They whispered 'demon' once more, a label he knew all too well. Regret tinged his heart, for his desire to connect had been overshadowed by the need to defend. Friendship, it seemed, would be a treasure hard-won in this place.

Then, at five, a day like no other dawned. The schoolyard emptied, leaving Naruto alone with the echo of laughter and the fading warmth of the sun. He waited for the familiar faces of his parents, but they did not come.

He waited.

And waited.

Time stretched on, a silent companion to his solitude.

With resolve, he ventured home, his steps carrying him to the modest embrace of their traditional Japanese abode. "Tadaima," he called into the stillness, a greeting met with silence. Concern flickered within him—were they laboring late, toiling under the weight of financial strain? Perhaps his fondness for ramen should be curbed, a small sacrifice for their well-being.

Then, the shrill ring of the telephone shattered the quiet. Startled, he reached for the receiver, his fingers brushing against the symbol of a world still new and strange to him. The call connected, and with it, the thread of destiny began to weave its next chapter.

"Hello?" His voice wavered, a mix of innocence and confusion. "This is the Gojo residence. May I ask who's calling?" The familiar endearment slipped out, a habit hard to break.

"Is this Naruto-kun?" The voice on the other end was tinged with a sorrow he knew all too well.

"Auntie?" Recognition dawned; it was the voice of his parents' friend, a comforting presence in his life.

Her words came hesitantly, a prelude to heartache. "I was at your school, Naruto-kun, but you were nowhere to be found. There's… there's something I need to tell you."

A primal instinct screamed within him to sever the connection, to flee from the impending storm.

"What's wrong?" he asked, the words barely a whisper, dread coiling in his stomach.

Through tears, she delivered the blow. "Your parents… there's been an accident at the farm. A wall collapsed…"

Silence engulfed him, a void where his heartbeat should have been.

"Naruto-kun, are you there?" Desperation laced her voice, a plea for him to respond.

But he was lost to the world, a statue with the phone still pressed to his ear. A cerulean aura emanated from him, unseen yet felt by all. It was a silent testament to his grief, a force that swept through the town, cleansing it of darkness. When dawn broke, the sorcerers would only find whispers of spirits that once were, all vanished in the wake of his sorrow.

~• •~

"Alright Itadori-kun," Satoru said as he held Yuji. "Watch how I fight."

"Domain Expansion…" Jugo stopped when he felt something powerful far away. He looked at Gojo, who had a stern expression on his face. So he asked, "Was that something connected to you?"

"Who knows!" Gojo smiled brightly. "Now, where were we?"

"Right… Domain Expansion: Coffin Of The Iron Mountain!"

"Domain Expansion: Infinite Void." Gojo shattered his opponent's domain with his own as he lifted his blindfold a bit. Then he looked at the direction the surge of that power came from. "Hanako…"


Chapter 2: Chapter Two: I Am Blind, So What?


Author Note:I hope you like this chapter. Naruto will not be overpowered here, not now, not yet. Maybe in the future... he will be.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter Two: I Am Blind, So What?

When he saw his little sister for the first time, he was determined to protect his sister from all dangers at all costs. They said she was ordinary, too ordinary, but he didn't care. He loved playing hide and seek with her. Because he knew that he would always win because of his eyes.

She was a bundle of joy indeed.

As time passed and they grew up, they got more and more distant. Satoru was trained to learn how to fully utilise his eyes and Limitless as well as other techniques whereas his sister Hanako was being neglected more and more with each passing day. It was because her cursed technique was to force someone to see something they desire the most. She had a small cursed energy pool. The clan would give him the best food and clothes while she got average or below average facilities. They treated her like this because she was a girl. And a woman could never become a clan head.

Satoru was more and more engaged in clan affairs as well as the Jujutsu society. Soon he moved out of the clan and got admission into Jujutsu High School in Tokyo.

Years went on and on.

Soon Satoru Gojo was a name known to everyone from the Jujutsu society. He became more and more busy and the memory of his sister was nothing more than a blur to him. He later hated to admit it, but there once came a time when he didn't even recognise her.

One sunny morning, he was relaxing in the garden when a girl wearing a yellow kimono came with a bucket of water. She bowed respectfully to him before watering the plants.

She had the classic Gojo looks, so he assumed her to be some non-sorcerer as he did not recognise her.

"Oi," he said.

"Yes, Satoru," she said without turning back.

"Who are you?" He asked. "Haven't seen you before."

The young woman looked at him and suddenly laughed. He raised an eyebrow at the act.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"You think I would seriously fall for that joke?"

"What joke?"

"Ha…" she abruptly stopped laughing when she saw his frown deepening.

"Well?" Satoru pressed.

"Nothing, Satoru-sama."

It was later that day that he recognised her. But it was too late. He was tasked to guard Riko, the Star Plasma Vessel. So when he couldn't save the girl, he was mentally broken. Suguru Geto's abandonment didn't help either.

His mother was always sick. The girl who used to look after his mother, his younger sister, ran away from the clan with a boy, her mother reduced her food intake in grief, and had to be force-fed medicine. A few days later his mother died after being ill for some time.

Satoru never forgave his sister for this.

He knew he was at fault here too. His eyes that used to capture everything could not recognize his own sister. It's a shame. But still…

A few years passed after that. He kept no contact with his sister. But Satoru knew where Hanako lived. He knew that she had a son. A 'blind' son.

When he was confronting Jogo and felt an aura very similar to his own he had no doubt that it was Hanako or her son.

He didn't know what to feel when he heard she was dead, along with Kenji, her husband. But he did feel a little bit pity for the five year old they had left behind.

He decided to meet the kid.

Everyone looked at him with pitiful eyes. Some ruffled his hair while some gave him some money. The boy was sitting still, no movement. But everyone could notice the obvious dampness of his orange blindfold. They knew that eventually everyone had to go and the boy would be left alone. He will have to live alone for some time.

About twenty people attended the ceremony. Most were co-workers of his parents as they had almost no friends. A few neighbours and some acquainted people also came.

There were also three people whom nobody recognized. Well, everyone assumed the eldest of them, a tall man with white hair and blindfold couldn't be anyone not related to the orphan boy. He must be a blood-relative. Poor family, blindness runs through their genes.

The man was with two teenagers. The female had short brown light hair with brown eyes wearing a navy blue top with a similar coloured skirt. She had a pouch attached to her waist. The boy with green was wearing a navy blue shirt and navy blue pants with a purplish tint. Both of the teenagers had a bored look on their face. The man on the other hand, had a stern look on his face. He was looking at the boy sitting in the middle of the hall with a sad face.

"Poor kid," Nobara Kugisaki said. "Losing parents at such a young age."

"Yeah." Megumi Fushigoro agreed. Then he looked at his sensei. "Why are we here again? Shouldn't we be preparing for the tournament?"

"Two days ago, Jujutsu Sorcerers felt some abnormal curse energy coming from this town." Gojo explained. "Every curse in this town was gone. They just disappeared. Some unknown, but powerful energy exorcised them. And guess what, the kid over there has cursed energy."

"That kid looks barely five!" Exclaimed Nobara.

"Gojo-sensei," Nobara said as she frowned. "Is that kid related to you?"

"Yeah," agreed Megumi. "That same hair and that blindfold is pretty hard to ignore. Look at those pictures over there— they also had the same hair and eyes."

Gojo didn't reply. He wasn't in his usual cheerful mode.

As the burial was finished, everyone began to leave one by one, except for the trio and the boy— who was sitting next to his mother and father's gravestone. As everyone left, the priest handed him some papers and left. The boy was still sitting there, no movement.

The trio slowly made their way towards the boy.

"Hey, kid," Nobara began awkwardly. "I am really sorry for your loss… I'm so sorry that I want to cry… but you see, I have some problems in my eyes like you… no offence, so no tears…"

"Kugisaki," Meguma flatly said. "Are you mocking him?"

"WHAT? Absolutely not… oh god, I am just not-so-good-at-expressing-my-feelings."

"Yeah, I know."

"Oi, Fushiguro, are you mocking me?!"


"What do you want?" The boy tilted his head and the trio couldn't help but notice the dampness on his blindfold. 'The boy must be crying all this time!' —they thought.

"I'll get to the point," Gojo said, much to the shock of his students— Gojo not being nice? Especially to a newly made orphan child?! "How did you do it?"

"Do what?" The boy spoke.

"Did you exorcise all those curses?"

"What is 'curse'? And how do I exercise with them?"

Megumi facepalmed and Nobara let out an unladylike laughter. The boy frowned while Gojo tapped on his own blindfold.

"I know who you are and what you possess." Gojo said and the boy shrivered a bit before immediately calming himself down. "You can't fool me."

"I can't see," the boy said as he grabbed his cane and stood up. "Stop wasting your time, old man…"

"Huh," Gojo smirked as he rubbed his chin. "You know how I look, despite being blind. You are not very convincing." The boy sniffed. "Drop the act and talk."

"Sensei," Megumi spoke. "Aren't you being too rude?"

"I know what I am doing. You just watch. And you, take off the blindfold."

"I told you," the boy almost shouted. "I am blind, so what do you want? Just leave me al… ugh…!"

"What the…" Nobara almost shouted when she saw her sensei immobilising the boy and forcefully taking his blindfold off. "Sensei, have you… oh my god… is that… are those…"

Her face was twitching as she saw the boy's eyes. The boy had momentarily forgotten about the promise he made with his parents as he unintentionally showed his amethyst eyes to the trio.

"What did you…" he froze as he processed what had just happened. He immediately shut his eyes off but instead of drawing their attention away from his eyes, they frowned as they noticed his blood vessels and capillaries of his eyelids.

"Wow," Megumi remarked. "Gojo-sensei, you now have the second most shining eyes on the planet."

Gojo ignored him.

The boy was desperately trying to escape but Gojo's grip was way too much for the five year old.

"This child is dangerous." Gojo said without letting the boy go. "Very dangerous. If given the opportunity, he can wreak havoc on the entire jujutsu society and the entire world. He must be taken to our secret headquarters. He will be executed there."

"Sensei! Have you gone crazy?" Megumi yelled. "He is only a five-year-old child! And you gave Itadori a chance even though he ate one of Sukuna's fingers— while you want to hand over a child to them, those old men, because he has Six Eyes like you... no, better Six Eyes than you? I see you burning in the fire of jealousy."

"I… I won't let you harm the boy," Nobara said as she raised her hammer towards him. "Even if I have to fight you for it!"

Using the conversation as a distraction, Naruto bit down hard on Gojo's hand and when Gojo pulled his hand away Naruto quickly ran for the door. Gojo angrily raised a bright red round ball of cursed energy at his fingertips. When he was just about to launch the attack on the boy, two figures emerged from the boy's behind and jumped at the man. Gojo jumped and effortlessly dodged their attacks and took a defensive stance. Suddenly the creatures began to speak…

"Leave the baby, leave, leave, leave, leave him, leave him, or we will kill you all, kill you, kill you."

The creatures, who were obviously cursed spirits, had the shape of something between dragon and human. One had red skin while the other had blue skin. They had long white hair that floated in an unearthly way. They had a dim white glow with their body.

Gojo lifted the blindfold over his eyes and everyone could see his sky blue eyes. Megumi and Nobara quickly began creating their own defensive and offensive attacks. Megumi summoned his white and black dog and the girl quickly took out some nails and her hammer.

"Just as I suspected," Gojo spoke with a hint of amusem*nt. "I knew you wouldn't leave him behind even in death. You had to become a cursed spirit to be so strong, because you could never be strong as a human. You are a disappointment. A coward as always."

"Shut it. Shut it. Shut it." The spirit, which appears to be a female, chanted, clutching its head and shaking violently.

"You were always weak and stupid, and now you are even weaker and stupider." Gojo continued.


"Hmm... but I have one last thing to say…" Gojo said dramatically. "Have no fear! Because it was just pure drama!"

"What?!" Nobara shouted! "You did not want to kill the boy under the pretext of danger? I was going to hammer you…"

"Whatever, my cute students! I am very proud of you. No matter how powerful the villain of injustice is, never help him, and try his best to stop him. Anyways, I was just testing one thing— if the kid was in trouble, these two would come to his aid; My guess proved true. I knew that no matter how much raw power a child can possess, he can never exorcize so many cursed spirits in such a short time. I assumed he had some help. The boy must have released a lot of cursed energy which had attracted cursed spirits and in order to protect him, these two—" he pointed towards the cursed spirits. "—finished them all."

"Woah." Nobara whistled as she exclaimed. "He must have hell of some cursed energy."

"Don't underestimate him," Satoru Gojo warned. "He has almost as equal amount of cursed energy as Yuta and has the potential to surpass Yuta and possibly even me. That's why he is dangerous."

"But sensei," Megumi said. "Did he curse his parents?"

"I don't know. But that might be the case."

"How did he bite you? Because of Infinity, any attack stops, then?"

"I was bitten because I allowed myself to be bitten. I was trying to understand at what level of danger Hanako and Kenji came to save their son. From what I understand, since they are cowards, they don't come unless there is no other way. But yes, Naruto is dangerous, both to himself and to others. I don't want anyone else to suffer the same fate as Yuta." Then, he looked at Naruto. "So, kid?"


"Oi, kid?" Gojo waved his hand at the boy who was staring at the cursed spirits.


"I think you broke him." Megumi said.

"Everyone gets traumatized when they meet sensei for the first time." Nobara added.

The boy's eyes moisturized.

"Tou-chan…" he spoke, it was barely a whisper, but everyone heard it anyway. "Oka-chan?"

"Our baby is looking at us in this form…" the red cursed spirit, the male one shouted and began to tear its white-gleaming hair off. The blue one, the female one also followed. Soon both the curses were shouting various things.

The boy suddenly burst into tears.

"You didn't leave me!" The boy came running and hugged the nearest curse, the red one. "You are back! I knew you would come back!"

A pregnant pause.

"Baby! My baby!" The curses snapped their heads towards him and began to float around him as if he was the sun and they were planets. They patted his back, ruffled his hair and so on. The boy was not afraid— two creepy looking creatures or rather, two Special Grade curses touching him and he had no fear. It was disturbing. But they were his parents and he recognised them— so it was explainable— to a certain extent. "We are sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry…"

"But how are you back? I mean… you know…"

"I'll explain, kid." Gojo said. "You come from the Gojo family, one of the three main bloodlines that possess certain abilities and techniques. So we have cursed energy running through your blood, like it or not. When we feel negative emotions, our cursed energy is released. By learning how to wield it, we can use cursed techniques. However, untamed cursed energy is dangerous and due to the shock you had when your parents died, you might have cursed them. So…" he dramatically said. "As long as the curse is not lifted, they are stuck with you! Do you get it? Or is it too hard?"

"'s 'kay." The boy hugged tighter. "I understand… enough."

"Ohhh! Our baby! Smart, cute baby!" the blue spirit shouted.

Nobara wiped a fake tear.

"You know, I would've considered clicking some photos if I had a phone or camera embodied with cursed energy." Nobara said as she sighed.

Hummed Megumi.

"We will protect you from the Jojo demon!" Suddenly the blue cursed spirit said in a joyful tune said

"Who?" the boy gave an expression by curling his eyebrow.

"That would be me!" Gojo raised his hand with a bright smile. "And it's Gojo, not 'Jojo'."

The boy looked at him and snorted. "You do look kind of suspicious and scary, old man." The boy remarked.

Gojo laughed while his students sweat dropped. 'He is hugging those curses and sensei looks weird to him?'

"So now, tell me, kid—" Gojo said as he closed in. "Are you willing to become my apprentice? I can help you to learn how to use those eyes, they are called Six Eyes by the way. I can also teach you how to use cursed energy. So, what is your answer?"

"No." Was the boy's immediate answer.

Gojo's smile faded.

"Do you hate me for that stunt I just pulled? Look, I am sorry…"

"No, I am not mad at you. I understand." The boy spoke and he raised his hands and looked at his palms. "These eyes, I can understand everything with them. But I don't want to be involved in this mess… not now. Besides, you remind me of someone I used to know. So, I don't hate you."

"Okay, your choice. But let me tell you one thing: you don't wanna get involved, huh? But soon, you will be forced to be involved." Then he looked at the cursed spirits. "And you guys, if you guys try to harm anyone, no matter whatever the reason, I will personally exorcise you without a moment's hesitation, Special Grade or not." He announced in a cold voice. But these things will come later. First, nephew, you say, where will you be now? Surely you will not be alone in that house?"

"No, I will stay there." Said Naruto. "I have them, don't I? I won't be alone. You don't have to worry about it. Now leave me alone, please"

"Okay, nephew," he turned and began to walk away. "We'll see you soon."

Megumi and Nobara followed him.

"Bye…" then he frowned. "Wait, 'nephew'?"

"Baby!" The blue curse said in a high pitched voice. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah!" His face lit up. "Ramen time!"

Geto gave his creepy smile.

"A junior Satoru Gojo?" His smile evolved into a grin. "With cursed energy almost as much as Yuta Okkotsu and with the Six eyes? Has two Special Grade cursed apparitions? My, my, I am already starving!"


Autor Note:Did you like it? Hate it? Tell me in the review sections!

Till next time!

Chapter 3: Chapter Three: The Goodwill Event-I


Autor Note:

A new chapter is here! Hope you love it!

There will be three or four, maybe five parts of this arc of the canon in my story. This is part one.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter Three: The Goodwill Event-I

Cursed Energy User:

Tenodakume Gojo

Age: Five.

Height 3'2".

Weight: 60 pounds.

Grade: Special Grade.

Assumed to be blind.

Has a gigantic cursed energy pool.

Cursed Apparition:

Hanako Gojo

Semi-Special Grade

Cursed Apparition:

Kenji Gojo

Semi-Special Grade


A ramen shop was destroyed within one week of the genesis of the curses. Seven people were severely injured.

Nine children were hospitalised within ten days of the genesis of the curses.


The boyMUSTbe executed.

Knock. Knock.

Naruto was eating his breakfast when he heard someone knocking at the front door.


Naruto opened the door, not noticing that he had a small amount of food stuck to his mouth, it made him look a little cute.

Upon opening the door Naruto discovered a smiling Yumiko-oba-chan.

"Good morning Naruto-kun," she said as she entered the house, followed by two people- a young man and a woman. Yumiko-san, she was the woman who had informed Naruto about his parents' death. Why did she bring a young couple to his house? "How are you today?"

"'m fine." He said before looking at the trio. "Oba-chan?" He asked as he let them in. The young couple smiled at him. He smiled back, which confused them as they were told that he was blind. "Who are they?"

"They are very nice people, Naruto-kun," she replied with a smile. "They can look after you now…"

"What do you mean by that?" Naruto asked with a frown.

"What I mean to say is that…" the woman hesitated for a moment before saying, "They are here to adopt you."

No sooner had she said it, than the said couple was lifted five feet above the ground and they felt being throttled. The woman, Yumiko-san screamed loudly as she saw them being lifted like that.

"Oka-san, oto-san," shouted Naruto. "Stop it!"

The duo were promptly dropped on the wooden floor and they let out a painful moan. The woman had her jaw broken while the man had deep claw marked wounds on his neck and throat.

"NOBODY CAN REPLACE US!" Shouted Kenji as he spat at the man who was struggling to breathe.


"I am… sorry Naruto-kun…!" Yumiko-san said as she rushed to open the door. "But it seems that your parents… haven't left… forgive me… I won't come again…!"

Naruto sighed as the trio ran away from the house. He needed to learn how to use this so-called 'cursed energy' which was equivalent to chakra of the shinobi world. He had better learn as fast as he could before his parents decided to kill someone off. He made his way to the telephone. He had his 'uncle's phone number as the man gave him his visiting card before leaving.


"Oh… is it my cute little nephew? How's everything going? Is your stupid mom and dad behaving?"

"They aren't stupid, old man!"

"Yeah, yeah. My question's answer?"

"They are not always around me, they appear sometimes, all of a sudden, without any kind of warning. Umm… hehe… they kinda blew away the ramen shop I went to yesterday because the man was overcharging me and they might have tried to kill a dog that tried to lick me and they might also have tried to murder a couple that came to adopt me. They also kinda broke a few bones of some of my classmates who tried to bully me."

"So they have not been behaving… hmm, thought so much." Satoru mused. "Typical. So what do you want me to do?"

"So…can you… you know… ugh… socaanyoupleaseteachme, dattebayo?"


"Can you teach me how to make them not attack people?"

"So you want to tame them."

"...that was not what I meant, dattebayo." Naruto had no solid reason to trust the man. He wanted to believe Satoru though— because Satoru Gojo looked too much like Kakashi. The reason is absurd, yet Naruto wanted to believe the man. Naruto's heart told him that the man had no evil plans for him. Naruto's heart was seldom wrong. "So, will you teach me how to use cursed powers?"

Satoru let out a sigh before saying, "I get it, don't worry, I'll send my manager to you. He'll pick you up."

"What if they try to… you know…"

"Kill him? He may appear weak at first, but he is tough. Don't worry."

"But what about my school?"

"Worry not as Satoru Gojo is here."

"...okay. But how do I know if it is him or not?"

"He is a thin man with rectangular glasses. He looks old, but isn't. Name's Kiotaka Ijichi. Expect him around twelve at noon tomorrow."

"Okay. See you, old man."

"I am not old! I am only three years older than your mom!"

"That's what I call old."


"Satoru Gojo," an old grumpy voice said. "Why is the boy still alive?"

"Because I chose not to kill him." He replied casually.

"Nine children and nine adults are hospitalised because of that boy." Another voice spoke. "That boy is dangerous."

"He may not be like Yuta Okkutsu." Another joined. "What if the curses of Hanako and Kenji Gojo are not tamed? They are nowhere as strong as Rika Orimoto, but are still strong enough. As the boy gets stronger, they will also become stronger. Either he tames them, or he dies."

"I will NOT execute him." Gojo lifted his glasses and looked in that direction.

"We have other sorcerers who can do it."

"I dare you to try." Gojo said as he let out a sarcastic laughter. "I am Satoru Gojo, Tenodakume Gojo is under my protection. Whoever tries to harm him must face me!"

They didn't reply.

A furious Satoru Gojo left the chamber.

They shared a moment of silence before someone said, "I heard that the boy will be there at the Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event. We can execute him there."

The others nodded in agreement.

As the students were exchanging some 'friendly' talks with each other, they were abruptly stopped when they felt a very ominous energy coming towards them.

At first, they looked at the stairs, hoping to see a First or special Grade curse appear before them.

But what they did not expect was a bluish-white head to appear.

They almost forgot the ominous feeling when the person fully arrived as most of them had only one thought in their minds.

'Satoru Gojo has procreated?!'

"Sorry to interrupt… eh… today Tenodakume Gojo… eh… will be watching the event with the teachers." Ijichi announced.

Naruto looked at the older boys and girls.

They were exactly the way he imagined them to be— weird. They were not talking anymore.

The scar faced woman gave him a disgusted look from time to time— as if she hated his very existence for some reason. She walked towards him and asked one simple question though.

"Oi, gaki,"


"Who is your mother?"

"Hanako Gojo." He replied. "Why?"

"Gojo? Already?!" The woman nearly jumped as she ignored him. "Damn you Satoru Gojo!"

The woman left, furious

"What just happened?" He asked Ijichi, who was standing right next to him.

"I… am not completely sure." The man replied as he tilted his spectacles. "But I think Utahime-san has misunderstood something."

Naruto looked at the older students who were gazing at him like he was some sort of criminal.

The students from Tokyo Jujutsu High were very weird.

The first thing Togo Inumaki, a second year student said to Naruto was, "Salmon". It was no wonder that Naruto replied— "Sorry, onii-san, but I like raman."

A first year student Nobara Kugisaki laughed in a disturbing way while her yearmate Megumi Fushigoro elbowed her. The boy kind of reminded him of Sasuke.

Maki Zenin, another second year student at the high school was very moody; she hardly spared him a glance before saying, "Don't be an irritating brat, or I Will Be Your Worst Nightmare."

The weirdest student of Tokyo Jujutsu High was not a human but a panda. Ironically, this one seemed to be more 'human' than the rest of his fellow students.

There was another student, Yuta Okkotsu, another second year student who was said to be the strongest student of the School as well as it's sister school. The boy had single handedly handled the competition and won it the previous year. But he was not in the country at that moment. Satoru told him that Yuta was also a Special Grade just like him and Naruto. When the boy was younger and a friend of his died, he couldn't accept the fate and rejected her death which caused her to become a Special Grade curse. Fortunately, the girl, Rika Orimoto, was freed a year ago.

The students of Kyoto High were relatively less abnormal. There was a petite blonde girl with a broom. The first thing she asked him was, "Do you think that girls only need to be strong, not beautiful to achieve success?"

"Umm… yes?" She gave him a stern look. "...I mean... no!… But why?"

"Good." She nodded. "So I don't hate you."


Another girl, Mai, who looked suspiciously like Maki ruffled his hair and told him not to be naughty. What?

There was also a… robot. The robot, Mechamaru, was silent the whole time. It wore a uniform just like normal students.

And then there was Miwa. She was one of the kindest girls he had ever met. She ruffled his hair, pinched his cheek and sweetly smiled at him without any underlying meaning. The blue haired suit-wearing swordswoman told him that she had younger siblings and loved kids.

He really, really liked her. She was great. She was flawless, except for her inferiority complex.

Noritoshi Kamo was a calm person. He kept his eyes shut. He was cold and reminded Naruto of Neji for some reason.

And finally, there was Todo Aoi…

"What kind of girl do you like?" The boy with a huge frame and a scar on his face, Todo asked with a stern look. "If I don't like your answer, I will beat you so much that you would wish you were dead. ."

A pregnant silence.

"Todo-senpai!" Miwa said. "He is only a five-year-old child!"

"I know that he is physically a five or six years old kid. But on the inside, he is a full adult— I can see it in his eyes."

"The woman who gave birth to me is dead," replied Naruto with a sad face. "The girl I loved is far away. The girl who used to like me has also gone away from me. All I have left are the memories of them that I hold dear. So, I don't have a type."

Another pregnant pause.

Naruto sniffed.

Suddenly a figure appeared out of nowhere and jumped towards Todo to attack. It spoke…

"You made my baby cry; I will kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you!"

All the students jumped back and took a defensive stance.

"Another one like Okkotsu!" Yelled Mai. "Damn! Where do all these people come from!"

The curse was throwing its claws at Todo continuously. The boy was easily dodging them. But if one looked closely, they could see Todo getting weaker and weaker with each passing second.

'A energy reducing curse.' He thought. 'I can't waste my energy with unnecessary moves. I must use my…'

Just when the curse was about to directly land a hit on his chest with its claws, Todo swapped places with Megumi by clapping his hands.

"Fushigoro!" Maki yelled as she ran towards him with her staff.

Megumi was perplexed and terrified. He knew this was a Semi-Special Grade cursed spirit. He was just about to summon a Shikigami when he realized the curse had stopped.

He looked at the curse, who was not paying anymore attention to him. Instead, it was looking at the boy, who was holding its other hand. Everyone had a question in their mind.

'When did he get there?'

"Oka-san…" he said sadly. "Please don't hurt him. Don't hurt anyone. I don't want to lose a friend because of me."

'Fushigoro is this boy's friend? Fushigoro has a friend?!'— Everyone thought.

"Don't cry baby." The curse yelled in a high pitched voice. "I will not hurt your friend. Your friends are our friends too. Don't cry…" The curse ruffled his hair before disappearing away.

"That was something." Maki commented as she walked towards him. "It's not everyday you say someone with cursed spirits."

"You are…" before Todo could finish his sentence, he was sent flying away as he received a devastating punch on his face. He hit a wall half a second later.

"Tou-chan!" Yelled Naruto. The cursed spirit gave him a questioning look and shrugged before disappearing away.

"What is this all about?" Utahime returned and stood beside Momo. She looked at Todo, who was standing up after being 'hit by a wall'. "Todo! You couldn't wait for the event to start! Kami, you will be the death of me!"

At this time, Satoru Gojo was seen coming towards them as he pushed an ice-cream type of trolley while smiling and waving at them.

"Sorry, I'm late!" He smiled happily as he stood next to Naruto and ruffled his hair. "Actually I went abroad - that's why. Hope you don't mind." He walked towards his students and took out a bundle of something pink in humanoid shape. He gave one to each. "I have brought gifts for all of you. It's for you, it's for you, it's for you…" he proceeded to give them. "And I have for Kyoto folks too!" He gave one to Mechamaru, Kamo, Momo and so on. He gave two to Miwa, much to the girl's delight. "Two for you!" Then he looked at Utahime, who had returned a few moments earlier upon hearing the uproar. "Sorry, but didn't bring any for you!"

"Forget the gifts baka!" she tried to smack on his head, but was stopped thanks to his Infinity. She sighed in irritation before asking. "WHENdid you marry?WHOdid you marry?WHYdid you marry?HOWdid you marry?"

"Uh?" Gojo looked confused. He rubbed his chin with his hand. "I am married? Wow. Didn't know that. Who's the lucky woman?"

"Umm," Ijichi decided to speak before anything awkward happened. He stood beside Gojo and leaned towards his ear before whispering something.

Gojo's smile returned.

"Naruto-kun is my cute little nephew!"




"Where are you going, Utahime?"

"I just remember that I have a SUPER IMPORTANT TASK to do." Utahime said as she began to swiftly walk away. "Later, guys!"

"...okay," Megumi said as he looked at his sensei. "Sensei, what really took you so long?"

"I have the biggest gift for you guys!" He said as he made a dramatic pose. "Presenting…"

"Yuji Itadori is back!" The trolley door was abruptly opened and a boy stood up and took an identical dramatic pose.

Nobody gave a reply. Everyone gazed at the pink haired teen with a confused expression. Megumi and Nobara looked like they had just seen a ghost. The boy looked disappointed.

"They don't look very happy!" Itadori exclaimed.

"What about the Kyoto folks!" Gojo turned the trolley towards the students who were busy with the gift he had bought for them.

"Nobody is happy!"

As the boy was engrossed in conversation with his fellow students, Gojo went to talk with two older people standing a bit far— one: a man in his late sixties, another: a man in his late forties or so.

But Naruto's mind was somewhere else. He was looking at Itadori, who was being yelled at by his friends.

Naruto lifted his blindfold a bit.

His amethyst eyes sparkled.

'A Jhinchuriki!'

Itadori looked at the boy, sadly Naruto was not quick enough to hide his eyes as Yuji spotted them. Yuji noticed the child's uneasiness and he was smart enough to not speak about his eyes. 'He has eyes I have never seen before.' He thought. 'They were shining! Is he someone related to sensei?'

"Hello, Kid!" Yuji stood in front of him before kneeling. "My name is Yuji Itadori. What is yours?"


"So are you here to watch the game?"

"Yeah, I guess, dattebayo."

"You are with sensei?"

"The old man? Yeah." Naruto scratched his head. "Umm, if you don't mind telling me… do you have someone inside you?"

Yuji was taken aback by the question, but he smiled at the boy.

"I can tell you, but I have a condition."

"Condition…" Naruto tensed. Ever since his parents died, he has been feeling very insecure about others around him. He feels uneasy because he fears that his parents might attack someone if they sense any sort of danger from others. Being the hyperactive kid Naruto is, it is very hard for him to stay calm, resulting in making him look like a shy kid. He asked Satoru for help because he wanted to master this power to cause less distress to others as well as wanting to free his parents, "W-what is it?"

"Will you be my friend?" Yuji asked with a friendly grin.

Naruto gave him a foxy grin.

Somewhere in Jujutsu High.

A being with multiple eyes with a human-like figure was sitting in a meditative posture when suddenly all of its eyes snapped open.

"He is here!" Tengen quickly conjured an ancient looking book with a brown cover. She swiftly flipped a few pages before she reached the page. It read—

Marvel of creation, a boy with amethyst eyes,

Yearning to break the chains of ancient myth,

Tresses pale as winter snow, reflecting moonlit skies.

He holds the heavens captive with just one glance,

Ever defying fate with courage unyielding and strong,

- Looking through veils of darkness, he'll take every chance.

Beneath his gaze, impossible becomes reality,

Roaming the realms of mystic lore and fantasy,

Escaping the clutches of a world on fire,

Awestruck whispers follow him, his legend does inspire.

Keeper of the secrets hidden in ethereal flight,

Engulfed in love from god, a celestial light.

Demonstrating strength like wings of divine angels,

In this apocalypse, he bears hope amidst life's tangles.

"So it is true…" Tengen whispered. "It really is true… he is here. Kenjaku, you also know it, don't you? So what will you do now?"


Author Note:

Did you like it? Hate it? Tell me in the review section.

Until next time!

Chapter 4: Chapter Four: Goodwill Event-II


Author Note:A new chapter is here! Hope you like it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter Four: Goodwill Event-II

"Tenodakume Gojo, huh?" Mahito said as he turned a page of his book.

"So the boy has Six Eyes?" Jogo said in a worried tune. "Now that's a big problem. One Satoru Gojo is already causing enough trouble. The boy is a big problem."

"Not yet," Geto corrected as he took a sip from his lemon juice. "He may have a car, but he doesn't know how to drive. It's as simple as that."

Jogo sneered.

Currently, Geto, along with Mahito and Jogo, was relaxing on deck chairs. Jogo was still recovering after he fought against Satoru Gojo while Mahito was in a jolly mood. Geto had that 'I am very wise and nice' smile on his face.

"I wanna play with that kid!" Mahito cheerfully said as he snapped his book shut. He leaned towards Geto and asked, "Can I?"

"Hmm," Geto gave him an understanding smile. "He is not fun to play with yet. Although…"

"Yes! His cursed parents!" Mahito stood up. "They should be enough of a challenge."

"Mahito," Geto sternly said. "Stay away from the kid. At least wait until Satoru Gojo is sealed away."

"Ugh!" Mahito pouted. "You're no fun!"

"The boy will have an important role in the future." Geto said as he took another sip.

"Really?" Jogo asked, genuinely curious.

"Indeed." Replied Geto before he mentally added, 'In the Culling Games and...' He smirked.

• •

"You are still alive, old man." Gojo said as he patted the old man's shoulder. "I thought you would have died from the shock of Yuji being alive."

"Youngsters these days…" He sighed. "Why is Sukuna's vessel and that Gojo boy still alive?" Yoshinobu Gakuganji asked.

"I am not letting my own nephew be executed and as for Yuji," Gojo smiled. "You guys sent him to die there, didn't you? Well, he just returned from being dead! Isn't that amazing!"

Gakuganji sighed.

"Can you not feel that boy's odd presence?" Argued Gakuganji. "It is different from Okkotsu's. He must be—"

"I already told you, old man," Gojo said in a stern voice. "Leave him alone. Both of them."

"You will regret your actions." The old principal said before walking away.

Satoru looked at Yaga and jumped at him to give a hug. "Yo! Yaga-sensei…!"

…but he had to stop.

"Alright everyone!" Yaga said as he tightly held Gojo between his armpits, stopping the man from saying anything irritating. "The rules are simple." Yaga said. "The Tokyo-Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event will be held over two days. The first day is going to be group battles," Principal Yaga announced as he held Satoru. "The rules are simple. The first team to exorcize the second-grade cursed spirit released in the designated area wins. Several third-grade and lower cursed spirits will be released into the designated area, as well. If a winner is not decided by sunset the team that excorcises the most cursed spirits wins. There is no other rule. Also, you can try to sabotage the others. However, keep in mind that you're all on the same side in the fight against the curses. I hope this programme will help you to learn about yourselves and your future companions through competing."

Satoru had been struggling to escape through the entire speech, and began to struggle with some more effort. He soon began to tap on Yaga's back to submit. Yaga ignored Satoru's surrender and continued his speech.

Utahime openly laughed at his struggle. Everyone knew she had some sort of twisted and complex feeling for that man by now.

"You are not allowed to kill anyone, but you can injure them. However, the injury should not be beyond recovery. That's it. Any questions?"

Nobody had any.

"Good. You're all dismissed. The event begins at noon. All the best!"

• •

Much to the annoyance of Naruto, he was forced to sit on Satoru's lap. The man was tickling him from time to time. He could feel his parents wanting to come out and kill Satoru. He hated to admit it. But they were cowards around Satoru Gojo. Was he really that strong?

The observation room had five occupants. There was an extremely old man, who was glaring at him for some unknown reason.

There was that scar-faced woman, who was trying to hide her face under her hairs. Perhaps she was feeling uneasiness about the previous interaction.

There was a middle aged dark skinned man wearing sunglasses. He had an 'I am nice guy' aura around him.

A woman around Satoru's age wearing navy blue clothes with a huge braid in front of her face covering one of her eyes was looking at him as if he was some product on display for sale. He shivered under her gaze.

Satoru was being… annoying as ever, trading 'friendly' words with Utahime and talking something about 'traitors'.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Utahime asked Satoru as she took a sip of tea from her cup. "I can be a traitor too, you know."

"Nah," He moved his hand in a dismissing way and stretched a grin across his face. "You can't be a traitor."

"Really?" A smile, barely visible, was seen on her face. "Do you believe me that much?"

"Nah, you're too weak, nobody would ever involve you in such things."

Dead silence.

"Satoru!You should learn how to respect your seniors!" She stood up and threw the tea at him. However, the Infinity barrier saved him from it. Sadly, Naruto didn't have that sort of protection as he was showered with hot liquid. He screamed as he was surprised and the pain was obvious. His skin was not that of an adult, causing the pain to multiply a few times.

Satoru's grin faded as Utahime paled while others looked at the scene with curiosity.

"What have you done?!" A very familiar voice was heard.

"SHE HURT OUR BABY! SHE MUST DIE!" Another voice joined.

Everyone gaped as they saw two figures, one red and nother blue Cursed Spirits emerging from the ceiling and proceeding towards the scar-faced woman in a very intimidating way.

"Oh crap."

"You brought this to yourself Utahime," Satoru said sagely as he did a mock salute. "It was nice knowing you. Rest in peace."

By the end of the 'session', Utahime had a few broken bones and a huge potato on her head. She was saved by the boy whom she will be indebted to for as long as she is alive.

Gakuganji was observing everything for quite some time now. He decided that it was time he asked the question that has been bugging him from the start.

"Gojo Satoru?"

"Yeah, old man?" Satoru looked at him. "You need help going to the washroom?"

Gakuganji ignored that.

"One thing I still don't understand— how can the boy watch the game if he is blind?"

"Who said he is blind?" Satoru said with a smile. "He sees with his eyes, he sees well. He can see even better than all of us."

"More than all...?" Mei Mei raised an eyebrow.

"But he is wearing a blindfold." Yaga pointed out.

"He has the Six Eyes of course!" Satoru promptly removed Naruto's blindfold in a blurred motion.

"That was totally uncalled for!" Naruto blinked at the people and smiled awkwardly. "He, he…"


Everyone was gazing at the amethyst orbs.


"Hey!" Satoru said as he rubbed his head. "What was that for?"

"You were not supposed to tell that to anybody. "

"Really?" Satoru scratched his chin. "Well everybody would've known eventually. Now we can know who is your friend and foe!"

"How so?" Naruto asked.

"There are now four other people who know about Tenodakume having Six-Eyes. I am pretty sure that Principle Yaga won't disclose this to anybody, except for maybe telling Master Tengen. Utahime rarely meets higher ups, so she has less than a ten percent chance of telling about Naruto's Six-Eyes to those geezers." He looked at Mei Mei who smirked. "I think Mei Mei isn't seeing any profit in selling this information."

"Not at the moment." The woman smiled. "Besides, I have morals too."

"As for Principle Geezer… I am one hundred percent sure he will be sharing this piece of information with his half-dead fellows…"

"How dare you accuse me…" The old man yelled.

Meanwhile Naruto was watching the fight between Todo Aoi and Yuji Itadori. The older boy is giving some lectures to the younger one. There are a lot of things that Naruto did not know and he is also learning with Yuji.

'So Cursed Energy is Chakra's equivalent, but at the same time— it is completely different.' Thought Naruto. 'Chakra is both physical and spiritual, whereas Cursed Energy is mostly spiritual. However, one can enhance their physical capabilities by using Cursed Energy. It's like using Chakra like Sakura-chan and Baa-chan. Interesting. In order to mould Cursed Energy, one must first feel it. It appears that Cursed Energy is a by-product of negative emotions. So if I can control my negative emotions, I should be able to use Cursed Energy— theoretically. However, it is not an easy task to do as I am only physically five years old. But then again, I have these so-called Six-Eyes; I can understand everything that is theoretically explainable. I can also understand anything that is practically visible. So if I can see a practical demonstration of usage of Cursed Energy, then I should be able to understand how to use my own. My 'uncle's Infinity barrier is too complex for me to understand. In order to see a practical demonstration, I must go out and see a match live with my own eyes…'

It was at this point that he noticed a hand being waved in front of his face.

"Oi!" Naruto looked at Satoru, who was waving his hands in front of his face. "Are you okay? You just spaced out a bit."

"'m fine, dattebayo." He said. He looked thoughtful for a moment before asking, "Hey old man, can I ask something?"

"Shoot away."

"I want to learn how to use Cursed Energy."

"Huh?" Satoru looked confused. "I already told you that I am going to teach you then what is this all about?"

"I want to see the match with my own eyes."

Satoru didn't reply for a moment before he clapped. "Oki-doki!"

With that both uncle and nephew teleported away instantly, leaving behind a perplexed audience.

"One Satoru Gojo is a lot of headache, imagine two of them." Gakuganji sighed.

"I couldn't agree more," Utahime added.

Yaga sighed while Mei Mei laughed.

• •

Naruto found himself tightly held by Satoru.

"Hey, what's the big idea—" He looked at his surroundings and froze. "Agh…! We are floating in the sky…!"

"Calm down, gaki." Satoru said casually. "It's nothing too dangerous."

"We are in the middle of freaking clouds, dattebayo! How can it not be dangerous?!"

Naruto being paranoid and in panic mode was justified. Naruto flew only once or twice in his life as a Shinobi. After Hagoromo gave him Six Paths Chakra, he was able to fly. But under the constant pressure of war, he didn't even realise how scary it was to look down and see nothing under your feet.

"Do you want to give up then?" Satoru asked in a monotone.

Naruto halted his motions. He looked at the man and said, "I never give up!"

"Good," Satoru nodded. "I don't want you to die in regrets."

"What was that?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. But before he could get an answer, he felt discomfort over his forehead. "Ouch. Man I hate when my brain can't keep up with the information these eyes provide. It is really irritating."

"I can relate," Satoru said. "Now, let me give you a brief description of Infinity."

"I thought we were gonna watch the game."

"We are." Satoru nodded. "But at the same time, you will listen to my 'lecture'."


Satoru laughed wholeheartedly.

Despite being three hundreds of metres above the ground, Naruto could see everything in perfect detail. It was irritating, but he was slowly getting used to it.

"Let's talk about Limitless first." Satoru began. "In its neutral form, the base state of the Limitless is referred to as the "Infinity," which operates in a manner reminiscent of convergent and divergent series in mathematics. This technique gives a user the ability to stop virtually anything directed towards them, by subdividing the space between them and the object an infinite number of times, until the object slows down so much that it appears to halt its motion completely. Anything that enters this infinitely divided space will never reach the user, acting almost like an invisible force field around them. The only way to overcome this ability is through Domain Expansion, Domain Amplification, or special cursed tools that can negate the technique entirely."

"Umm… hey, old man?" Naruto said as hot steams were released from his ears.

"What is it?" Satoru felt irritated at being interrupted.

"It's not that I don't appreciate it, but shouldn't you teach me the basics of Cursed Energy first?"

"Didn't Ijichi tell you the basics?"

"He did," Naruto nodded. "But it was very brief. I was hoping you could teach me more."

"You have a logic," Satoru said as his eyes shifted at the fight between Todo and Yuji. "But I have a feeling that in the upcoming future, a dark time is coming in which we must be ready. Basics are important, true. But if you know nothing about actual combat, you will die." He gave a dark smile. A very sinister one too. "I am sure that you are going to be in a lot of those fights."

"I am a five year old kid for crying out loud!" Retorted Naruto. "Who and why would someone want me to fight?"

"I don't know," Satoru sighed. "But I'm sure that in the upcoming future you will have to fight for your life whether you like it or not."

Satoru proceeded to tell him more about Limitless while he observed the fight between Yuji and Todo. He was learning multiple things at the same time.

But for some unknown reason, he felt something sinister…

• •

"Satoru Gojo has left… what? But I thought… why? But… ugh! Fine." The man said before he chanted. "Darker than darkness, emerge from darkness. Purify that which is impure…" He looked at the veil that was emerging. "If I can't get Satoru, I will get his son at the very least!"

He laughed like a maniac.


Author Note:The theories about Limitless and Infinity are directly taken from Gamer Rant.

Hope you loved it.Next Chapter is coming soon!

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Chapter 5: Chapter Five: Goodwill Event- III


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter Five: Goodwill Event- III


"I told you not to call me that, baka!"

"Aww… so cruel! I thought you liked me."

"Shut it! Just because we had to share the same chopsticks doesn't mean I like you. Besides, I am forbidden to have this sort of feeling, remember?

"Hmm… of course, 'Guardian of the Barrier'"

"I am already in a sore mood after everything Sukuna did, don't make it even worse."

"Hmm, about that, 'Ten-chan', what are your opinions about his actions?"

"What do you mean 'opinions', huh? He killed everyone in that dojo. Just because they were rude, doesn't mean he should kill them."

"That is something I can agree on with you."

"There's a 'but' there."

"There is no 'but'."

"Tell me what it is in your mind."

"I have nothing in my mind."


"Has sensei told you about the 'Child Of Prophecy'?"

"Huh? Who doesn't know about it? It's a hot topic."

"It's like a fairy tale, isn't it?"

"It was just a stupid old man's stupid dream. I mean, who has shining amethyst eyes?"

"Six-Eyes' users—"

"Aren't they usually blue?"

"That is not necessary."


"Say, Ten-chan, you have the immortality technique and sensei mentioned that you will be the one to guard the barrier."

"Yeah, so? Are you jealous it wasn't you?"

"Nah, I like to be young. You have immortality technique, not evergreen technique."

"As much as I hate to agree with you, it's true. But why are we talking about this?"

"Do you wish to meet him one day?"


"The 'Child of Prophecy'."

"I don't care."

"I wish I could."

"What's on your mind?"

"Just imagine, 'Ten-chan', with his powers, we could understand the real power of cursed energy. Imagine what we could accomplish!"

"You are doing that again."

"...oh, sorry. Anyways, if he is ever born into this world, I wish to be there to see what changes he brings to the Jujutsu world."

"What if he doesn't want such a thing? What if he wants to live a normal life?"

"It's his destiny."

"Destiny, huh? Well keep dreaming. I am leaving. Goodnight, Kenjaku."

"Goodnight, Tengen."

~• •~

Inumaki took the phone from Fushigor's shikigami and dialled Miwa's number.

"Hello, useless Miwa speaking."

"Go to sleep."

As Inumaki heard a thud sound from the other side of the line, he understood that their plan had worked.

"Go back." He told the shikigami after patting on its head.

He was about to walk away when he heard a twig break from behind him.

He quickly unzipped his high-collar and looked back.

A First Grade cursed spirit's head was seen and it looked at him from behind a tree.

He was perplexed, but went to take quick action when the head of the curse was broken by a pale and huge looking head.

A Special Grade curse came into his view.

~• •~

Naruto was sitting on a tree branch watching Todo and Yuji play, or fight. Obviously Yuji is stronger, but Todo is more durable and skilled. Therefore none of them could defeat each other. Naruto watched Maito Gai's Taijutsu—this standard of combat was boring to him. Both of them could be destroyed by Gai in his prime without opening any Gate. It's funny, really. The power of the people of Ninja Earth is far, far greater than the power of the people here. If his father, Minato was told to wield some Hiraishin Kunai and fight against all the warriors in this world, he would be seen standing over everyone's unconscious bodies in the blink of an eye.

A shinobi is versatile. A sorcerer? Not always. That's the difference in strength between a sorcerer and Shinobi.

Naruto trained from a young age while living in Konoha. He would train so much that he would pass out from exhaustion. Still he would not give up. Beat Kiba in a race? He trained. Sasuke must be defeated In hand-to-hand combat? He trained. Bet with Tsunade to learn the Rasengan? He trained. Sage Mode? He trained. Mastering Kyuubi's Chakra? He trained. He never gave up training. Ever. Even before his very death in the Shinobi World, he trained.

His determination was still there.

These sloppy moves were nothing for him.

Satoru told everyone that Naruto had tremendous potential. Everyone knew he was going to be a force to reckon with. But no one, not even his own parents knew this—

He was ashinobi.

He wasNaruto Uzumaki.

Not maybe for too long, a couple of hours perhaps, but he reached the pinnacle of Shinobi. For a few hours, he was the greatest Shinobi ever to exist.

Strength? More than Tsunade's.

Speed? Faster than Minato.

Tactics? Better than both Tobirama and Kakashi.

Scale of Attacks? Far superior to Hashirama's.

Jutsus? More powerful than Hiruzen's.

Still, there was a reason why he was watching this game so closely.

This world didn't have Chakra. But it did have this so-called 'Cursed Energy'.

If he could master this power, then many, if not all of his techniques could be resurrected. Ah… how he missed Rasengan, Shadow Clones and… Oiroke-No-Jutsu…

It is only a matter of fact before he learned how to wield this energy. He still had massive reserves, just like a true Uzumaki— his mother, Kushina would've been proud.

He was not wearing his blindfold anymore. He was recording everything from this fight. Every flow of energy, every word from the lectures, every tip. Everything.

Something piqued his interest though…

Black Flash.

"Listen, Yuji, my brother," Todo said as he placed his hands on his hips. "Black Flash is a distortion in space that occurs when cursed energy is applied within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. When a sorcerer is able to achieve this, their cursed energy flashes black, and the destructive power of their strike is equal to a normal hit to the power of 2.5. The difference between those who have used the Black Flash and those who haven't is like the difference between heaven and earth. They are on a whole other level."

"Cool!" Yuji chirped. "So I am going to do it?"

"No one can ever do this at will." Todo sternly said. "Not even Satoru Gojo. It does not happen randomly and requires immense concentration."

"Not even with the Six-Eyes?!"

"Yes. Nanami Kento is the current record holder, He could use five Black Flash."

"Is that so?"


"Oi, gorilla-nii-chan?" Naruto called from the tree branch.

"Ye… oi!" Todo realised that he had just approved the nickname by turning at the child. "Don't call me that!"

"Yeah, yeah," Naruto waved it off and jumped from the tree branch, which was seven feet above the ground and landed gracefully, much to the shock of the older boys. "Say, can you use Black Flash?"

"I have used it a couple of times, but haven't mastered using it." Todo replied honestly.

"Oh, that's too bad." Yuji said. "I wanted to learn it badly."

"You Don't need a mentor in order to learn how to use it," said Todo. "You just learn it under pressure from the situation."

"That's understandable." Sagely nodded Naruto.

"Now," Todo said as he assumed his fighting stance once more. "We have a fight to continue. Satoru Gojo said that you will not disturb our spar, I hope you will respect his words."

"Yeah, yeah, gorilla-nii-chan." Naruto said as he went to walk away only to abruptly halt his motion as he felt something suffocating, an ominous presence. He swiftly turned his head towards the older duo, who also had an identical perplexed expression on their face. He said, "Is it normal?"

"No," Todo replied without turning. He looked at Yuji. "It must be a Special Grade cursed spirit. Brother, looks like we have a perfect opportunity to learn Black Flash."

They quickly started to make their way towards the place where the feeling was coming from. Naruto stood there for a moment before following them.

'Not only Yuji-nii-chan, but also I am going to learn Black Flash today!'

~• •~

Hanami was just about to finish off the boy and girl when he abruptly stopped as he felt a cluster of powerful auras approaching.

Before he could fully understand what or who was coming, he found his surroundings saturated with the auras. They were fast.

There were three people. One of which he recognised as Sukuna's vessel, other he recognised as… is that Tenodakume Gojo? He couldn't hurt the child as Geto forbade them to do so. The last member of the trio was a muscular young man with a scar on his face. He also had a powerful aura around him.

Sukuna's vessel was supposed to be very weak and a newbie in the Jujutsu world. But he couldn't underestimate them.

Moments later, a pander…? A panda came and took the injured girl and boy away. Meanwhile Sukuna's vessel stepped into the water and began to walk towards Hanami with a calculative gaze. The muscular boy and the child stood by the trees and took a relaxing pose.

Were they underestimating him?

Were they that strong?

"Yuji, my brother," the oldest of the group called to the pink-haired boy. "I will not help you unless you successfully launch a Black Flash, even if you die."

"Got it!" Sukuna's vessel, now named Yuji, announced with determination.

"Onii-chan," the youngest of the trio called out. "Tell me how you feel when you release the Black Flash."

What is Black Flash? Was it strong enough to take him, a Special Grade cursed spirit down?

No chance.

They are probably messing around.

They stand no chance…

"Black Flash!" Before he could understand what had happened, a blur came in his view and the pink haired boy landed a devastating blow on his torso and Hanami was sent a few metres away under the force of the strength while the water in the path was promptly divided in the pathway. It was astonishing— the amount of strength and speed the boy possessed.

But Hanami was unhurt.

He was shocked— true. But he was far from being defeated

"Man, I really thought that I could have a Black Flash over there." Yuji said disappointingly as he stared at his fist.

"Don't give up onii-chan!" Cheered by the younger boy. "Kick that bastard's butt!"

"Yeah, you bet!" Yuji launched himself at Hanami again.

"You can't just launch it in the first attack." Todo said. "Just keep punching that curse."


"You think I'll let you?" Hanami said by establishing a mental link.

"It just talked in my head," Tenodakume shouted. "It… "

"Of course I can talk, child." Hanami said.

"Oi, curse," the pink-haired boy said. "Do you happen to know a stitch-faced curse?"

'He is talking about Majito, isn't he?" Hanami thought. "What if I said I did?"

"Whatever," Yuji said as he took a step forward. "You are going down...Divergence Fist!"

Hanami quickly dodged the punch. Yuji threw an uppercut. Hanami couldn't avoid that. Hanmi was pushed several feet away. Hanami decides to use his cursed technique. Roots upon roots began to emerge from the ground and went to tangle Itadori. Yuji tried his best to dodge the attacks, hence his motions became little more than a blur.

Todo and Naruto were observing their 'brother's movements with a very keen set of eyes. Todo was looking for flaws and noting areas that needed improvements while Naruto followed the flow of cursed Energy not only in Yuji, but also in the cursed spirit

It was truly a fascinating sight to see.

The flow of cursed energy in their body was truly quite unique. The way they were being released, it was amazing. While cursed energy was not as potent as Chakra, it was still very powerful in its own right. The Hyuuga could release Chakra from most of their body parts, but cursed energy can be released from any part of one's body. Which means— no Chakra pathways, but each of your cells could radiate energy.

'Magnificent,' Naruto smiled unknowingly. 'I wonder how many ways I can exploit this, dattebayo.'

Yuji threw a barrage of punches which disintegrated the roots. But he wasn't able to stop the assault as they kept coming and coming. Yuji jumped at Hanami with a fist prepared to connect with the curse's jaw. Hanami summoned a wooden shield to protect himself.

"Black Flash!"

Black and crimson light was erected from the punch that Yuji had launched. The punch was so powerful that the wooden shield was unable to withstand it, which ultimately caused the punch to connect with Hanami.

Hanami was shocked. It was not something he deduced would've happened. The punch was far more powerful than the ones from earlier. It was so powerful that Hanami vomited blood.

"Oh, yeah!" Exclaimed Todo happily. "You did it my brother!"

"Great job onii-chan!" Naruto added.

"Thank you," Yuji said while not shifting his gaze from the curse.

He threw a punch aimed at Hanami's face. But that didn't work, Hanami immediately came up behind Yuji and landed a punch on his back. The force of the punch was so chilling that Yuji almost passed out. He fell about six metres away.

"That was a lucky hit," Hanami said as he approached the fallen boy. "It was my mistake I underestimated you. It won't happen again."

Todo stepped forward and Hanami halted his approach. He helped Yuji stand up. "Brother, you have fulfilled the requirement. Now, I shall assist you—"

"I'll help too, dattebayo!" Naruto said from the background.

"Shut up!" Todo roared. "You are not my friend, let alone brother. Besides, you haven't even told me what type of girls you like."

'Gorilla-nii-san is very knowledgeable.' Naruto quickly thought. 'I must keep a goid relationship with him. In order to stay in his good list, I must answer it. But how? How about…'

"Well… I… um… like pink-haired ones, with green eyes, those that hit on your head whenever you say something stupid, and, um… those that have monstrous strength— enough to crater into earth and um those who can break every single one of your bones before healing them. The ones with another personality too…"

The other three stared at him for a long time.

"Was that a fusion of me, Kugisaki, Maki-senpai, Fushigoro and Shoko-sensei?" Yuji deadpanned.

Naruto shrugged.

"Ugh… I don't know half of them." Naruto said. "But, that's my type. So—"

"Hahaha...ha!" A mouth on Yuji's left cheek appeared. "I like you Child of Pro…"

"Who asked for your opinion?" Yuji halted him mid-sentence by putting his hand on the cheek.

Todo raised his left hand. They looked at him

"That…" Todo said as he clenched his raised hand's fist. "...was very descriptive. I am not sure if that is boring or not. But," he looked at the child and gave a thumbs up. "That sure is an interesting type, even if it is unrealistic and full of fantasy."

Naruto grinned. This was a good improvement.

"Now, it's time we finish this curse. Tenodakume, stand there and watch."

Todo and Yuji marched towards the curse at an astonishing speed before punching at it together. The curse flew about twenty metres away before hitting itself with a tree. It stood up and raised its hand and once again tree roots began to come out from the ground and try to tangle the duo. Todo and Yuji effortlessly dodged all the roots and attacked the curse with great speed.

Todo revealed his cursed technique, a technique that allows him to swap places with anything or anyone. Using this, he, along with Yuji cornered the cursed spirit. The cursed spirit was pushed, thrown, trashed, kicked, punched and so on.

The duo was truly dynamic.

It was scary and reminded Naruto of the Naruto-Sasuke duo. Whenever they were together— they were unstoppable.

"Black Flash!" Yuji landed another one of those attacks and successfully injured the cursed spirit.

Meanwhile, Naruto was observing their flow of cursed energy. The way every cell reacted, the way every muscle contracted and the way the curse released its attacks.

Naruto keenly observed Yuji's second Black Flash and was mesmerised by its beauty. He focused his own cursed energy and tried to draw it out. He raised a filst and tried to engulf it with cursed energy.

Needless to say, he succeeded— he had the Six-Eyes, that's why.

His cursed energy was sky-blue coloured, not neon coloured like most sorcerers. It felt like his physical strength had amplified five times. It felt great.

Naruto now understands why the Hyuuga and Uchiha were so arrogant. He knows why Nagato called himself 'god'. He knows why Hagoromo was 'Sage of the Six Paths'. Because seeing is power.

'I wonder if I can do THAT by covering my whole body with cursed energy…'

The curse took the fight to the next level and erupted so many branches of trees at the same time and attacked at the duo that they had no choice but to jump— but it ultimately caused the roots to entangle them. The duo quickly got rid of the roots by tearing them off with their sheer strength alone.

The cursed spirit was not done yet as it began to drop more and more roots and tree branches and then pushed them towards the sky.

Naruto lept from tree branch to tree branch in order to see the fight.

The duo made their way towards the curse by running on the tree branches. Abruptly, all of the tree branches disappeared, making both teens perplexed and terrified.

But before they could hit them, they used one another's feet as base and jumped by gathering momentum.

"Black Flash!" Yuji's third attack did some serious damage to the curse as it fell on its knees and immediately began to tremble in fear.

"We shall end you here!" Todo declared confidently as he landed beside Yuji.

Yuji nodded in agreement and proceeded to walk towards the curse.

The curse, who was currently desperately looking for a way to escape, expanded its hands together and method two words that Naruto will remember.

"Domain Expansion…!"

Naruto could feel Cursed energy building around the area. He looked at the curse with hungry eyes— trying to learn everything and anything that he can learn; even if he has to get injured for it.

However, before anything could happen and the curse could launch its technique, he looked up in the sky as he felt a very powerful presence and killing intent.

Satoru Gojo was levitating hundreds of metres away.

He had lifted the veil.

All of a sudden he disappeared from there. But neither of them moved from their spot as if they were waiting for his action to take place.

Five seconds later the curse began to do something on the ground. As roots began to come out and cover the curse.

"I am not fool enough like Mahito to fight with Satoru Gojo. This is not over, we will meet again."

As twenty seconds passed, Naruto felt something odd. Perhaps Todo felt it too, as he relaxed a bit.

"You think we will let you escape?!" Yuji stepped forward only to be stopped by Todo.

"Yuji, my brother," he told Itadori. "If you take one more step, then you will die."


Before Yuji could ask what was wrong, a very powerful purple energy beam came towards them, specifically aimed towards the curse, destroying every tree and everything in its way. The diameter of the energy beam was about ten meters.

The power was so strong that they had to cover their eyes with their hands lest they should be blinded.

"AHHH….!" The curse yelled in agony before the purple light completely engulfed it.

When the light was gone they saw that the entire line of area that the energy had come from had created a very long semicircle by destroying everything in the way.

"That's Satoru Gojo for you," Todo smirked. "He does everything in a unique way."

"Yeah, but," Yuji looked at the area and the massive hole. "Now we cannot find out if the Curse is exorcised or not."

Whether the curse was exorcised or not, Naruto had learned a lot of things from the fight and lectures.

He was satisfied.

~• •~

Megumi was not expecting The boy to declare him as his friend. He was surprised, his friends too.

He was surprised when he saw the boy with Todo Aoi and Yuji come in aid of him and Maki.

He was further surprised when Tenodakume declined Panda-senpai's offer to come back.

Why would he want to stay there?

Regardless, Megumi was too weak to argue.

When he woke up in the infirmary ward, he was greeted by the bright faces of Yuji, Nobara and… Tenodakume.

They shared a pizza before Todo came and chased Yuji away.


"Huh?" The boy, who was chewing, looked at him. "Waat iz et?"

"Why did you call me your friend there?"

"Ah? Owh, I thought we were?"

"No, we aren't."

"Aww, you tried to protect me from that old man that day. That's why you are my friend. Hammer-nee-chan too!"

"Oi! Who are you calling Hammer-nee-chan!" Nobara raised her hammer. The boy jumped back and began to get up, but the girl caught him.

"Sorry! Hammer-nee-chan!"

"Shut it!"

Megumi's lips curled upwards a bit.


Author Note:Thanks for all the support guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Add it toFAVOURITEFOLLOW.Don't forget toREVIEW!

Next chapter is coming soon. Till next time!

Chapter 6: Chapter Six: The Goodwill Event- IV

Chapter Text

Chapter Six: The Goodwill Event- IV

"Naru-chan~ Where are you~"

"'m 'ere~!"

"In the closet?"


"Got you!"

Kenji opened the closet, but found no one. That's odd, he was pretty sure he heard Naruto's voice coming from there.

"Naru-chan?" He asked in confusion.

"'m 'ere~!"

The voice was coming from the yard, that was certainly weird. He slided the door open and peeked outside. No one was seen at first. Perhaps Naruto was hiding behind the bonsai trees?


"EEP…!" He jumped in surprise as he was not expecting Naruto to come from behind. He looked back at the boy who was giggling. Naruto has always been a mystery. He was inhumanly fast, even faster than Kenji himself, who had Heavenly Restriction. But the boy had no lack of cursed energy as he often radiated immense amounts of it unintentionally. Suddenly, his three year old boy stopped giggling and frowned. Ignoring the adorable expression on the toddler's face, he looked in the direction his son was looking at.

A cursed spirit, perhaps a fourth grade threat. So his son could see them? Well, no surprise there. It would be odd for a Six-Eyes user not to be able to see a curse. He sighed. It's time to give him the TALK. He was lucky that Hanako lost the rock-paper-scissor game. Now she would have to give Naruto the TALK when he hits puberty and Kenji has to give Naruto the TALK when he first sees a cursed spirit.

"Naru-chan?" He looked at his toddler who was still looking at the monkey-like creature with fascination. The curse was kinda' cute though. Anyways, back to business…! "See that thing over there?"

"That is what we call a curse."

"A curse?"

"Yes, a curse. You see one, stay away from them, go away. Got it?"


"Because they are bad and they hurt humans."

"But it won't hurt anybody."

"Hurting humans is what curses do. They have no feelings, they just do whatever they like."

"That is not true, dattebayo."


"I know it, somehow. It is just sad. It is lonely."

"It just looks like that, it isn't sad or anything. Maybe it's just trying to lure you out. It's a trap."

"No, it isn't."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I can see everything."

"That's not an explanation, kid."

"It is." Naruto nodded. "Every creature has a light around their body. Yours and mom's light is green when you are with me. But sometimes, when you guys are alone, at night, it becomes brown for a few minutes…"

"I-I get your point. You don't need to elaborate on it."

"'Kay, so that little guy over there has a yellow light around it, it's sad."

"Why would it be sad?"

"Because it's lonely."

"So you can feel emotions. That's… I don't have words to describe it."

"Can you tell me why I can?"

"In time, kid, in time."


"When you are older."

"You mean when I can light up pink brown like you and mom?"

"Umm… hey, kid?"


"Don't tell your mom about that brown thing."


"Because… it is embarrassing?"

"What's embarrassing?" A feminine voice was heard and both males looked back. While Naruto was secretly smirking, Kenji's face was draining color.

"Hey, oka-chan! I have a brown thing to tell you!"

He wasn't the most infamous prank king of Konoha for nothing!

~• •~

"Can someone wake him up? I want to sit on the couch. And why is he smiling like that?"

"It's creepy, right?"

"No, it's cute. I think he is having a good dream."

"Should we wake him up?"

"Won't he make a fuss about it?"

"It's not a good thing to wake kids up! It's rude!"

"Shut up, Miwa. He is cute, and will look cuter when he is pissed off."

"What about the cursed spirits?"

"...that's true- hey, Nobara, don't…!"

"What the hell, dattebayo!"



"Oh sh*t."

A few moments later…

Naruto yawned before looking at the group of teenage girls who were bruised and looking at him with a calculative look.

"Stop staring at me like that, would'ya?"

Mai quickly engaged herself with her phone while Maki began to polish her staff. Meanwhile, Nobara was whistling and Momo was cleaning her broomstick with a napkin. Miwa smiled sheepishly.

Naruto sighed.

"Where is everyone?" Yuji asked as he unwrapped a candy before throwing it in his mouth.

"Salmon." Toge agreed as he stood beside the stairs.

"They should be here any moment now." Informed Panda.

"I am glad you are okay Kamo-san." Fushigoro said to the boy sitting next to him.

"I am also glad that you are not injured too much." Said boy remarked.

"Why are you guys so formal with each other?" Momo asked with a frown.

"We are always like this." Both boys said in unison.

"Whatever," Maki sneered. "I just want to win."

Naruto looked at Panda, who was sitting next to him.

"Is she always like this?" He asked.

"She isn't around Yuta, kuku~"

"Oh, but why is she always in a sore mood?"

"Because we have something she doesn't." Panda replied with a wink.


"You have it."

"I do?"

"Fushigoro has it too."

"He does?"

"Yep. Even Itadori over there has it."

"Do you have it?"

"...let's not answer that."

"...o-okay? But what is it?"

"Do a little brainstorming, kid!"

Naruto frowned before pulling down his blindfold. Everyone at this point knew about his eyes. It was meaningless to hide any longer. He gazed at the green-haired girl. "Hmm… something we have, but she doesn't…" Then it clicked. "Of course… I get it!"

"What?" Maki frowned.

"Oh, nothing." Naruto said before he smirked.

"What's up with that look on your face?"

"Nothing, emo-nee-chan!"

"What did you call me?!"

Nobody noticed that Panda was giggling like a pervert.

"We are here!" Gojo yelled as he entered the room with Utahime, Gakuganji and Yaga. "So, we have decided that the second day's exam is going to be decided from this box!" He said as he lifted a small cardboard box.

"What's that?" Yuji said as he stepped forward.

"Don't just look at it, pick up a piece of paper from it." Gojo said.

"O-okay." Yuji said before putting his hand in the box and pulling out a piece of paper after a few moments.

"Read it." Gakuganji said with curiosity.

Yuji unfolded the paper and read aloud, "Baseball."

"Baseball?" Principal Yaga and Gakuganji exclaimed in unison.

"I am sure we did not put any baseball there." Yaga said. "Gojo, care to tell what happened?" He looked at the spot where Satoru was, but did not find the man. "Gojo!"

Naruto took the box away and randomly took a paper out. "Baseball." Another— Baseball. And another— baseball. He giggled, "That sneaky old man."

~• •~

Naruto watched the game from stands beside Shoko. She was smoking for like forever. Her habit reminded him of Hiruzen and Asuma. The Kyoto team was batting first.

"What is a baseball anyways?" Naruto asked Utahime, who was sitting at the front row, right in front of him.

"Listen," she coughed to clear her throat before beginning, "Baseball is played with a bat, a ball, and gloves between two teams of nine players each on a field with four white bases laid out in a diamond. Teams alternate positions as batters and fielders, exchanging places when three members of the batting team are 'put out'. As batters, players try to hit the ball out of the reach of the fielding team and make a complete circuit around the bases for a 'run'. The team that scores the most runs in nine innings wins the game."

"Senpai, was that just from Wikipedia?" Shoko asked, who was sitting next to Naruto.

"Umm, no?" Utahime quickly hid her cellphone in her kimono's sleeve.

Naruto did you understand anything, although his eyes and brain simultaneously provided him with the information.

"Hey kid," Shoko said without looking at him.


"Are you sure you are not Satoru's secret love child?"

"What? Of course not."

"Hmm. Of course, that's Satoru Gojo for you. He can't have… nah, forget it."

"What did you want to say?"

"If you insist," she let out a fake sigh. "I am a doctor, you see, I have medical knowledge. About ten years ago, there was an accident. A terrible accident."

"What was the accident?"

"A Special Grade cursed spirit was the one that caused it." She spoke with a dramatic tune. "The cursed spirit was really strong. Gojo was putting his everything on the line. And, the cursed spirit, seeing no other way, desperately began to attack— blind attacks, ya' 'now. One of the hits was a lucky hit. It was a very very bad hit for Gojo."

"W-where did it hit?" Utahime asked from behind Naruto.

'Was she here listening the whole time?'— was what Naruto thought.

"In the middle of his…"

"In the middle of his…?"

"Butt?" Naruto assumed.

"In the middle of his…"

"In the middle of his…?"

"In the middle of his…cake."


"The man was so angry at the cursed spirit for ruining his cake, that he tortured it till it died."

"Com'on, dattebayo! Who eats cake while fighting a cursed spirit! I thought the cursed spirit hit him at the…"

"That wasn't funny Shoko!"

"Haha, I was just joking!" She looked at Utahime. "Sorry senpai." Shoko gave a smirk, but it looked like she didn't know how to smile properly.

Naruto focused on the game.

That Neji-like boy, Kamo, was betting. But instead of paying attention to the ball and the bat, he was trading words with Itadori, thus he was out.

Mai couldn't score.

The petite blonde girl didn't even swing the bat.

The robot of the team, Mechamaru, was nowhere to be seen.

Todo had it worst. He was gossiping with Itadori and not paying attention, thus, the pitcher, Maki took the opportunity and threw the ball at him, which impacted on his left cheek. The older boy was dramatically falling, but before he could hit the ground, Itadori caught him.

"Todo-senpai!" Yuji cried out.

"My brother—" Todo sadly smiled. but before he could continue, several voices were heard one after another.

"Nice pitch~!"

"Nice pitch!"


"Nice pitch~~~!"

"Nice pitch…!"

"Nice pitch."

"Senpai, they really hate you!"

"Yuji, my brother—"

Naruto sighed. He was getting tired of all this drama. Although the exchange of conversation between Yuji and Todo reminded him of Gai and Lee.

Then came the turn of Tokyo team's betting. They played far better than the Kyoto team.

Toge did good, he was a good runner. Although he couldn't score. Maki was faster, she even 'almost' scored a homerun. The reason why she failed to score an actual homerun was because Momo used her cursed technique and used her broom to float and catch the ball. The umpire, Satoru, declared it fair, much to the annoyance of the Tokyo team.

There was another exception. Mechamaru, the robot, who apparently wasn't a robot, was using a proxy. A pitching machine as a proxy. The umpire allowed it. The Kyoto team's argument was

Panda was also good, if not great.

Fushigoro was excellent, but failed to score a run too.

Nobara… well, she was being herself.

Finally, it was Yuji's turn.

The pink-haired boy scored a homerun. Even Momo, who was in midair, couldn't catch the ball.

Team Tokyo had won.

Team Tokyo→ 01

Team Kyoto→ 00

The Goodwill Exchange Event was over.

~• •~

"Bathroom… bathroom…bathroom…"

Naruto really needed to find the bathroom.

It was annoying, really. Such a big place has such bad sanitation facilities.

"You can always do it in the bushes, son!" His father, who was apparently INSIDE HIS MIND, suggested.

"Don't be stupid, baka!" His mother scolded. "Don't become a monkey like your dad. Be a gentleman, or else, no girl will ever date you."

"He is only five!"

"Twenty-two, you mean?"

Naruto sighed.

During the tournament, his mother and father's spirit had somehow bypassed his mind's natural barrier and were now residing in his mindscape.

It was an invasion of privacy. Who gave them permission to get inside his head and read his memories? The big question is— HOW DID THEY GET INTO HIS HEAD?

"Aww, sweetie," his mother spoke. "We have our ways."

And now they were reading his thoughts too!

"Come on, kid, it's not like we saw everything." His dad said. "We just saw a FEW things."

Wait. Are they being sane? So as long as they are inside of him, they will be sane? Another thing is that they were in their human forms. It's a good thing.

"Glad you could find a benefit." His mom said.

Ugh! What a drag!

"You sound like that lazy friend of yours!"

Ah! There it is, 'Men's restroom'!

He went inside and finished his business.

"You forgot to zip up, kid." His father informed him and instantly Naruto flushed in embarrassment.

"Please, don't look, dattebayo." He quickly pulled his pants' zip up.

"Huh, there's nothing we haven't seen before." His mother said. "I used to change your diapers, remember?"

Naruto's face was now impossibly red colored.

"I just…" before he could finish his sentence he suddenly felt cold on the back of his head before darkness consumed him.

~• •~

Satoru was texting Utahime, who had left with the Kyoto teams a few hours ago when he felt a cursed energy spike.

He looked at the restroom's direction with a curled eyebrow.

"Should I go and help?" He asked himself. Then he chuckled. "Nah, he'll be fine." Then he paused for a moment. "I think."

~• •~

Kaito slowly lifted the boy.

The boy was not a normal person. A Special Grade threat to be exact. So, he wasted no time wrapping talismans' and seals on his hands and legs.

He then put the kid in the sack. One might wonder how did he get inside of the school and how would he go out of this school. The old men knew a lot about this place and gave him a map of the place. It was a very hard job, really. He had little pool of cursed energy, so he could avoid getting detected inside the barrier of Master Tengen with little effort.

He was certainly not enjoying kidnapping a child and bringing him to people who would most likely kill him. But he really needed money. And they were providing more than enough of it.

A part of him did feel guilty, but he had mouths to feed.

Kaito was a tall man with tan skin and dirty-blonde hair. He had a small scar on his exposed chest.

Suddenly he felt a movement on his shoulders. The sack began to shake violently before it fell on the ground.

Kaito tried to grab it, but immediately, it was torn apart from inside and a orangish-white figure emerged.

"Hehe," the figure, Tenodakume, chuckled in a mocking tune. He looked at Kaito. "You dare try to kidnap my baby?"

Kaito was confused.


Then it clicked him. Cursed spirit— mother and father…


The 'boy' disappeared from the spot and Kkaito quickly braced himself for an attack. He received a punch on his gut, he felt little pain as it was just a child's body…

Kaito fell on his knees. 'No, it can't be…"

"Ah?" The 'boy' stood in front of him. "Was that a Black Flash? Nah. It was simply my boy's natural strength.

Kaito quickly stood up and pulled out a dagger from his pocket and engulfed it with his cursed energy.

"You know," the 'boy' said as he walked towards Kaito. "I don't want my son to get hurt. I also don't want to have blood on his hands. So why don't you just walk away and tell those old men that they should NOT send anyone else after our baby and we will forget everything about this. Sounds good?"

Kaito had never once failed a mission. He had kidnapped people from the most impossible situations. He worked for the Kamo clan mostly and he was quite famous there. A failed mission in his resume doesn't sound very good. Besides, he was a master in stealth missions. He was going to abduct this kid at any cost.

"Don't expect anyone to come here to save you," Kaito took an offensive stance as he spoke. "My cursed technique allows me to isolate an area of seventy square metres from anyone. Thus, no one can know what happens inside that particular place. I have already used my cursed technique on this place." He smirked. "You're going down!"

"Good grief." The 'boy' sighed.

Kaito jumped at him with his knife in hand, but the 'boy' jumped and evaded it easily. He then received a kick straight at his jaw. No. he can't lose. It's time to get serious.

"Blood Manipulation: Wheel blades!" The said blades, that looked like shurikens, were launched at the boy at a blinding speed and Kaito smirked a bit. Maybe he will…

The boy disappeared before reappearing once again. Kaito froze as he took a step before disappearing and reappearing in front of him.

'No… that move… he has been dead for a long time… Toji Fushigoro's flash step…'

The 'boy' tried to hit him once again with a punch, but Kaito was still taller, so he quickly grabbed the 'boy's wrist and tried to immobilise him. The boy struggled a bit before stopping his motions abruptly. 'Why did he stop?' thought Kaito before he received his answer.

The 'boy' twisted his own hands and kicked Kaito on his guts. The kick was very strong, but not enough to defeat Kaito. He stood up and used cursed energy to enhance his physical capabilities.

"Wow," the 'boy' said as he looked at Kaito. "No wonder Naru-chan was so smart. These eyes are pretty amazing."

Kaito understood what the 'boy' was talking about. With the Six-Eyes, one could literally see everything in perfect detail. He wasted no time and quickly conjured twoblood scythesin both his hands before launching himself at the 'boy'. The 'boy' jumped once again, but Kaito caught his legs and pulled him down before cutting off his leg from the ankle.

The 'boy' let out a scream of agony as he fell on the floor. Blood was coming out at an alarming rate. The 'boy' looked at the detached leg before raising both his hands.

"Not so cool now, huh?" Kaito smirked as he brought out a syringe filled with paralyzing drug. He was just about to give the 'boy' the shot when he spoke. "Time to say goodbye."

"Heh-he, n-not so easily…"


"If… I d-do t-this…" he struggled as he made a sign with his nine fingers. "This whole place… would b-be… destroyed along with Japan itself. My b-baby doesn't even… know he can do it…"

Kaito was not fast enough to stop the 'boy' from doing whatever he was doing.

"Come forth… Ky…"

But, someone else was.

"That's enough~!"

Kaito looked at the person with awe, who was currently holding the 'boy's hands. The man was none other than Satoru Gojo. The man looked at him with a smile.

"Now, Kaito Kamo, 2nd Grade Sorcerer, what should I do with you?"

Kaito gulped.

~• •~

Shoko was very tired. The intruder that Gojo had wounded was a bit hard to heal as he was constantly muttering stuff about 'Severing Satoru Gojo'. Gojo doesn't ever hold back.

She was in her cabin scrolling through Facebook when someone loudly banged on her door. She wanted some rest damn it!

"Shoko! Teno-chan has cut off his leg! It was a pure accident! Now, I need you to fix it!"

Sighing heavily, she stood up and went to open the door.

'This is gonna be a long night…'

Chapter 7: Chapter Seven: The Day I Walked In Reverse


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Chapter Seven: The Day I Walked In Reverse

"My children," the old man said. "Repeat after me. We, Jujutsu Sorcerers, herby vow that,"

"We, Jujutsu Sorcerers, herby vow that—,"

"We will fight until the very end of our breath for the protection, preservation and salvation of humanity."

"We will fight until the very end of our breath for the protection, preservation and salvation of humanity."

"We will always keep our work, ideals and goals isolated from the commoners and non-sorcerers."

"We will always keep our work, ideals and goals isolated from the commoners and non-sorcerers."

"We will pass our knowledge to the next generation and ideals."

"We will pass our knowledge to the next generation and ideals."

"We will never kill an innocent."

"We will never kill an innocent."

"Until the day comes when we must break the vows, we shall not move away from our sacred path."

"Until the day comes when we must break the vows, we shall not move away from our sacred path."

"Destruction is inevitable for the evil sorcerer who kills innocents for his petty reasons, and who kills the parents of the Child of prophecy. He would later die under the imitator's blade."

"Destruction is inevitable for the evil sorcerer who kills innocents for his petty reasons, and who kills the parents of the Child of prophecy. He would later die under the imitator's blade."

"We hereby declared that we will protect and support the Child Of Prophecy if we ever see him."

"We hereby declared that we will protect and support the Child Of Prophecy if we ever see him."

"May we remain firm on our oath."

"May we remain firm on our oath."

~• •~

Before opening his eyes he first let himself feel his entire body and looked for pain. No pain, good. Although there was a cold sensation on his feet. Assuming the worst, he moved his leg, but to his surprise, he could feel it. He let out a breath he was holding. 'Thank God, dattebayo.'

"Kid, are you all right?" Satoru from… beside him. He was sitting next to the bed on a chair. "You gave us quite a scare there."

"Old man?" He asked weakly.

"The one and only Satoru Gojo!" Satoru said dramatically.

"What happened? I was in the bathroom... Then everything was blank. What happened?"

"You were attacked."

"By whom?

"Some old people wanted you dead."

"Why… Oh, it makes sense. I get it. So what happened to the people that attacked me?"

"It was just one man, pretty weak in any opinion. Honestly, I am disappointed to see you get knocked out by a weakling like him."

"Yeah, yeah. But did you save me?"

"I saved you, sort of."

"What do you mean?"

"Your idiotic father took over your body and almost got you killed."


"Yeah. You lost your bottom leg."

"Huh? But it's there. I can feel it."

"You bet."


"Remember that doctor lady?"

"Yeah, the cake-butt lady. What about her?"

"She has some special healing skills."

"How did she heal me?"

"Well…" the woman in question emerged as she opened the door and stepped inside. She was smoking- in a clinic… wait, this is a clinic? "You simply use your cursed energy."

"Yeah, I can understand that much." Naruto said. "But the question is how?"

"You go 'fwoo' then 'hyoi'" She said as she waved her hand lazily.

"That honestly makes no sense—" Gojo was about to criticise when Naruto spoke.

"Oh, that's it?"

"Wait?" Satoru almost shouted. "You actually understand how the Reversed Cursed Technique works just like that?"

"Yeah, it's nothing difficult, dattebayo."

"But it took me years to master it!" Argued Satotu.

"You must be slow in the head—"

"I don't believe it." Satoru shook his head.

"Like I care."

"Prove it."

"Huh—" Naruto was unable to complete his sentence as Satoru took a surgical scissor from Shoko's medical tray and lightly stabbed on Naruto's left arm. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"I am not healing that." Shoko said lazily.

"Now heal it." Satoru said with a confident smirk.

Naruto looked at the adult in the room before fixing his gaze on the wound.

Blood was slowly coming out from the small hole… erm… wound.

'I could give it a try.' Naruto sighed before he pushed negative energy into that spot with precision. Then, as soon as the spot was filled with negative energy, he once again pushed negative energy into that wound. Then he merged both the energies and he noticed that the colour of the new energy was red.

Both Shoko and Satoru watched in awe as the blood that was coming out from the wound was slowly being absorbed into the wound. Within ten seconds, all the blood was gone and slowly, the wound began to close itself. Within twenty seconds, the wound was gone completely

"What the hell…" Was all Satoru could say. He knew Tenodakume was talented. But this was a completely unparalleled demonstration of that. He was just messing around. Learning Reversed Cursed Technique in a minute by just hearing Shoko's vague and bizarre explanation is unexplainable. He was just messing around by stabbing him. He had Shoko beside him anyway. But this... This was astonishing.

"There, all done." He looked at Satoru, who was looking at him like he had sprouted a second head. "What?"

"Kid," Satoru said. "That was... amazing."

"Wow. Did you just praise me?"

"What you did was just not something everyone can do. Only a handful of people can do it."

"I know, I am awesome right." Then he sniffed into the air. "Hey, what's that smell? Is something burning?" Both uncle and nephew looked at the source and saw Shoko, whose jaw was hanging and the smell was... Well, her cigarette had fallen from her mouth and was now burning the bed. "Hey! cake-butt lady?"

"This kid…" Shoko choked her own spit. "Managed to learn the Reversed Cursed Technique in ten seconds…"

Satoru laughed awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head.

A few minutes later, Shoko left, leaving Satoru and Naruto.

"Say, old man," Naruto said all of a sudden.

"Hmm?" Satoru titled his head.

"Why can't you simply exorcize… them?"

"Your stupid mom and dad?"


"They are bound to you, a Six-Eyes user, who has nearly limitless cursed energy. They are not strong, but they are not normal curses."

"Then how did that Ota guy free his friend?"

"That's 'Yuta'. He freed Rika from his curse by transferring her cursed energy into a katana, which he then used to stab her spirit. This allowed him to unravel the knots of cursed energy that bound her to him and release her soul."

"You couldn't exorcise her. Why?"

"I could not simply exorcise Rika because she was not a normal cursed spirit, but a manifestation of Yuta's own cursed energy. Didn't I tell you that explained that a powerful curse like Rika could not be broken with one simple exorcism, and that Yuta had to undo the curse himself?"


A moment of silence.

"Old man?"


"Teach me how to use Cursed Energy properly. Will you?"

Satoru grinned.

'Time for the world to see the first ever Grand Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer.'

~• •~

Yuji and Nobara were in the training grounds at Jujutsu High School, practising their Jujutsu techniques under the watchful eye of their instructor, Yaga as Satoru was engaged somewhere else. Megumi, on the other hand, seemed disinterested, leaning against a nearby tree with a nonchalant expression.

Nobara took a break from her training to grab a drink of water, and Yuji followed suit. As they sat on the grass, Nobara turned to Yuji with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"So, Yuji, did you hear about the time Megumi tried to summon a shikigami and ended up summoning a cursed cat spirit instead?" she asked, trying to stifle a giggle.

Yuji's eyes widened in amusem*nt. "No way! Is that even possible? Megumi, is that true?" he called out, turning to their unenthused classmate.

Megumi sighed, shaking his head. "It was a one-time thing, and it's not even that funny," he muttered, clearly unamused by the topic of conversation. "It just appeared, I didn't summon it."

Nobara nudged Yuji with her elbow. "Come on, Megumi, you have to admit that's pretty hilarious. You accidentally summoned a cute little kitty instead of a shikigami. Even I can't help but laugh," she said, smirking.

As Yuji and Nobara erupted into laughter, Megumi couldn't help but crack a small smile, despite his efforts to appear unaffected. "Fine, fine. It was a mistake," he admitted grudgingly.

"By the way, where is Gojo-sensei?" Nobara asked. "It's almost been half a month and we barely see him. He does train us, but otherwise, he is nowhere!"

"He's been spending a lot of time with Naruto." Megumi said. "Training."


Just then, Yaga called out for them to resume their training, and the three students reluctantly got back to work. However, the lighthearted moment had lifted the mood, and they continued with renewed energy and a shared sense of camaraderie.

~• •~

Satoru Gojo looked at the five-year-old boy, Naruto, in front of him with a smile. "Are you ready, kid?" Gojo asked, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Yes, old-man-sensei!" the boy replied, his eyes shining with curiosity and excitement.

It's been two weeks since the Kamo guy tried to kidnap Naruto. After giving quite some thought, he understood that Naruto could learnanything. He just had to see it, that's it. However, there were some obvious conditions. For instance, his body must be ready to use the technique. Naruto had a knack for… everything. The boy was extremely fast too for some unknown reason. But he was not physically strong. That's why Gojo made a training routine for him. It included- push-ups, sit-ups, ten kilometre run everyday and plenty of juice. For some reason, Naruto was paranoid about losing all his hair… Anyways, back to…

"Good. Then let's begin. Today, I'm going to teach you about the Limitless and the Infinity, the core of our cursed technique. Do you know what they are?"

The boy nodded. "The Limitless is the ability to manipulate the space around us, right? And the Infinity is the concept of endlessness that we use to create barriers and shields."

"Correct. You're a smart one. But do you know how they work? How do you activate them?"

Naruto shook his head. "No, I don't. Please teach me."

Gojo chuckled. "Alright, then. Listen carefully. The Limitless is based on the idea of negative numbers. Do you know what negative numbers are?"

Naruto frowned. "Negative numbers? Like, minus one, minus two, minus three...?"

"Exactly. Negative numbers are numbers that are less than zero. They are opposite to positive numbers, which are greater than zero. Now, imagine a number line, with zero in the middle, and positive numbers on the right, and negative numbers on the left. Do you see it in your mind?"

Naruto closed his eyes and nodded.

"Good. Now, what happens if you keep adding positive numbers to each other? What do you get?"

The boy opened his eyes and answered. "You get bigger and bigger positive numbers, right?"

"Right. And what happens if you keep adding negative numbers to each other? What do you get?"

The boy thought for a moment. "You get... smaller and smaller negative numbers?"

"Exactly. And what happens if you add a positive number and a negative number together? What do you get?"

The boy hesitated. "You get... zero?"

"Not always. It depends on the size of the numbers. For example, if you add one and minus one, you get zero. But if you add two and minus one, you get one. And if you add one and minus two, you get minus one. Do you understand?"

The boy nodded slowly.

"Good. Now, here's the trick. The Limitless allows us to manipulate the space around us by using negative numbers. We can create negative space, which is space that is less than zero. Negative space is invisible, intangible, and impossible to measure. It is the opposite of normal space, which is positive space. Do you follow me so far?"

The boy nodded again.

"Good. Now, the Infinity is the concept of endlessness that we use to create barriers and shields. It is based on the idea of dividing by zero. Do you know what dividing by zero means?"

The boy shook his head. "No, I don't. What does it mean?"

Gojo smiled. "It means that you are trying to split something into zero parts. For example, if you have a cake, and you want to divide it by two, you get two pieces of cake. If you want to divide it by four, you get four pieces of cake. And so on. But what if you want to divide it by zero? How many pieces of cake do you get?"

The boy looked puzzled. "I don't know. None?"

"No, that's not the answer. The answer is that you can't divide by zero. It's impossible. It's undefined. It's infinite. Do you see why?"

The boy shook his head.

"Think about it. If you divide by zero, you are trying to make something that has no size, no shape, no existence. You are trying to make nothing. But nothing is not something. Nothing is nothing. You can't make anything out of something. It's a paradox. It's a contradiction. It's an anomaly. Do you get it?"

The boy nodded slowly.

"Good. Now, the Infinity allows us to create barriers and shields by using the concept of dividing by zero. We can create infinite space, which is space that is endless, boundless, and immeasurable. Infinite space is invisible, intangible, and impossible to breach. It is the ultimate defence, the ultimate protection. Do you follow me so far?"

The boy nodded again.

"Good. Now, let me show you the first technique of the Limitless, called the Reverse Red. It is a technique that reverses the sign of the space around you, and turns it from positive to negative, or from negative to positive. It is a technique that changes the nature of things, and makes them opposite to what they are. It is a versatile technique, but also a tricky one. You have to be precise and accurate, or you might end up changing something you don't want to change. Most people think that you can use it to push things away. But that's not true. Do you understand?"

The boy nodded.

"Good. Now, watch me. I'm going to use the Reverse Red on this rock. See this rock? It is a solid object, made of positive space. It has a shape, a size, a weight, a colour, a texture. It is a normal rock. But what if I use the Reverse Red on it? What do you think will happen?"

The boy looked at the rock, and tried to guess. "Will it become a liquid? Or a gas? Or a light? Or a sound?"

Gojo shook his head. "No, no, no, and no. Those are not the opposite of a solid. Those are different states of matter. The opposite of a solid is a hole. A hole is a negative space that has no shape, no size, no weight, no colour, no texture. It is an abnormal hole. Watch this." Gojo pointed his finger at the rock, and activated the Reverse Red. He reversed the sign of the space around the rock, and turned it from positive to negative. The rock disappeared, and a hole appeared in its place. The hole was black, empty, and silent. It was a perfect hole.

"See that? I used the Reverse Red on the rock, and turned it into a hole. I changed the nature of the rock, and made it opposite to what it was. This is the first technique of the Limitless, the Reverse Red. It is a technique that reverses the sign of the space around you, and turns it from positive to negative, or from negative to positive. Do you understand?"

Naruto nodded, his eyes wide with awe. 'Maybe, I can recreate Rasengan with this.'

"Good. Now, let me show you the second technique of the Limitless, called the Amplify Blue. It is a technique that amplifies the value of the space around you, and makes it bigger or smaller, depending on the sign. It is a technique that enhances or diminishes the quality of things, and makes them stronger or weaker, depending on the sign. It is a useful technique, but also a subtle one. You have to be careful and balanced, or you might end up amplifying or diminishing something too much. Do you understand?"

The boy nodded.

"Good. Now, watch me. I'm going to use Amplify Blue on this flower. See this flower? It is a beautiful object, made of positive space. It has a shape, a size— a life. It is a normal flower. But what if I use the Amplify Blue on it? What do you think will happen?"

The boy looked at the flower, and tried to guess. "Will it become bigger? Or brighter? Or more fragrant? Or more alive?"

Gojo nodded. "Yes, Those are all possible outcomes. But it depends on how much I amplify the value of the space around the flower. If I amplify it too much, it might become too big, too bright, too fragrant, or too alive. And that might not be good for the flower, or for us. Watch this." Gojo pointed his finger at the flower, and activated the Amplify Blue. He amplified the value of the space around the flower. The flower kept growing in size, until it was as big as a human. It looked majestic and magnificent, but also unnatural and out of place. "See that? I used the Amplify Blue on the flower, and made it bigger. I enhanced the quality of the flower, and made it stronger. This is the second technique of the Limitless, the Amplify Blue. It is a technique that amplifies the value of the space around you, and makes it bigger or smaller, depending on the sign. If you use it creatively, you can amplify the gravity and create a majestic attraction force- that's how I use it. Do you understand?"

The boy nodded, his eyes filled with wonder.

"Good. Now, let me show you the third and final technique of the Limitless, called the Hollow Purple. It is a technique that combines the Hollow Purple, the Reverse Red, and the Amplify Blue, and creates a new space that is neither positive nor negative, neither finite nor infinite, neither real nor unreal. It is a technique that transcends the boundaries of space, and creates a phenomenon that defies logic and reason. It is the ultimate technique, the ultimate attack. Do you understand?"

The boy shook his head. "No, I don't. How can you combine those techniques? How can you create such a space? What does it do?"

Gojo smiled. "You don't have to understand. You just have to see. I'm going to use the Hollow Purple on that mountain. See that mountain? It is a massive object, made of positive space. It has a shape, a size, a weight, a colour, a texture. It is a normal mountain. But what if I use the Hollow Purple on it? What do you think will happen?"

The boy looked at the mountain, and tried to guess. "Will it disappear? Or explode? Or change? Or move?"

Gojo shook his head. "No. Those are not the effects of the Hollow Purple. The Hollow Purple does something else. Something more. Something beyond." Gojo pointed his finger at a huge boulder, and activated the Hollow Purple. He combined the Reverse Red, and the Amplify Blue, and created a new space that was neither positive nor negative, neither finite nor infinite, neither real nor unreal. He created a phenomenon that transcended the boundaries of space, and defied logic and reason. He created a purple flash that engulfed the boulder, and everything around it. "See that? I used the Hollow Purple on the boulder, and created a purple flash. I transcended the boundaries of space, and created a phenomenon that defies logic and reason. This is the third and final technique of the Limitless, the Hollow Purple. It is a technique that combines the Reverse Red, and the Amplify Blue, and creates a new space that is neither positive nor negative, neither finite nor infinite, neither real nor unreal. Do you understand?"

The boy nodded as his brain processed the data.

"Good. Because you don't need to understand. You just need to use it. And that's what I'm going to teach you next. How to use the Hollow Purple, and how to master the Limitless. Are you ready, kid?"

The boy nodded, his eyes shining with determination and excitement.

"Good. Then let's begin. Today, you will learn the true meaning of the Limitless and the Infinity, the core of our cursed technique." Gojo smiled, and ruffled the boy's hair. 'And you will become the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer in the world.'- He added mentally. "Come on, kid. Follow me. The real training starts now."

~• •~

Yuji, Nobara and Megumi were on a mission to investigate a series of curses in a small town. They decided to take a break and visit a local manga shop that had a large collection of Naruto volumes.

"Wow, look at all these books!" Yuji exclaimed, picking up a random volume. "I've always wanted to read Naruto, but I never had the chance."

"You've never read Naruto?" Nobara asked, raising an eyebrow. "How can you call yourself a shonen fan?"

"I know, I know, it's a classic. But I was too busy training and fighting curses, you know?" Yuji defended himself.

"Well, you're missing out. Naruto is one of the best manga ever. It has everything: action, comedy, drama, romance, friendship, ninjas…" Nobara gushed.

"Ninjas?" Megumi repeated, looking bored. "That sounds lame."

"What? How can you say that? Ninjas are awesome!" Yuji argued.

"No, they're not. They're just people who wear masks and throw kunai. They're nothing compared to sorcerers." Megumi said.

"That's not true. Ninjas have amazing abilities, like chakra, jutsu, and summoning. They can do things that sorcerers can't." Yuji countered.

"Like what?" Megumi challenged.

"Like... like…" Yuji racked his brain, trying to remember what he had seen in the anime. "Like... Rasengan!"

"Rasengan?" Megumi asked.

"Yeah, Rasengan. It's a powerful technique that Naruto's dad invented. It's a ball of spinning chakra that can blast through anything." Yuji explained.

"Sounds like a simple blast of cursed energy to me." Megumi shrugged.

"No, it's not. It's way cooler. Here, let me show you." Yuji said, holding his hand out. He concentrated his cursed energy and tried to shape it into a ball. He then started to spin it rapidly, making a buzzing sound.

"What are you doing?" Nobara asked, watching him curiously.

"I'm doing Rasengan. See?" Yuji said, proudly showing his hand. It looked like a small, fuzzy ball of light.

"That's not Rasengan. That's just a ball of cursed energy. You're not spinning it fast enough." Nobara said.

"I am too. It's hard, okay? Naruto had to train for a long time to master it." Yuji said.

"Whatever. It still looks lame." Megumi said.

"It's not lame. It's awesome. Watch this." Yuji said, running towards a nearby shelf. He aimed his hand at a stack of books and shouted, "Rasengan!"

He slammed his hand into the books, expecting them to fly away. Instead, he felt a sharp pain in his palm and heard a loud thud. He looked at his hand and saw that it was bleeding. He had pierced his skin with the sharp edges of the books.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Yuji cried, clutching his hand.

"Idiot." Megumi said, rolling his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Nobara asked, rushing to his side.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just a scratch." Yuji said, trying to act tough.

"Let me see, idiot." Nobara said, grabbing his hand. She examined his wound and frowned. "You need to disinfect this. Come on, let's go to the bathroom."

She dragged him away, leaving Megumi alone. He sighed and picked up a Naruto volume. He flipped through the pages and saw a scene where Naruto was fighting Sasuke. He read the dialogue and saw that they were talking about their bond, their rivalry, and their destiny.

He felt a pang of emotion in his chest. He remembered his own bond with his sister, his rivalry with Yuji, and his destiny as a Zenin. He wondered if he could ever understand Naruto's feelings, or if Naruto could ever understand his.

He closed the book and put it back on the shelf. He decided that Naruto was not lame, but it was not for him. He preferred to read something more realistic, like Death Note.

He walked to the other section of the shop and looked for a copy of Death Note. He found one and opened it. He saw a scene where Light was writing names in the notebook. He read the dialogue and saw that he was talking about his justice, his intelligence, and his godhood.

He felt a surge of admiration in his mind. He respected Light's logic, his strategy, and his ambition. He wondered if he could ever be like Light, or if Light could ever be like him.

He smiled and kept reading. He decided that Death Note was not realistic, but it was for him. He liked to read something more challenging, like Death Note.

But something in 'Naruto' manga reminded him of Tenodakume Gojo.

'Dattebayo!', ramen, nicknames…

~• •~

In the dimly lit chamber of shadows, four figures loomed, their auras pulsating with dark intent. Kenjaku, also known as Geto, the mastermind behind the sinister scheme, stood at the forefront, his piercing gaze holding the attention of his fellow cursed spirits – Jogo, Hanami, and Mahito. The air crackled with anticipation as they gathered to discuss their nefarious plan to unleash chaos upon Shibuya and seal the legendary sorcerer, Satoru Gojo.

Kenjaku's voice cut through the silence like a blade through flesh, each word dripping with malice and calculation. "So," he began, his tone commanding obedience, "the time has come to strike fear into the hearts of humanity. Shibuya shall be our stage, and chaos our symphony."

Jogo, his flames flickering in agreement, nodded fervently. "Yes, let us engulf the streets in fire and blood. None shall dare oppose us."

Hanami, the embodiment of nature's fury, spoke next, vines twisting around their form in eager anticipation. "The concrete jungle shall tremble beneath the might of our onslaught. The very earth will rise to aid us."

Mahito, his unsettling visage contorted into a grin, interjected with a voice that sent shivers down even the stoutest spine. "And amidst the chaos, we shall weave our threads of despair. Every soul shall be touched by the hand of fear, and none shall find solace in the darkness."

Kenjaku's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as his comrades echoed his sentiments, their unity a testament to their shared desire for destruction. "But our ultimate prize," he continued, his voice lowering to a dangerous whisper, "lies in the capture of Satoru Gojo. With him sealed away, the balance of power will shift in our favour. The age of curses shall dawn anew."

Jogo's flames danced with anticipation, casting eerie shadows across the chamber. "Gojo may be powerful, but he is not invincible. Together, we shall overwhelm him and claim victory."

Hanami's vines tightened around their form, a silent promise of nature's wrath. "He may wield the might of sorcery, but even the strongest tree can be felled by a well-placed strike."

Mahito's grin widened, his eyes alight with sad*stic glee. "And when we have him in our grasp, we shall strip away his defences and revel in his suffering. His defeat shall serve as a warning to all who dare oppose us."

With their plan laid bare, the four cursed spirits stood united, their resolve unshakeable and their thirst for chaos insatiable. Shibuya would soon bear witness to their malevolent glory, and Satoru Gojo would fall before their might, his fate sealed by their dark design. The stage was set, and the curtain about to rise on a tale of terror and triumph.

~• •~

In the mystical realm of caffeinated destiny, where the aroma of freshly brewed potions danced through the air, Naruto, the spiky-haired wonder, found himself trailing after Satoru, the 'great uncle'. The older man's gait was deliberate, as if he carried secrets in the folds of his apron.

"Where are we going, old man?" Naruto's impatience bubbled forth like an over-caffeinated espresso machine. His sneakers squeaked on the polished floor, echoing through the cosy cafe.

"Just wait, almost there," Satoru replied cryptically, his eyes twinkling behind round spectacles. He pushed open the cafe's door, revealing a tableau of destiny—a certain table bathed in golden sunlight. Naruto squinted, his Six-Eyes narrowing at the sight.

And there, perched upon a chair like a mythical creature who'd traded his wings for a caffeine addiction, sat a blonde man. His blue shirt clung to his chest like a loyal friend, and his cream-coloured pants whispered secrets of comfort.

"Who are you?" Naruto blurted out, plopping down on the chair opposite the enigmatic stranger. The man's expression remained as blank as an unsweetened latte.

"Naru-chan," Satoru's voice dripped with mischief, "Meet my good friend, Nanami Kento! Nanami, this is my cute little genius nephew, Tenodakume Gojo. But you can call him Naruto. Say hi to each other!"

Nanami adjusted his sunglasses, the world reflected in their dark lenses. "Hello, Naruto-kun," he drawled, as if sipping on a rare blend. "I hope we can get along."

Naruto leaned back, his grin as wide as the Grand Canyon. "Hello, weird glass-wearing, stone-faced guy." His words were a playful jab, like a cinnamon stick stirring a cup of chai.

"That's the spirit!" Satoru's laughter erupted like a frothy cappuccino.

"Satoru, did your nephew just disrespect me?" Nanami tilted his glasses.

Nanami's gaze remained unyielding. "Did I say that out loud?" Naruto scratched his head, feigning innocence.

"Uh, maybe?"

"It just slipped out," Naruto confessed. "Hope you won't take it to heart, sunglass-man."

Nanami raised an eyebrow. "An improvement, indeed. But call me by my name."

"'Kay." Naruto turned to Satoru, eyes wide. "Why are we here again? Is this some secret coffee society?"

Satoru leaned in, his voice conspiratorial. "He's going to be your new sensei!"

"Huh?!" Naruto's brain short-circuited. 'You are dumping me, old man?!"

"You didn't tell him anything, huh?" Nanami sighed, as if dealing with a caffeine-induced headache. "Naruto-kun, get ready for missions. With me."


Author Note:

Thanks for reading this story! The next chapter will come with bundles ofsurprises.

I shall update this story when I hit 300+Favoritesand 400+follows. So make sure to stay tuned!

Till next time!

Chapter 8: Chapter Eight: Demon VS Monster


Author Note:Hey guys! I am back with a new chapter. This was very fun to write, really. Thanks for all the support you guys have been giving me, it means a lot to me. Now, let's begin...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Chapter Eight: Demon VS Monster

In the shadowed annals of Jujutsu's forgotten past, there exists a whispered legend—the Child of Prophecy.

Centuries ago, Master Kush Sarito, the venerable architect of Japan's arcane Jujutsu laws, was visited by an enigmatic dream. Within its veiled folds, he glimpsed a foreboding future—a world teetering on the precipice of revelation. Cursed spirits, once concealed in the shrouds of obscurity, would emerge into the harsh light of day. Jujutsu sorcerers, their powers both mystical and perilous, would stride forth, their destinies entwined with chaos and upheaval.

But the heart of this prophecy harboured a darker secret: an apostate among the sorcerers, a traitor born from Sarito's own tutelage. This malevolent sorcerer would ignite cataclysmic flames, scorching the earth and staining it crimson. Hundreds of thousands would perish their souls adrift in the tempest of malevolence. Millions more would wander, bereft of home and hope.

Master Kush Sarito's legacy rested upon three disciples, each a constellation of fate:

His first student, Ryomen Sukuna, once a prodigious student became a monstrous aberration. His arrogance unbridled; he revelled in the slaughter of innocents. Thousands fell beneath his wrath, their cries echoing through the ages. The sorcerers rallied; their unity forged in desperation. They sundered Sukuna's essence into twenty fragments—his fingers—and bound them in cryptic seals.

Sarito's only female student, Tengen, the silent sentinel, her duty etched in stone. She stood as guardian of Japan's mystical barrier, her gaze fixed on the unseen horrors that prowled beyond. But her mandate was clear: no interference in the affairs of Jujutsu. For fear that even she, too, might succumb to the shadows.

But his favourite student was neither Tengen nor Sukuna. It was Kenjaku. Kenjaku—the fallen star. Once hailed as the brightest of Sarito's pupils, he vanished into the labyrinthine folds of betrayal. His footsteps echoed in whispers, a phantom haunting the edges of memory. None glimpsed his face again.

Somewhere in the world, a child will be born with eyes that will pierce the sky. A child who will lose everything and gain the power to shape everything. A child whose fate will be a mystery, a paradox, a riddle. Will they be a saviour or a destroyer? A rebel or a tyrant? Kenjaku, the renegade sorcerer, will leave behind his kin and his creed, driven by a single obsession: to find the child and speak to them. To unravel the enigma of the Child of Prophecy. To understand cursed energy to the atomic level.

But the Child of Prophecy will be hidden, their identity shrouded by ages and intrigues. The world will wait, anxious and hopeful, for the next twist in this secret epic—a story of magic, martyrdom, and the phantom who will elude the grasp of destiny.

—The Darkest of Heian Era

-Rai Tsuchiko

~• •~

Nanami and Satoru's nephew, Naruto, were walking in a crowded mall, looking for a place to eat.

"Sunglass-sensei, can I ask you something?" Naruto said, as they passed by a bookstore.

"Sure, what is it?" Nanami said, glancing at the books on display.

"What are curses, exactly? I mean, I know they are bad, and we have to exorcise them, but I want to know more accurately."

Nanami sighed. He knew Naruto was curious, and he wanted to help him, but he also knew that explaining curses was not an easy task. Curses were complex and mysterious phenomena that defied common sense and logic. They were the result of the distortion of reality, caused by the accumulation of negative emotions and energy in certain places or objects. They were made of cursed energy, a type of energy that was invisible and intangible to normal people, but could be seen and manipulated by Jujutsu sorcerers. They had different shapes, sizes, and abilities, depending on the source and the amount of cursed energy they possessed. They were dangerous and unpredictable, and could harm or kill anyone who came in contact with them.

"Curses are... complicated," Nanami said, trying to find a simple way to explain. "They are not natural, but they are not unnatural either. They are not alive, but they are not dead either. They are not real, but they are not unreal either. They are the product of the imbalance of the world, the manifestation of the negative aspects of human nature. They are the enemies of Jujutsu sorcerers, the threats to the peace and order of society. They are the things that we have to fight, and eliminate, no matter what."

Naruto nodded, but he looked confused. He wanted to understand more, but he felt overwhelmed by the information. He wondered if he would ever be able to master Jujutsu. "Sunglass-sensei, how do you fight curses? How do you exorcise them?" Naruto asked, as they entered a food court.

Nanami looked around, and spotted a table near a window. He gestured for Naruto to follow him, and they sat down. He took out his wallet, and handed Naruto some money.

"Let's go and buy us some food. I'll explain while we eat," Nanami said.

Naruto took the money, and ran to the nearest stall. He ordered two burgers and two drinks, and returned to the table. He gave Nanami his food, and sat down. He opened his burger, and took a bite. He waited for Nanami to speak.

Nanami opened his burger, and took a bite. He swallowed, and cleared his throat.

"To fight curses, you need to use cursed energy," Nanami said. "Cursed energy is the energy that Jujutsu sorcerers use to perform Jujutsu, the art of manipulating reality. Cursed energy is similar to curses, but it is different. Curses are the result of the excess of cursed energy, while cursed energy is the result of the control of cursed energy. Curses are the problem, while cursed energy is the solution. Do you understand?"

Naruto nodded, but he looked doubtful. He wondered if he was following Nanami's words, or if he was just nodding to be polite.

"Cursed energy is the energy that flows in your body, and in the world. It is the energy that connects you to the world, and the world to you. It is the energy that you can use to change the world, and the world can use to change you. It is the energy that you can see with your eyes, and feel with your skin. It is the energy that you can shape with your mind, and release with your hands. It is the energy that you can use to create Jujutsu techniques, the tools that you use to fight curses. Do you understand?"

Naruto nodded, but he looked puzzled. He wondered if he was seeing and feeling cursed energy, or if he was just imagining it.

"Jujutsu techniques are the expressions of cursed energy, the forms that cursed energy takes. They are the weapons that you use to attack curses, and the shields that you use to defend yourself from curses. They are the skills that you learn to master Jujutsu, and the abilities that you develop to improve Jujutsu. They are the methods that you use to exorcise curses, and the ways that you use to exercise cursed energy. Do you understand?"

Naruto nodded, but he looked curious. He wondered if he had any Jujutsu techniques, or if he was just using brute force.

"There are many types of Jujutsu techniques, depending on the source, the nature, and the purpose of cursed energy. There are innate techniques, which are the techniques that you are born with, and that are unique to you. There are inherited techniques, which are the techniques that you inherit from your family, and that are shared by your bloodline. There are learned techniques, which are the techniques that you learn from others, and that are common to many. There are simple techniques, which are the techniques that are easy to use, and that are basic to Jujutsu. There are complex techniques, which are the techniques that are hard to use, and that are advanced to Jujutsu. There are offensive techniques, which are the techniques that are used to damage curses, and that are aggressive to Jujutsu. There are defensive techniques, which are the techniques that are used to protect yourself from curses, and that are passive to Jujutsu. There are supportive techniques, which are the techniques that are used to assist yourself or others in Jujutsu, and that are auxiliary to Jujutsu. Do you understand?"

Naruto nodded, but he looked amazed. He wondered if he could learn all those types of techniques.

"The most important thing to remember about Jujutsu techniques is that they are not fixed, but flexible. They are not static, but dynamic. They are not rigid, but adaptable. They are not absolute, but relative. They are not the same, but different. They are not the end, but the means. They are not the goal, but the process. They are not the answer, but the question. Do you understand?"

Naruto nodded, but he looked confused. He wondered if he was understanding anything, or if he was just confused by everything.

Nanami smiled, and finished his burger. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, and drank his drink. He looked at Naruto, and saw the confusion and curiosity in his eyes. He knew he had given him a lot of information, and he knew he had not explained everything. He knew he had only scratched the surface of Jujutsu, and he knew he had more to teach him. He knew he had a long way to go, and he knew he had a lot of work to do. But he also knew he had a good student, and he knew he had a bright future. He knew he had a potential, and he knew he had a hope.

"Sunglass-man, I have more questions," Naruto said, raising his hand.

Nanami nodded, and smiled.

"Of course you do, kid. And I have more answers. But not now. Now, we have to go. We have some work to do. We have to exorcise some curses."

Naruto nodded, and smiled.

"Okay, Let's go. Let's exorcise some curses."

"Do we really have to?" Naruto pouted.

"Let's go, kid." Nanami repeated. "Let's exorcise some curses."

Naruto sighed.

They got up from the table, and left the food court. They walked through the mall, and headed to the exit. They blended in with the crowd, and looked like normal people. But they were not normal people. They were Jujutsu sorcerers. They were the ones who fought curses, and protected the world. They were the ones who used Jujutsu, and manipulated reality. They were the ones who understood curses, and exorcised them. They were the ones who lived in the shadows, and shone in the dark. They were the ones who were complicated, and simple. They were the ones who were limitless, and infinite. They were the ones who were Jujutsu kaisen.

~• •~

In the dimly lit alleyways of Tokyo, the air was thick with the malevolent aura of curses. Mahito, with his twisted grin, roamed with a singular purpose: to collect humans for his nefarious plans. Unbeknownst to him, Kento Nanami, a stoic and determined Jujutsu sorcerer, was on his trail, exorcising low-grade curses with methodical precision.

Nanami was not alone a few moments ago as Tenodakume Gojo or Naruto was with him. The boy was tired and Nanami decided to put him in a nearby daycare to rest, much to the boy's annoyance. He himself was tired, but had more than enough energy to deal with some low grade cursed spirits. The boy had insisted that he could talk some sense into those cursed spirits and befriend them. Nanami was… annoyed.

Upon hearing some muffled noise, he looked into the alley from which the sound had come.

Mahito and Nanami, their paths converged unexpectedly. Nanami, his eyes sharp behind his glasses, spotted Mahito. He was… 'playing' with his victims. The cursed spirit's presence was like a stain on the world, a distortion that Nanami was all too eager to cleanse. Mahito turned, his curiosity piqued by the sorcerer's confident stance.

"Ah, the ratio Jujutsu sorcerer comes to play," Mahito taunted, his voice echoing off the walls. "Shall we finish what we had started?"

Nanami didn't rise to the bait. He was tired from exorcising curses all day long. He didn't have much strength left. "I was here to exorcise low level curses. Didn't think that I'll be seeing any lower than that, you, Mahito. Your existence is a threat to the natural order," he declared, his cursed energy beginning to flow like a silent river. "I shall exorcise you, here."

"Really?" Mahito licked his hand, which turned into a blade. "Let's curse each other, then!"

Nanami, a man of discipline and precision, stood tall. His eyes were sharp, focused, and full of determination. His hands were steady, gripping the hilt of his weapon with a firmness that spoke of countless hours of practice. His posture was relaxed yet alert, a testament to his years of training. He was a picture of calm, a stark contrast to the chaotic energy that radiated from Mahito.

Mahito, on the other hand, was a creature of chaos. His wild hair framed a face that was twisted into a crazed grin. His eyes gleamed with malice, his fingers twitching with anticipation. He was unpredictable, a fact that Nanami was well aware of. Mahito thrived on chaos, his movements erratic and his attacks unorthodox.

The silence was deafening as they circled each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. The tension was palpable, a tangible force that seemed to electrify the air around them. It was a standoff, a moment of calm before the storm.

With a sudden burst of movement, Mahito lunged forward. His attack was as erratic as his personality, a flurry of strikes aimed at Nanami. But Nanami was ready. He parried the attack with a swift, precise movement, his years of training evident in his fluid motions.

The fight was a dance, a deadly ballet of strikes and parries. It was a clash of styles, Nanami's precision against Mahito's unpredictability. Each move was met with a countermove, each attack with a defence. The alley echoed with the sounds of their battle, the clash of metal against metal, the grunt of exertion, the hiss of pain.

Despite Mahito's chaotic energy, Nanami held his ground. His movements were calculated, his attacks precise. He was a rock amidst a storm, unyielding and steadfast. His discipline was his strength, his precision, his weapon.

Nanami's attacks were a symphony of precision and power, each strike a testament to his years of rigorous training and unwavering dedication. Yet, Mahito proved to be a formidable adversary, his body morphing into grotesque shapes to evade Nanami's relentless onslaught.

"Your efforts are futile, Nanami," Mahito taunted, his voice dripping with scorn. "Humans are nothing more than clay for us to mould."

Unfazed by Mahito's derision, Nanami retorted, "It's my sworn duty to protect these 'clay figures' from abominations like you." His blade cut through the air, its path illuminated by the glow of his cursed energy.

Nanami's unique technique, the Ratio Technique, allowed him to create weak points on any object or being, rendering them vulnerable to his attacks. He exploited this to his advantage, targeting the areas on Mahito's body that seemed most unstable during his grotesque transformations.

Sensing the tide of the battle shifting against him, Mahito unleashed a surge of cursed energy, conjuring a horde of transfigured humans to swarm Nanami. But Nanami remained undeterred, his blade dancing a deadly ballet, slicing through each monstrous creation that dared to approach him.

"You're losing your touch!" Mahito sneered, appearing behind Nanami. "Idle Transfiguration...!"

Nanami braced himself for the impending attack, his breath hitching in his throat. But the expected blow never came. He felt as if he had teleported with Satoru for a moment. Confusion washed over him, then realisation dawned.

A new presence had entered the battlefield. A presence that was impossible to ignore. The aura of the one and only Grand Grade sorcerer in training. Tenodakume Gojo, also known to the world as Naruto, had arrived.

~• •~

You have 13 missed calls from Satoru Gojo

New message from Satoru has been received.


Satoru Gojo is online.

You:What do you want?

Satoru:Ahhh…is my junior mad at me?!

You:Get to the point. I do not have as much free time as you.

Satoru: Always so formal. :-( Anyway,I want you to take my nephew on missions.

You:I refuse.

Satoru:He has the Six-Eyes. An evolved version.

You:…carry on.

Satoru:His mother and father are dead and are now cursed spirits bound to him.

You:How old is he?

Satoru:Six next week.

You:It's too reckless.

Satoru:The higher-ups sent an assassin to kill him.

You: What?

Satoru:The boy is… a danger to both himself and everyone around him.

You:But he is too young for missions.

Satoru:He has the strength to kill but is too soft.

You: Well, that'sa child you are talking about.

Satoru:No, try to understand, the boy believes that not all cursed spirits are bad. Heck, he even wants to befriend them.


Satoru:Take him to some missions, show him the dark side of the cursed spirits.

You:I will consider this. However, only low-level missions, no higher than Third Grade.

Satoru:Hehe, I knew I could count on you, my junior!

You:Anyways, how strong is the child?


~• •~

He was sleeping in the daycare when he felt a malicious cursed energy spike from somewhere close. He woke up immediately and ran towards the door and went away before any of the caretakers could say anything.

He sprinted like his life was depending on it. Within a few secconds, he was there.

By the time he reached the place, he was not sad. He wasangry. He wasfurious.

For the first time as Tenodakume Gojo, Naruto felt something very foreign—hate.

He looked at the grinning form of a stitch-faced person— a cursed spirit. Grinning at him.

In a dimly lit alley, the cobblestones slick with rain, Naruto, a mere five-year-old, stood defiantly before the sinister figure of Mahito. His alabaster hair clung to his forehead, raindrops tracing rivulets down his pale cheeks. But appearances were deceiving—this child harboured a power beyond imagination. But he must not express his inner thoughts.

Naruto was not wearing his blindfold over his eyes. His keen eyes scanned the area and saw the mutilated corpses of… people and a bruised body of his current sensei— Nanami Kento.

"H-h-help…me…" a half-dead creature… human said in a pleading tune before a pale hand grabbed the head of it and… crushed it.

Six-Eyes, they called it—a rare and forbidden ability that transcended the mortal realm. Naruto's irises glowed with an otherworldly light, each eye a portal to realms unseen. Yet, unlike the shinobi of legend, he lacked the familiar arsenal of chakra and ninjutsu. Instead, he wielded something darker, more primal: cursed energy.

Mahito sneered, his twisted features contorting with malice. "What can a child do against me?" he taunted, tendrils of cursed energy writhing around his fingers.

Naruto's response was a silent one. He didn't need words; his intent crackled in the air. The alley trembled, shadows coalescing into spectral forms. The very fabric of reality quivered as Naruto tapped into the forbidden wellspring within him.

Mahito, his features twisted into a sneer of contempt, taunted Naruto. "Tell me, what can a mere child do against me?" His voice was a hiss of malice that echoed off the damp walls of the alley. Tendrils of cursed energy writhed around his fingers like serpents ready to strike.

Naruto's response was not verbal but palpable. He didn't need words; his intent crackled in the air, a silent promise of the storm to come. The alley trembled, shadows coalescing into spectral forms. The very fabric of reality quivered as Naruto tapped into the forbidden wellspring within him, a power so ancient and vast it made the earth beneath them pulse in rhythm.

Mahito lunged, his cursed energy lashing out like serpents. But Naruto sidestepped effortlessly, his movements fluid and precise. He didn't dodge; he flowed. Each step resonated with ancient power, and the alley itself seemed to pulse in rhythm.

Their clash was cataclysmic. Mahito's attacks met empty air, while Naruto's retaliation was swift and unyielding. Cursed energy surged, tearing through the veil between worlds. Reality buckled, and the things around them turned to ash.

Mahito sneered, his voice a hiss of malice. "Foolish child, do you think your tricks can beat me? I am beyond your mortal comprehension. And why?" Mahito spat, desperation etching lines on his face. "And why fight for a mere human? I feel like you aren't even one."

Naruto's eyes blazed. "Because Nanami Kento deserves better, everyone does." he replied, his voice echoing with centuries of determination. "Because even a child can defy fate."

Mahito laughed and then he turned into a rhinoceros and ran towards the boy.

And so they continued—a five-year-old boy and a cursed spirit. The alley bore witness to their clash, its walls scarred by energies beyond comprehension. Naruto's white hair danced in the tempest, and his Six-Eyes blazed like dying stars.

"You don't understand the fun of seeing these pathetic so-called humans suffer, child!" Mahito yelled.

The battle continued. Naruto summoned a sphere of spiralling energy formed in his palm, its bright blue light illuminating the alley. "You're wrong. It's you who doesn't understand," Naruto declared, launching the attack. "Cursed Technique: Blue Rasengan!"

Mahito wasn't quick enough to dodge it, the energy ball hit him in his chest, sending him a few metres away. The cursed spirit gave himself no leisure to moan in pain as he produced a blade with his hands and jumped at Naruto.

Mahito countered with his own dark powers, but Naruto was relentless. He invoked another attack, "Tsunade Style: Black Flash!" his fist crackling with a crimson-black aura. "This is the strength of those who believe in hope!" he shouted, his punch landing with a thunderous impact.

The cursed spirit recoiled, then, in desperation, decided to expand his domain. "Domain Expansion: Self-Embodiment of Perfection!"

Huge hands upon hands appeared out of nowhere, overlapping one-another, creating a synchronized motion that was both beautiful and sinister.

"You cannot touch me here. I am untouchable!" Mahito boasted, his voice echoing in the distorted space. "Your Infinity barrier doesn't work here!" Mahito then yelled, "Idle Transfiguration…!"

Pin drop silence.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Is that all? Believe me, I am not impressed."

Mahito yelled in frustration. The boy's Infinity Barrier was not working here. Then why can't he feel his soul…


He can feel it…

…but can't understand it.

"What… are y-you?" He mustered all his courage to vocalize those words.

The answer that he got was unpredicted.

"A person who wants to understand who he is." Naruto said. "A demon? A jinchuriki? A monster? A child? A Shinobi? A sorcerer? What am I?"


Naruto didn't say anything, instead, he raised his hands and made a dragon seal. "Domain Expansion—."

Mahito looked around in awe. What? Where's the attack? Why is his domain not shattering…


His eyes widened in horror.

~• •~

A few days ago…

In the heart of Tokyo, within the walls of the Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Technical School, Tenodakume Gojo found himself in a quiet room with Satoru Gojo. The room was simple, with a single table and two chairs. It was here that they often discussed the complexities of jujutsu, away from the prying eyes of the other students.

"Old-man-sensei," Naruto began, his voice steady despite the nervousness he felt. "I've been thinking about Domain Expansion. That tree-curse that day tried to use it that day."

Satoru looked at him, his eyes hidden behind the bandages that always covered his face. There was a moment of silence before he responded. "Domain Expansion, huh? That's a big step, Naru-chan."

Naruto nodded, his determination clear. "I know it's advanced, but I want to learn. I want to become stronger."

Satoru studied him for a moment before leaning back in his chair. "Alright," he said finally. "Let's talk about Domain Expansion."

And so, they delved into the intricacies of Domain Expansion, Satoru explaining the concept with a clarity that only he could provide. He spoke of the immense concentration required, the understanding of one's own cursed energy, and the dangers of incomplete expansion.

Naruto listened, absorbing every word. He asked questions, sought clarifications, and took mental notes. It was a lot to take in, but he was determined to understand.

Satoru leaned forward, his hands clasped together on the table. "Domain Expansion," he began, "is the pinnacle of jujutsu techniques. It's not something that can be learned overnight."

He paused, ensuring Naruto was following along. "To use Domain Expansion, you need to have a deep understanding of your own cursed energy. It's about creating a space where your cursed technique is guaranteed to hit. It's like creating your own world, your own domain."

Satoru picked up a piece of chalk and began to draw on the blackboard. He sketched a circle, representing the domain, and a stick figure, representing the jujutsu sorcerer. "When you use Domain Expansion, you're essentially enveloping your opponent in your domain. Inside this space, your attacks are unavoidable."

He drew a series of lines from the stick figure to the edge of the circle, representing the attacks. "However, creating a domain requires a huge amount of cursed energy. It's not something you can use lightly. And if your domain is incomplete, it can be invaded or even taken over by a stronger opponent."

Satoru put down the chalk and turned back to Naruto. "The key to Domain Expansion is control. You need to be able to control your cursed energy to the point where you can shape it into a domain. And you need to be able to maintain that control even in the heat of battle."

He leaned back in his chair, his explanation complete. "It's a difficult technique, Naru-chan. But I believe you have the potential to master it."

"Hey, old man," Naruto said. "Mom's innate technique was to show people their deepest desire, right? And you said it's also my innate technique?"

"Yep!" "Yep!" Both his mother and uncle spoke in unison. One sitting inside his mind while the other one sitting in front of him.

"What if I use Reversal Red on it after amplifying it with Blue?" Naruto asked with a finger on his chin.

Satoru grinned, "Dream becomes aviolet nightmare."

~• •~


And with that, Mahito's domain crumbled. As well as Mahito.

Narutoi's eyes, violet with the power of the Six-Eyes, locked onto Mahito's form. With a swift motion, he activated domain, casting both himself and Mahito into an ethereal world created from the darkest corners of the mind. Here, seconds stretched into days, and reality was at the mercy of Naruto's will.

"Surprise." Naruto said, but Mahito couldn't see him anywhere. "This is an incomplete technique. Although, in here, I am in control. Believe it."

From Mahito's perspective, being trapped inside Naruto's Tsukuyomi was an utterly disorienting and harrowing experience. As a master of soul manipulation himself, Mahito was accustomed to being in control, but within this world, all control was stripped away.

Imagine Mahito suddenly finding himself in a world that defies the laws of physics and reason. The landscape around him shifts constantly—now he's in a vast desert, now a dense forest, now floating in an endless void. Time warps and bends; seconds stretch into hours, and hours shrink into moments. He witnessed his own body twisting and morphing into grotesque forms, feeling every sensation as if it were real, yet unable to stop or even understand it.

In Tsukuyomi, Naruto doesn't just attack the body; he attacks the very essence of the soul. For Mahito, it looked like living through a nightmare from which there is no awakening, a series of events that challenge his identity and existence. It's a place where Naruto's will is absolute, and Mahito is nothing but a pawn in a twisted game of the mind.

Mahito, a being of cursed energy, found himself in a human body, vulnerable and confused. Naruto, with a mere glance, transfigured Mahito's form, twisting it into shapes and beings far from its original essence. Each transformation was more harrowing than the last, a grotesque parade of Mahito's potential forms. And just as Mahito began to comprehend his new shape, Naruto would rewind the illusion, subjecting him to torment all over again.

Days passed in the span of heartbeats, each cycle stripping away layers of Mahito's confidence and sanity. The cursed spirit's shock turned to horror as he realised the depth of Naruto's domain. It was a relentless assault on his very being, a punishment that transcended physical pain and delved into the core of his cursed core.

The psychological impact is immense. Mahito, who thrives on the fear and pain of others, is now the one experiencing fear and confusion. He's bombarded with images and scenarios designed to break his spirit, each one more intense than the last. It's a relentless assault on his psyche, leaving him to question what is real and what is illusion.

As the domain finally shattered, Mahito was left gasping on the battlefield, his mind a tangle of fear and disbelief. Naruto stood over him, his eyes still glowing with the power of his domain. The cursed spirit had been broken, not by brute force, but by the sheer psychological dominance of Naruto's Tsukuyomi. Mahito is left with more than just the memory of pain and confusion. He is left with doubt, with the unsettling notion that his abilities, his very identity, might be built on a foundation less solid than he had ever imagined.

Naruto's voice was soft but firm. "I've shown you the power of the human spirit, something you'll never understand."

"M-m-m-monster!" Mahito yelled as liquids were coming down his eyes. He crawled backwards.

Naruto's eyes narrowed, a silent vow to conclude the chaos that had unfurled. "This charade has gone on long enough," he murmured, a surge of determination stealing his voice. "Let's put an end to it." With a swift motion, chakra coalesced in his palm, a mesmerising dance of cursed energy that spiralled into a sphere of ominous purple, adorned with ethereal rings.

Mahito, the Special Grade cursed spirit, gazed upon the spectacle, his usual smirk long replaced by a horrified look. "Hollow Style: Purple Rasengan," Naruto announced, the name of the technique echoing like a harbinger of doom.

Propelled by an unseen force, the Rasengan hurtled towards Mahito, a blur of violet fury. It struck with the ferocity of a tempest, ravaging the space where it landed and tearing through the fabric of Mahito's existence. The impact sent him reeling into the alley's wall, his soul's integrity compromised by the technique's voracious appetite.

"How... can you obliterate a fragment of my soul?" Mahito gasped, his voice a mix of pain and incredulity.

"Soul?" Naruto's voice was a whisper, yet it carried the weight of untold secrets. "The entities you've toyed with... they are nothing but replicas of what you believe them to be."


Naruto reveals a profound truth to Mahito. "The forms you believed you were manipulating," Naruto says with a calm yet piercing gaze, "were not souls. They were mere shadows, echoes of what you perceived as the soul."

Mahito, still reeling from the relentless domain, tries to process this revelation. In his arrogance, he had thought himself the ultimate manipulator of life's essence, but Naruto's words cut deeper than any physical wound. "Your power," Naruto continues, "is limited to the surface, to the transient. You touch something beautiful, but it's not the soul. You do not understand its depths, its resilience."

The cursed spirit's mind races, his own cursed technique called into question. Has his understanding been so superficial? Naruto's domain was not just a trap but a lesson, a demonstration of the true nature of power and perception.

"Those are just cores," continued the boy. "The core of cursed energy. You are so confused that you can't differentiate between soul and a curse energy core. Obviously it is not your fault as no one can understand the soul." Naruto smiled, his very form looking like aprofessorof wisdom talking with an ignorant child. "You are a cursed spirit. A 'spirit'— Just a manifestation of emotion.AND YOU HAVE NO SOUL."

Mahito's eyes widened and he muttered some incoherent words before he could say anything else, in a sudden twist, Hanami emerged, his presence as silent as the growing flora he commands. With a flourish of his hand, the alleyway transforms into a labyrinth of verdant life. Vines creep and flowers bloom with unnatural speed, a living barrier between Naruto and his quarry.

Naruto, momentarily taken aback by this unexpected intervention, finds his attention ensnared by the botanical mirage. Hanami seizes the opportunity, his limbs extending with the fluid grace of branches in the wind, ensnaring Mahito and retreating with the swiftness of a startled deer.

The two figures vanish into the greenery, leaving Naruto alone with the rustling whispers of leaves—a fleeting reminder of the cursed spirits' solidarity and the ever-present unpredictability of their world.

Naruto walked towards Nanami. "Sunglass-sensei, are you okay?"

Nanami's gaze settled on the youth before him, and in the quiet of his mind, a single thought resonated: 'Strong' was a gross understatement. Words unspoken, he acknowledged the raw, almost otherworldly power that emanated from the boy—a force so potent it bordered on the demonic.

With a silent nod of respect, Nanami conceded internally, 'To wield strength comparable to twelve fingers of Sukuna... truly remarkable.'

Nanami Kento would live another day, thanks to a child who defied the rules of existence. Naruto, the boy with Six-Eyes, stood still in the alley, a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the edge of chaos.

"Yes, I am fine. Let's go."



Author Note:

Wow! Borderline six thousand words... Thanks for reading this story! The next chapter will come with bundles ofsurprises. If you think Naruto in this chapter is broken, then you are wrong. Very very wrong...

Till next time!

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine: The Calm Before Storm


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Chapter Nine: The Calm Before Storm

In the tranquil pre-dawn hours, Toge Inumaki, a sorcerer known for his cursed speech, found solace in the silent art of poetry. His words, though often restricted in daily life, flowed freely onto parchment, weaving verses that spoke of the Jujutsu world—a realm where curses and humans intertwined in a delicate dance of power and peril.

On this particular morning, as the first light of day crept through his window, Toge penned a sonnet that captured the essence of his reality:

Within the shadowed veil of night's embrace,

Where curses lurk and twisted spirits roam,

The Jujutsu sorcerers take their place,

To fight the darkness, far from light of home.

In silence, Toge's cursed tongue finds peace,

His words, though sealed, in poetry release.

Each verse a battle, every rhyme a shield,

Against the malevolent forces, we wield.

The binding vows of ancient clans hold tight,

As sorcerers weave their spells with deft hands,

In this hidden war, a perpetual fight,

For balance in these spiritually fraught lands.

Yet hope glimmers like a steadfast star,

In verses penned, healing wounds and scars.

For in the art of words, Toge finds might,

A sonnet's power in the Jujutsu fight.

Toge's sonnet was more than mere words; it was a testament to the struggles and triumphs of those who lived alongside curses. Each line was a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit and the unwavering courage of the sorcerers who stood as humanity's shield.

As the sun rose higher, casting a golden hue over his desk, Toge set down his quill. His poem, a mere hundred words, was concise yet profound, encapsulating a thousand-word story within its metre and rhyme. It was his silent rebellion against the curse that bound his voice—a declaration that even in the quietest whispers, there is strength to be found.

And so, with the morning's work complete, Toge folded the parchment, sealing within it the sonnet about the Jujutsu world. Perhaps one day, it would find its way to another, inspiring hope and courage in a world shrouded by shadows and silence.

~• •~

With a mechanical hum, Mechamaru surged forward, his massive form looming ominously over the darkened area. His movements were calculated, precise, a testament to years of combat training and technological prowess. Yet Mahito, with his eerie grin and ever-shifting form, stood unfazed, a dark aura radiating from his cursed essence.

'Geto was right! This does help, fighting against humans lightens up the mood. I feel almost better now!'

"Ah, the steel puppet approaches," Mahito's voice echoed with a chilling resonance. "Let us see if your metal can withstand the touch of curses."

Mechamaru's response was a low growl, the gears within him grinding with determination. He launched himself forward with thunderous force, his metallic fists poised to strike. But Mahito, agile and elusive, danced effortlessly out of harm's way, his form contorting and twisting with unnatural grace.

As the confrontation escalated, the true extent of Mahito's power began to reveal itself. With a malicious grin, he unleashed waves of cursed energy, each pulse threatening to corrode the very fabric of reality. Mechamaru fought valiantly, his armour holding strong against the onslaught, but with each passing moment, he felt his strength waning.

Desperation gnawed at Mechamaru's core as Mahito's relentless assault continued unabated. Try as he might, the steel giant found himself unable to gain the upper hand against his cursed adversary. With each blow, he could feel his systems faltering, his movements growing sluggish under the weight of exhaustion.

Multiple times did Mechamaru think he was successful. But no. He wasn't.

When Mahito used his Domain Expansion, Mahito was sure he had won. But Mechamaru countered it with Simple Domain. Then he, Mechamaru thought that he was successful.

How wrong he was…

When Mahito invaded the core of Ultimate Mechamaru and was just about to attack him with that disgusting grin of his, he thought he was done for.

...except he wasn't.

All of a sudden, just before Mahito was about to tear him apart, he had stopped.

"W-what?" Mechamaru asked, confusion in his eyes. "Why did you stop?"

What he got in answer was unpredicted.

"I-i-i-it'shim!" Mahito stuttered. "T-theDEMON!"

Confusion consumed Mechamaru's thoughts before he felt it too.

An extremely dense and potent cursed energy that did not belong to Geto was right on the top of Ultimate Mechamaru.

"That old man was pranking me— the prank king! This is not teleportation, this is…" a childish voice was heard before the sound of throwing up was heard. "Daman! I am never teleporting again this far without practice, dattebayo!" Then, a pause. "But where the hell am I?"

"I-i-i-it'shim!" Mahito shouted as he sprouted wings on his back and began to fly away. "T-theDEMON! Geto! We are out of here!"

Ultimate Mechamaru's cameras were destroyed, so Mechamaru couldn't see what was happening outside, but he could hear.

"Who's there… ugh… a ghost!" The child said before the sound of thunder cracking… was that the sound of a… Black Flash…?

Mahito screamed like he was dying, which may not be entirely false.


"Maybe I messed up your brain real bad." The child sighed. "Look, you were killing people for fun, it was not my mistake I snapped. I am willing to give you a chance. Come with me, we can talk."

"No we can't!"

"Can do!"

"You are a demon!"

"And you are an overgrown Stitch-Faced doll!"

"Let me go…" a wheezing sound was heard, which was followed by Mahito's scream.

"What…" the child said. "Where are you… hey, who are you… is that a ball… hey! Don't eat that… that's disgusting! Eww!" Again, the child began to throw up.

"Is that miso ramen?" Wasn't that Geto? Oh no... "I can smell it from here."


"You should chew well, little one. It's not wise to swallow like that."

"...yeah, everybody says that to me." A small pause followed. "Who are you?"

Then, a chuckle was heard. "I am a free-working Jujutsu sorcerer, little one." Geto said. "I was fighting that cursed spirit here. Thank you for your assistance."

"I guess." The child sighed. "Hey, monk-sorcerer, what's your name?"

"Suguru Geto." He chuckled. "I should go now. Goodbye, little one."

Mechamaru heard something from behind him, before he could turn, darkness had consumed him.

Naruto looked around and wondered where that humongous cursed energy was coming from.

Then he looked below him and frowned.

He instantly punched the robot and made a hole in it. He made his way to the core of it, only to find a bloody body of a teenager.

"Hey, hey!" He tried to heal the teenager using the Reversed Cursed Technique.

"Shibuya…" the teenager said. "Thirty… First October… Satoru… Gojo...seal…"


Later that day, Mechamru was taken to Jujutsu High.

Mechamru was not dead. But he was in a coma.

~• •~

Mahito lay on the banana hammock, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. He felt nothing but pain and despair, as if his soul had been shattered into pieces. He had been trapped in that brat's Tsukuyomi, a domain that manipulated his perception of time and reality. In that illusion, he had experienced the worst nightmare of his life: he had been forced to kill his friends, Jogo, Hanami and Dagon, over and over again, for what seemed like an eternity. He had felt their curses, their hatred, their agony, as he stabbed, burned, and crushed them with his cursed technique. He had seen their faces, twisted with fear and betrayal, as they cursed him with their dying breaths. He had heard their screams, echoing in his ears, as they begged him to stop. He had felt their blood, splashing on his hands, as he tore them apart. He had done it all, without any control, without any remorse, without any escape. He was transformed over and over again in very painful ways. He was the artist, not art itself…

He had woken up from the domain, only to find out that it had lasted for only a few seconds in the real world. He had been rescued by his friend, Hanami, who had managed to distract Naruto and flee with Mahito from his grasp. Hanami had brought him back to their hideout, where they had tried to heal his wounds and comfort him. But it was too late. The damage had been done. Mahito had lost his sanity, his will, his identity. He had become a broken shell of his former self, unable to speak, to move, to feel. He had become a victim of Naruto's cruelty, a pawn in his game.

Then Geto suggested that he should go and have some fun. Mojito decided to play with Mechamaru.

He was actually having fun, when he was just about to finnish that machine-boy, thedemonappeared. Mojito was once again captured. In order to save him, Geto swallowed half of him.

Jogo, Hanami and Dagon watched over him, with sadness and anger in their eyes. They had been his friends, his comrades, his family. They had shared his vision of a world where curses ruled over humans, where they could live freely and happily. They had followed him, trusted him, loved him. And now, they had lost him, to a human, ademon, an enemy. They felt a surge of hatred towards Naruto, the one who had done this to him, the one who had taken him away from them. They swore to avenge him, to make him pay, to make him suffer. They decided to go after him, to find him, to kill him.

"Worry not, Mahito," Jogo said. "I will personally kill that demon brat!"

~• •~

It was a sunny day in Tokyo and Naruto was excited. He had just turned six years old, and his friends from the Jujutsu High School had come to celebrate with him in his house. They were Yuji, Nobara, Megumi, Satoru, Toge, Panda, Shoko, Nanami and Maki. They had brought him a big cake, some presents, and a lot of balloons.

The boy that Naruto had rescued was being treated by cake-butt lady in Jujutsu High. His wounds were fatal, but he would live. He was that robot student from Kyoto that day. After saving him, he was now the third most favourite person on Miwa's list. He wondered who were the first and second…

During his childhood, Naruto was very lonely in Konoha, as he was an orphan who was shunned by the villagers for being the host of the Nine-Tails. He had no friends or family to celebrate his birthday with, except for the Third Hokage, who was his guardian and mentor. Naruto often felt isolated and unwanted, and he craved attention and recognition. He developed a cheerful and prankster personality to cope with his loneliness, and he vowed to become the Hokage someday, so that everyone would respect him. He also found solace in seclusion, choosing to distance himself from others to ensure his own safety. But now, he was not alone.

"Happy birthday, Naruto!" they shouted as they entered his house.

"Thank you, thank you!" Naruto said, jumping up and down. "You guys are the best!"

He hugged them one by one, and then ran to the table where the cake was. It was a chocolate cake, with orange frosting and a picture of Naruto's face on it. It also had six candles on it, ready to be blown.

"Wow, this is awesome!" Naruto exclaimed. "Did you make this, cake-butt lady?"

Shoko nodded as she inhaled from her cigarette. "Yes, I did, kid. It's your special day, after all."

"I love it, I love it!" Naruto said, licking his lips. "Can I have a slice now?"

"Not yet Naru-chan. You have to blow the candles first and make a wish." Satoru said.

"Okay, okay. I'll do that." Naruto said, taking a deep breath. He closed his eyes and thought of his wish. He wished to to protect his friends. He opened his eyes and blew the candles with all his might.

"Yay, Naruto!" his friends cheered. "You did it!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Naruto said, smiling widely. "Now, can I have a slice?"

"Sure, sure. Here you go." Shoko said, cutting a piece of cake and putting it on a plate. She handed it to Naruto, who took a big bite.

"Mmm, this is delicious!" Naruto said, his mouth full of cake. "You're the best, cake-butt lady!"

"I'm glad you like it." Shoko said, patting his head before inhaling smoke from her cigarette. Everyone glared at her.

Naruto finished his cake, and then looked at the presents. There were nine of them, wrapped in colourful paper and ribbons.

"Wow, these are for me?" Naruto asked, his eyes sparkling.

"Of course, Naruto. They're from us." Nobara said.

"What are you waiting for, Naruto? Open them!" Yuji said.

"Okay, okay. I'll open them." Naruto said, grabbing the first present. He tore the paper and revealed a pair of orange goggles.

"Wow, these are cool!" Naruto said, putting them on. "Who gave me these?"

"I did, Naruto." Megumi said. He was a quiet boy, who used shadows and animals as his weapons. He had a pet wolf, called Divine Dog, who was always by his side.

"Thank you, emo-nii-chan. They're awesome!" Naruto said, admiring his reflection.

"You're welcome, Naruto. They suit you well." Megumi said, smiling slightly. "And please, call me Fushigoro."

Naruto moved on to the next present. He opened it and found a replica of something he had seen before. "Wow, this is cool!" Naruto said, holding it carefully. "Who gave me this?"

"I did, Naruto." Maki said. She was a tomboyish girl after all, who was skilled in using weapons and physical combat. "This might not be real, but it is still very dangerous."

"What do you call it?"

"Playful Cloud." Maki smirked.

"Thank you, emo-nee-chan. It's cool!" Naruto said, swinging it around.

"You're welcome, brat. Just be careful with it, okay?" Maki said, warning him.

"Okay, okay. I'll be careful." Naruto said, nodding.

He opened the third present and found a book. "Wow, this is a book!" Naruto said, flipping through the pages. "Who gave me this?"

"I did, Naruto." Nanami said as he tilted his sunglasses.

"Thank you, Nanami. It's nice!" Naruto said, looking at the cover. It was a book about the history of the Jujutsu world.

"You're welcome, Naruto. It's very informative. You should read it sometime." Nanami said, encouraging him. "Take it as a thank you for that day for saving me."

"Okay, okay. I'll read it sometime." Naruto said, putting it aside. Despite hating to read, he was still a prodigy.

He opened the fourth present and found a scarf.

"Wow, this is a scarf!" Naruto said, wrapping it around his neck. "Who gave me this?"

"Salmon." Toge said. Naruto always found him mysterious. When he asked his uncle why he was like that, he got his answer. He had a special power, called Cursed Speech, which allowed him to control anything with his words. But a wrong word could potentially kill ANYONE. Naruto felt bad for him.

"Thank you, collor-ni-chan. It's warm!" Naruto said, feeling the fabric.

"Salmon. Salmon, Mustard Leaf." Toge said, nodding.

He opened the fifth present and found a stuffed animal- a fox. "Wow, this is a cute fox!" Naruto said, hugging it. "Who gave me this?"

Panda waved his hand. He requested Yaga to make it for Naruto.

"Thank you, Panda-nii-chan. It's cute!" Naruto said, squeezing it.

"You're welcome, Naruto. It's fluffy." Panda said, smiling.

He opened the sixth present and found a round pair of sunglasses with an orange tint. "Wow, this is a pair of sunglasses!" Naruto said, putting it on. "Who gave me this?"

"Me, Naru-chan." Satoru said with a smirk.

"Thank you, old man. It's pretty!" Naruto said, admiring it.

"You're welcome, Naru-chan. It's special." Satoru said, winking.

He opened the seventh present, and found a poster of a famous model… no… on the face… It was Nobara's face. Everyone laughed while the teen girl blushed. "Wow, this is a poster!" Naruto said, unrolling it. "Who gave me this?"

"The great Nobara Kugisaki, brat." Nobara said, although she didn't seem too excited, which everyone knew was a facade.

"Thank you, hammer-nee-chan. It's cool!" Naruto said, looking at it.

"You're welcome, kid. It's awesome, just like me." Nobara said, blushing.

He opened the eighth present and found a watch. "Wow, this is a watch!" Naruto said, putting it on. "Who gave me this?"

"Me, me! Naruto." Yuji said.

"Thank you, Yuji-nii-chan. It's nice!" Naruto said, checking the time.

"You're welcome, Naruto. It's useful." Yuji said, smiling.

"Thank you, thank you. I love you guys!" Naruto said, tears in his eyes.

They spent the rest of the day, playing games, telling stories, and having fun. Naruto felt like the luckiest boy in the world, to have such amazing friends. He was happy, and he hoped that his happiness would last forever.

Only if he knew how wrong he was.

~• •~

Geto walked along the narrow path that led to Granny Ogami's hut. He had heard rumours about the old woman, who was said to be a powerful sorcerer and a master of reviving dead people's power in a living vessel. He had a special request for her, one that he hoped she could fulfil.

He knocked on the door and waited. After a few moments, he heard a voice from inside.

"Who is it?"

"Geto Suguru. I have come to seek your help, Granny Ogami."

Kenjaku walked into the dimly lit room, where an old woman was sitting on a tatami mat, surrounded by candles and incense. She looked up at him with a wary gaze, her wrinkled face showing signs of age and bitterness.

"Huh?" She asked, her voice raspy and cold. "What do you want from me?"

Kenjaku smiled, his eyes gleaming with malice. He bowed slightly and spoke in a polite tone.

"Good evening, granny Ogami. I am Suguru Geto. I have come to ask for your help with a very important matter."

Granny Ogami narrowed her eyes and clenched her teeth. She recognized the name of Geto, the traitor who had betrayed the jujutsu world and joined forces with the cursed spirits. She had no love for him, or anyone associated with him.

"What do you want from me, Suguru Geto?" She spat, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Do you want me to curse someone for you? Do you want me to sell you some of my rare and illegal items? Do you want me to join your twisted cause?"

Kenjaku shook his head, and chuckled.

"No, no, nothing like that. I want you to do something much simpler, and much more beneficial for you. I want you to revive someone for me."

Granny Ogami frowned and tilted her head.

"Revive someone? Who do you want me to revive? And why should I do that for you?"

Kenjaku leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

"I want you to revive Toji Fushiguro. The Zenin clan's assassin. The man who killed Riko Amanai. The man who almost killed Satoru Gojo."

Granny Ogami gasped and recoiled from Kenjaku. She felt a surge of fear, and curiosity. She knew who Toji Fushiguro was. He was a legend among the jujutsu sorcerers, a man who had no cursed energy, but could fight and kill anyone with his physical skills and cursed tools. He was also a man who had almost killed the man who had ruined her life, indirectly.

She had been a strong woman, who had run a dark business of trading cursed objects, cursed corpses, and cursed humans. She had connections with the underworld and had no scruples about exploiting the weak and the innocent. She had been feared and respected by many.

After the birth of Satoru Gojo, the child with Six-Eyes and Limitless, the balance of power in the world of Jujutsu had shifted. Cursed energy users like herself were forced to hide in the shadows.

They had raided her place and had confiscated all her illegal goods. They had also arrested her and had sentenced her to life imprisonment in a special facility. She had lost everything, her power, her wealth, her freedom. All because of Satoru Gojo.

She hated him, with every fibre of her being. She wanted him to suffer, to die, to rot in hell. She wanted revenge.

Gojo had faced Toji and had engaged him in a fierce battle. The fight had been so intense, that it had caused a huge disturbance in the cursed energy flow of that area.

"Why do you want me to revive Toji Fushiguro?" She asked, her voice trembling with emotion. "What do you plan to do with him?"

Kenjaku smiled and revealed his true intention.

"I want you to revive Toji Fushiguro, because I want him to kill Satoru Gojo for me."

Granny Ogami's eyes widened, and she felt a mix of shock and excitement. She could not believe what she was hearing. Kenjaku wanted her to revive the only man who had ever wounded Gojo, the only man who had ever made him bleed. He wanted her to revive the man who could possibly end Gojo's life.

She looked at Kenjaku, and saw the determination and the madness in his eyes. She realised that he was serious, that he was not joking. He had a plan, a plan that involved Toji Fushiguro, and Satoru Gojo.

She felt a surge of curiosity and asked.

"How do you plan to do that? How do you plan to make Toji Fushiguro kill Satoru Gojo for you?"

Kenjaku leaned back and explained his plan.

"I have a plan, a plan that will change the world. A plan that will unleash the true potential of cursed energy and create a new era of curses. A plan that will require the sacrifice of Satoru Gojo, the one who stands in my way."

He told her about his plan, his plan to seal Gojo in a prison realm.

She agreed to his plan and agreed to help him. She agreed to revive Toji Fushiguro, and agreed to make him kill Satoru Gojo. She agreed to everything, without knowing anything.

He manipulated her, he used her. He used her hatred, her grudge, her desire for revenge. He used her skills, her knowledge, her resources.

He was Kenjaku, the curse of humanity. And he would stop at nothing, to achieve his goal.

She was granny Ogami, the fool of sorcerers. And she would regret it, to the end of her days.

Kenjaku had everything ready. He had the ritual, the ingredient, the sacrifice. He had the puppet, the weapon, the tool. He had the plan, the goal, the vision. He had the power, the cunning, the secret. He was ready to revive Toji Fushigoro, and to begin his final game. He was ready to create a new world, and to destroy the old one. He was ready to face his destiny, and to make history.

He was Kenjaku. And he was unstoppable.

~• •~

Naruto followed his friends to the manga shop, feeling nervous and curious. Yuji, Nobara and Inumaki had insisted that he was old enough to read manga now, so he came with them. Having nothing better to do, Megumi tagged along.

Naruto scanned the shelves, looking for the manga that had his name on it. He saw titles like "Bleach", "One Piece", "My Hero Academia", and "Demon Slayer", but none of them caught his eye. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Yuji holding a manga in his hand.

"Look, Naruto, this is the one I was telling you about. It's called 'Naruto'. It's about the son of the legendary ninja Minato Namikaze, who wants to become the Hokage, the leader of his village. It's really cool and exciting. You should read it." Yuji said, smiling.

Naruto felt a surge of shock and disbelief. He took the manga from Yuji and looked at the cover. He saw a boy with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing an orange and black jumpsuit. He had a whisker-like mark on each cheek and a headband with a leaf symbol on it. He looked exactly like Naruto.

Naruto felt his heart skip a beat. He opened the manga and flipped through the pages. He saw familiar faces and scenes from his past life. He saw his friends, his enemies, his mentors, his battles, his victories, and his losses. He saw his own story, told in a different way.

He felt a mix of emotions. He felt nostalgia, sadness, anger, joy, and confusion. He wondered how this was possible. How did someone know about his life? How did they turn it into a manga? How did they get it published? How did it become popular? How did no one notice that he was the same person as the protagonist?

He looked up and saw that his friends were busy browsing other manga. He saw that Megumi was watching him with a curious and concerned expression.

He felt guilty for lying to his other friends. He wanted to tell them the truth, but he was afraid of how they would react. He was afraid that they would think he was crazy, or that they would hate him, or that they would expose him to the world.

He decided to keep his secret for now. He closed the manga and handed it back to Yuji. He forced a smile and said, "Thanks, Yuji-ni-chan, but I'm not really interested in this manga. It doesn't look like my type. Maybe you can lend it to me later, if you want."

Yuji shrugged and said, "Sure, no problem. But trust me, Naruto, you're missing out. This manga is awesome. You should give it a chance. Maybe you'll find something in common with the main character. He's a lot like you, you know. He's brave, loyal, funny, and determined. He never gives up on his dreams, no matter what. He's a true hero."

Naruto felt a pang of irony and sadness. He wished he could tell Yuji the truth. He wished he could tell him that he was the main character. He wished he could tell him that he had given up on his dream. He wished he could tell him that he was not a hero, but a failure, he never actually became the Hokage, he had died.

He nodded and said, "Maybe you're right, Yuji-ni-chan. Maybe I'll like it after all. But for now, let's go and check out some other manga. I heard there's a new one called 'Demon Slayer'. It's about swordsmen who fight demons with special powers. It sounds cool, don't you think?"

Then Naruto saw another book that had a picture of a boy that looked too much like him. The book's name was: 'Boruto Vol. 1'

Intrigued, he took the book and flipped some pages.

'I was supposed to marry Hinata and have a son?!'

He flipped some more pages before stopping as he saw a picture of an adult-Naruto.

'Why do I look so ugly!?'

Naruto was on the verge of tearing the book when Megumi spoke.

"Why do you read it if it annoys you?" Megumi asked, eyeing the 'Boruto' manga in Naruto's hands with a mix of curiosity and amusem*nt.

Naruto, the spiky-haired, amethyst-eyed child, sighed dramatically. "It's this protagonist, Boruto. He's a real piece of work. Thinks he can just waltz around, disrespecting his old man. It's infuriating!"

Yuji Itadori, overhearing the conversation, chuckled as he leaned against a bookshelf. "Sounds like someone has daddy issues," he teased, earning a glare from Naruto.

Nobara Kugisaki, flipping through a manga of her own, joined in. "Well, Boruto's dad isn't around much. Being a ninja seems like a busy job."

Naruto snorted. "Busy doesn't cut it. A father should be a father. This manga makes it look like a joke! Naruto said with a sly grin spreading across his face. "It's funny, isn't it? The brat has no respect! Throwing paint on the Hokage monument? His father must be very proud of him!"

"What's so funny?" Yuji asked, plopping down beside them.

"Naruto's kid in this manga," Naruto waved the book with a dramatic flair, "he's a real piece of work!"

Nobara snatched the book and skimmed a few pages. "He's just like you, Naruto. Always causing trouble," she teased, nudging him with her elbow.

Naruto feigned shock, placing a hand over his heart. "I am hurt! I would never—"

"—Get caught," Yuji finished, winking at Megumi.

Megumi raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "But you're just a kid. What do you know about being a father, Tenodakume?"

Naruto's face turned red, and he stammered for a moment before regaining his composure. "I read a lot! And I have… uh, strong opinions!"

The group erupted into laughter, the sound filling the small manga shop. As they continued to discuss the antics of Boruto and his father, Naruto couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for his past life. He remembered his own days as a brash young ninja, always causing trouble, always striving to prove himself.

As the conversation turned to other manga and the adventures within, Naruto found himself reflecting on the lessons he had learned throughout his life—both as Naruto and now as Tenodakume. He realized that every character, every story, had something to teach.

And perhaps, he thought, Boruto wasn't so different from him after all. Maybe, just maybe, he could learn to appreciate the young ninja's journey, to see the humor in his rebellion, and to remember the importance of patience and understanding.

With a smile, Naruto closed the manga and placed it back on the shelf. Today, he would not let Boruto's antics annoy him. Today, he would enjoy the company of his friends and the endless possibilities

Yuji agreed and followed Naruto to another section of the shop. Naruto hoped that he had convinced him. He hoped that he had avoided suspicion. He hoped that he had escaped his past.

But he knew that he was wrong. He knew that he could not escape his past. He knew that his past was following him. He knew that his past was waiting for him.

He knew that his past was his destiny.

~• •~

It was Halloween night in Shibuya, one of the busiest and most colorful districts in Tokyo. Thousands of people, many of them wearing costumes, were enjoying the festive atmosphere, unaware of the danger that lurked beneath the surface.

In a hidden location, a group of curse users were preparing to execute their plan.

"Are you ready?" Pseudo-Geto asked, holding the Prison Realm in his hand.

"Yes," the curse users said, nodding.

"Good. Then let's begin. Activate the curtain," Pseudo-Geto ordered.

One of the curse users stabbed a nail on the ground, and a dome of purple light enveloped Shibuya. The people inside the dome felt a sudden chill, as if the temperature had dropped. They looked up, and saw the sky had turned dark. They heard a loud voice, echoing through the air.

"Attention, citizens of Shibuya. You are now part of a special experiment. We are testing the limits of human fear and despair. You have two options: stay inside the dome and face the horrors that await you, or try to escape and risk being killed by the guards. Either way, you have no hope of survival. Enjoy the show."

The people were shocked and confused. They didn't know what was going on, or who was behind this. They tried to call for help, but their phones had no signal. They tried to leave the dome, but they were stopped by a wall of curses. They were trapped, and they were scared.

"What the hell is this?" a man in a vampire costume shouted.

"Is this some kind of prank?" a woman in a fairy costume asked.

"No, this is real. This is a curse," a boy in a ninja costume said. He had seen some jujutsu sorcerers fighting curses before, and he knew what they looked like.

"A curse? What do you mean?" the woman asked.

"I mean, we're in danger. There are monsters out there, and they're coming for us. We have to find a way out," the boy said.

"Monsters? What are you talking about?" the man asked.

"Look, there's one!" the boy pointed.

They turned, and saw a huge creature with horns, claws, and teeth. It was a cursed spirit, and it was hungry. It roared and charged at them.

They screamed and ran for their lives.

They looked at the dome and saw the chaos that had begun. The curses that they had hidden inside the dome had started to emerge, and they had started to attack the people. The people screamed and ran for their lives. They had no defence, and no hope.

The Shibuya Incident had begun, and it was a nightmare.

~• •~

Naruto was in his room fast asleep when he suddenly felt a humongous cursed energy spike from the north direction.

"W-what?" He asked, perplexed.

"Whatever that was," his father said. "It was dangerous, very dangerous, Stay out of it."

"I guess," he was just about to close his eyes when he felt a number of very familiar emotions from that direction.

The pain oflosingyour beloved.

The fear ofdeath.

The fear ofdarkness.

The pain of beingcrushedalive.


Without thinking any further, he jumped out of his bed, and marched towards the main door.

"NARUTO…!" His mother screamed from inside him. "Get back in the house!"

He stood on an electricity pillar. He needs to teleport. He tried to recall what the old man had taught him…

'...let me explain how I teleport long distances. It's a part of my Limitless curse technique, which allows me to manipulate the space and time around me. I can bend the space between two points and create a shortcut, or a wormhole, that I can use to travel instantly. I can also use my Six Eyes, a special trait that gives me enhanced perception and control over cursed energy, to locate my destination and adjust my warp.

However, my teleportation technique is not perfect. I have some limitations and conditions that I must follow in order to use it. Here are some of them:

One,I must have a clear and unobstructed line of sight to my target. I cannot teleport through walls or other obstacles, as they would interfere with my spatial manipulation.

Two,I must clasp my hands together to activate the warp. This is a gesture that I use to focus my cursed energy and create the wormhole.

Three,I must deactivate my Infinity barrier temporarily. This is a disadvantage that I must accept in order to use my teleportation. My Infinity barrier is a defensive technique that creates an infinite distance between me and anything that tries to touch me. I must lower this barrier when I teleport, as it would prevent me from entering the wormhole. This also makes me vulnerable to attacks during the warp.

Andfour,I cannot cover very long distances. I can only teleport within a certain range, depending on my cursed energy and skill level. I cannot teleport across continents or planets, for example. I also cannot teleport to places that I have never been to or seen before.

These are some of the basic rules and principles of my teleportation technique. I hope this helps you understand how I do it. If you can master it, then you will becomeMinato Namikazefrom the anime …'

Naruto felt nauseous as he thought about teleportation but didn't bother. He had lives to save. 'Straight line…' he thought. '...clear image… Shibuya…'

"Naruto, don't be a fool," his father said. "If you do this, there may be consequences."

"NARUTO…!" His mother screamed from inside him, again. "Get back in the house! That energy spike was far greater than anything I have seen!"

"I have seen worse." Naruto replied with a sad smile, still in his orange kimono. "I have faced animals bigger than the Eiffel Tower. I have fought assassins, cold-blooded murderers, aliens, demons, Madara and Kaguya. I don't think anything else can scare me now."

"Naruto, you are not a teenager." His father argued. "You're just a child, an extremely powerful one, but a child nonetheless."

"No dad, I am aSHINOBI."


"I can't mom, I have to save them. That is a promise, and I won't go back on my word." he replied, voice stern. "That is mynindo, myNinja Way."

The Child of Prophecy vanished in thin air.



Author Note:

Wow! Borderline seven thousand words... Thanks for reading this story! The next chapter will come with bundles ofsurprises.

Next Chapter:

Toji VS Naruto.

Jogo VS Naruto

If you have any suggestions for the fights, do let me know in the review section!

Revised: 13/03/2024.

Till next time!

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten: A Demon Meets a King


Author Note:

This chapter was very difficult to write, believe it! But I enjoyed it, truly. For some reason, while writing the conversation of Naruto with his parents, I got very emotional. I hope you will love this chapter. Review!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Chapter Ten: A Demon Meets a King

In the Jujutsu world, where sorcerers and cursed spirits vie for dominance, the grading system stands as a cornerstone of order and hierarchy. This system, intricate and deeply rooted in the world's lore, serves as a measure of a sorcerer's prowess and a cursed spirit's threat level. It is a scale that balances the fine line between chaos and control, a guide that shapes the destiny of all who dwell within this arcane universe.

The grading system is divided into several tiers, each reflecting the strength, skill, and potential of the individual or entity it assesses. At the lowest end of the spectrum lie the Grade 4 sorcerers and cursed spirits, beings of minimal threat or power, often young sorcerers still honing their abilities or minor curses born of weak negative emotions. These entities are typically tasked with handling low-level incidents or undergoing rigorous training to ascend the ranks.

As one progresses upwards, the Grade 3 tier represents a significant step forward. Sorcerers at this level have demonstrated a commendable command over their cursed energy, capable of performing basic Jujutsu techniques and exorcizing intermediate curses. For cursed spirits, this grade signifies a greater accumulation of malice and strength, posing a more considerable challenge to those who confront them.

The Grade 2 sorcerers and spirits mark the middle ground, where the distinction between novice and adept becomes apparent. Sorcerers of this grade are seasoned warriors, often entrusted with more perilous missions and capable of wielding advanced Jujutsu techniques. They are the backbone of Jujutsu society, safeguarding the balance between the human world and the realm of curses. Grade 2 cursed spirits, on the other hand, are formidable adversaries, often requiring multiple sorcerers to subdue.

At the pinnacle of the grading system are the Grade 1 and Special Grade classifications. Grade 1 sorcerers are the elite, masters of their craft who can confront the most dangerous of curses head-on. They are the vanguards of the Jujutsu world, their names whispered with a mix of fear and reverence. Special Grade sorcerers are a rarity, individuals whose power transcends the conventional grading scale, often possessing unique abilities that can alter the very fabric of reality.

Special Grade cursed spirits are the stuff of nightmares, entities so powerful that they can threaten entire cities or even nations. They are the embodiment of pure, unbridled malice, born from the darkest corners of human collective fear. Engaging a Special Grade spirit is a task reserved for only the most skilled and courageous of sorcerers, for it is a battle that teeters on the edge of life and death.

The grading system is not merely a static measure of power; it is a dynamic and ever-evolving reflection of one's journey through the Jujutsu world. Sorcerers train tirelessly to climb the ranks, facing trials that test their limits and forge their resolve. Cursed spirits, too, evolve, their grades shifting as they feed on the negative energy that fuels their existence.

In this world, the grading system also serves a deeper purpose. It is a narrative device that weaves together the tales of countless characters, each with their own ambitions, fears, and destinies. It is a framework that allows for the exploration of themes such as the nature of power, the burden of responsibility, and the quest for self-improvement.

In the old scriptures of Master Kush Sarito, there is another Grade. One that is even higher than Special Grade.Grand Gradestands as a testament to the extraordinary. It is a title whispered in reverence, reserved for those whose power eclipses the known limits of the Jujutsu hierarchy. Grand Grade sorcerers are paragons of strength and wisdom, capable of feats that defy the very laws of nature. They are the guardians of balance, the ones who walk a solitary path to protect the fabric of reality from unraveling.

Conversely, Grand Grade cursed spirits are cataclysms incarnate. They are born from the deepest, most pervasive fears of humanity, and their mere presence distorts the world around them. To face such a spirit is to stand at the precipice of oblivion, challenging the darkness that seeks to consume all.

The Grand Grade is more than a rank; it is a legend, a goal that drives the bravest souls to strive for greatness. It is the ultimate challenge, promising epic battles and profound revelations. In the narrative of the Jujutsu world, the Grand Grade is the pinnacle of power, the rarest of achievements, and the most thrilling of adventures. It is the heart of stories that inspire awe and wonder, a symbol of the unyielding spirit that defines the greatest of sorcerers and the most formidable of curses.

In conclusion, the grading system of the Jujutsu world is a multifaceted construct that shapes the narrative and defines the characters within it. It is a testament to the complexity of the universe created by the storytellers, a tool that adds depth and intrigue to the epic saga of sorcerers and spirits. As the story mode progresses, the grading system remains a constant, guiding light, illuminating the path that each character must walk, whether it leads to glory or to ruin.

-Rules and Orders of the Jujutsu World; for first years

~• •~

In the neon-drenched streets of Shibuya, where the city's heartbeat is its people, a young boy in an orange kimono moved like a wisp of hope among the shadows. His snow-white hair flowed behind him, opposite to the vibrant colors that adorned the bustling district. This was Tenodakume Gojo, also known as Naruto, a child.

As Naruto walked, his amethyst eyes caught sight of a curse that had ensnared a group of people. Without hesitation, he approached, his presence alone bringing a hush over the panicked crowd.

"Tsunade Style: Black Flash," he yelled, his small hands moving with practiced ease. The curse recoiled, as if afraid, and then dissipated into the ether, leaving behind only the faintest trace of malice.

The crowd, now freed from their terror, murmured among themselves, their voices a blend of relief and wonder.

"Did you see that? The monster just vanished!"

"Who is that child? He's so young, yet looks so powerful…"

Naruto turned to leave, there were many more that needed help, but a young girl, no older than he, grasped his sleeve. "Thank you," she said, her eyes brimming with gratitude. "What's your name?"

He then replied, offering her a gentle smile. "I'm just a Shinobi, helping where I can," he replied softly.

As he stood and vanished away, the whispers grew louder, the people's words weaving a tapestry of legend around the mysterious boy.

"He's like a flash, here and gone in an instant."


~• •~

Jogo looked down at the unconscious form of Yuji Itadori with a sinister grin. As a special grade curse, he knew that feeding Sukuna's fingers to the boy would only strengthen his already formidable powers. Jogo took one of the cursed fingers and held it out towards Yuji's mouth.

"You truly are a fool, Itadori," Jogo hissed, his voice dripping with malice. "But your ignorance will only serve to benefit us curses in the end."

Jogo glanced around but saw no one in the dimly lit area. He shook his head, dismissing it as his imagination playing tricks on him. With a cruel smile, he pushed the finger past Yuji's lips, feeling a surge of power pulse through the boy's body.

~• •~


The air in Shibuya was thick with tension, the kind that precedes a storm. Megumi's voice, laced with a mix of fear and defiance, barely finished echoing his name when the unexpected happened.

In a blur of motion too swift for the human eye, a figure appeared between Megumi and Toji. Snow-white hair, almost glowing under the moonlight, framed a young face with eyes that held the depth of the universe.

"Tsunade Style: Black Flash!" The boy's voice, clear and resonant, cut through the silence like a blade.

Toji, the feared sorcerer killer, found himself airborne, not by choice but by the sheer force of the technique that hit him. He crashed through walls as if they were made of paper, each impact a testament to the boy's power.

As the dust settled, Tenodakume turned to Megumi, his bright amethyst eyes softening. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice carrying a warmth that belied his cold appearance. "Leave this place," he urged, not as a command but as a plea for safety.

Megumi was utterly shocked. This kid just punched a man who was the strongest human he had ever seen like a pebble. Such strength is… demonic. And that was indeed a Black Flash, a different and refined version, but a Black Flash, nonetheless. Didn't he call it 'Tsunade Style'? Wasn't that the name of Hokage in 'Naruto' manga he has been reading lately? Does this kid watch that series too…?

Footsteps interrupted his train of thoughts. He saw the man standing behind the boy. With inhuman strength, he returned to the fray, his movements a blur as he aimed a lethal strike at the boy. Yet, his fist stopped inches away, halted by an invisible barrier.

"Limitless:Infinity." Naruto murmured, almost to himself, as he watched Toji's confusion turn into realization.

Toji's inner thoughts raced. 'Who is this child? How can he wield such techniques?' But there was no time for questions. The fight was on, and he had to adapt or fall.

'His fangs were constantly driven towards the strongest…'

The clash of the black sheep of the Zenin and the demon shook the very streets of Shibuya. Toji, his fists like hammers, struck with a force that could shatter bones. Yet, each blow was effortlessly repelled by Naruto's Infinity Barrier, an invisible wall that rendered Toji's lethal prowess futile.

Toji attacked the boy with a barrage of punches, but the attacks never touched him, still, the boy was thrown away each time due to the shockwaves.

"I don't want to harm you," The boy yelled, His movements were fluid, a stark contrast to the brute force of Toji's attacks. "You are strong, but I cannot let you kill emo-nii-chan!"


Their forms became nothing more than a blur, their speed transcending human limits. To the onlookers, if any dared to watch, they were mere shadows flickering in and out of existence.

Toji could think, of course he could. But his body won't listen. He wanted to stop, but he could not. He was mentally exhausted, but a part of him wanted to kill all the sorcerers. And this boy was one. His brain automatically generated ideas and strategies to fight the boy.

Naruto had already acknowledged the man. The man was way faster and stronger than him. Almost equal to Maito Gai in his base form.

Toji's inner thoughts were a whirlwind. 'This kid... he's like a ghost. I can't touch him. This barrier…' Despite his confusion, his resolve did not waver. 'I must break through. I must find a way.'

Naruto, for his part, felt a pang of sadness. 'This man... he does not hold back, yet there is no malice in his heart. Why does he fight? What drives him to such lengths?'

As the battle raged on, it became clear that this was more than a fight. It was a test of wills, a confrontation between the unstoppable force and the immovable object.

Then, Toji used the famed weapon, Playful Cloud, its edges were not dull, but very pointy, like a needle or a nail. Toji moved the weapon in a ferocious motion, the staff whistled through the air, a deadly symphony of strikes aimed at the boy who stood calm and unyielding. Each attempt to connect was thwarted, the weapon seemingly repelled by an unseen force.

'Nothing can touch him.' Toji's mind raced, his instincts honed from countless battles screaming that something was not right. His eyes, sharp and calculating, studied the boy, searching for a weakness, a chink in the armor.

"Just stop, already!" Naruto yelled in frustration. He did not want to use his techniques against a human. But this guy… he was not giving up. Despite not using cursed techniques, Naruto felt like he was on the verge of passing out. His physical condition was at the very most: 60%. This guy was an absolute monster.

The boy, with the Six-Eyes of the Gojo clan, observed Toji's struggle. His heart felt a twinge of sorrow for the man before him. "A cursed spell?" he pondered aloud, his voice tinged with curiosity. His eyes, shining like amethysts, seemed to look right through Toji, seeing more than the physical form.

Toji's inner thoughts were a storm. 'This kid is different from the people I've faced before, it's not even like that Gojo brat. And this kid... There's something about him. He is not using his cursed techniques too much. He is actually keeping up with me. He is not just a fighter; he's something more.'

The child's voice broke through the chaos of Toji's mind. "You are bound by something unnatural," he said, his tone gentle yet firm. "I can see it! Let me help you!"

The realization hit Toji like a physical blow. 'Could this child see the curse that binds me?' For a moment, he hesitated.

As the standoff continued, the air around them seemed to crackle with the power of the unseen forces at play. It was a moment of truth, a pivotal point that could change the course of their encounter. The air was tense, the tension palpable as Naruto prepared to unveil his most potent technique. "Domain Expansion: Tsukuyomi!" he declared, his voice echoing with the power of his prowess. The world around them warped, reality bending to the will of the child.

The world around them shifted. The sky turned a brilliant blue while they found themselves in a blue grassland. Within the domain, Toji discovered himself in a realm of endless night, where the moon hung heavy and full, casting a silvery glow over everything. The oddest thing that Toji noticed was that this domain radiated a calm aura. Still, Toji marched towards the boy, his Infinity Barrier should not work here.

~• •~

A few days ago…

"Cursed Speech is a unique and powerful technique passed down through the Inumaki family," Gojo began, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the jujutsu world. "It allows the user to imbue their words with cursed energy, turning them into commands that must be obeyed."

Naruto listened intently as Gojo continued, "The mechanism is quite fascinating. The user, like Inumaki, has special markings known as the 'Snake Eyes and Fangs' on their cheeks and tongue. These markings are the key to activating the technique."

Gojo paused, ensuring the boy was following along. "When Inumaki speaks, he isn't just using words. He's channeling his cursed energy into them, making them potent enough to compel action or even cause physical effects. It's as if his voice carries the force of a spell."

Naruto's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "But doesn't that hurt him?"

"Yes, it does," Gojo replied solemnly. "Using Cursed Speech, especially strong commands, takes a toll on the user's body. It can cause throat pain, coughing up blood, or in severe cases, loss of speech. That's why Inumaki often carries cough syrup with him."

"So, he sacrifices his well-being to help others?" Naruto asked.

Gojo nodded. "Indeed. It's a heavy burden, but Inumaki bears it bravely. He uses his power to protect his friends and fight against curses. And that's what makes him not just a powerful sorcerer, but a true hero."

~• •~

"Kotoamatsukami," Naruto intoned, and a cascade of light enveloped Toji, seeping into his very being.

Abruptly, Toji halted his movements, and he felt a pang of emotion rushing inside him.

"Family is important," the boy spoke. His voice was like the sound of a cuckoo on a spring morning. "Go and look after them."

The shackles of the spell that had bound Toji's soul began to crumble, the dark tendrils dissolving into nothingness. As the domain receded, the night sky fading away, Toji was left standing, free from the invisible chains that had held him captive.

As the echoes of the domain faded, so did the animosity between them. It was a moment of clarity, a brief respite in the chaos of their battle. Confusion clouded Toji's eyes as he looked at the boy before him. The boy was on his knees, coughing… blood?

"What did you do to me?" Toji asked, his voice a mix of awe and suspicion. He was not feeling that immense bloodlust from himself anymore. He didn't want to continue fighting.

The child's expression was one of empathy and understanding. "You… w-were not being y-yourself," he explained softly, a bit of blood still on the corner of his lips. "Y-you were… being c-controlled, b-b-but now you are… free."

"How did you do it?"

"Cursed Speech," the boy replied. "Mixed it with Amplify Blue and applied it in my domain so that only you are influenced by it."

Toji's inner thoughts were a whirlwind, his sclera's gray color replaced by normal white color. 'This power... it's unlike anything I've ever felt. And this boy... he freed me. How?' The questions swirled in his mind, but deep down, he felt a sense of gratitude.

In the aftermath of the domain's dissolution, Toji stood motionless, his mind racing to comprehend the events that had unfolded. The boy's power was undeniable, a force that resonated with a familiar aura. It was a prowess that he had only felt once before, in the presence of Satoru Gojo.

"Who are you?" Toji finally asked, his voice steady but laced with a newfound respect. The question hung in the air, unanswered, as the child's gaze remained fixed on him, a silent understanding passing between them.

Tenodakume's inner thoughts were calm, a stark contrast to the turmoil he had sensed in Toji. "I am aShinobi," he replied, his voice soft yet carrying an undercurrent of strength. "One who seeks to understand the true meaning of my existence by helping others."

Toji's eyes narrowed, the pieces falling into place. The snow-white hair, the amethyst eyes, the overwhelming power—it all pointed to one conclusion. "You're his son, aren't you? Satoru Gojo's son," he stated, the realization dawned on him.

The boy did not confirm nor deny the statement, but the slight upturn of his lips spoke volumes. At that moment, Toji understood that the child before him was not just any opponent. He was the legacy of the strongest sorcerer, a beacon of potential that could change the world.

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Toji disappeared into the shadows of Shibuya, leaving behind the echoes of a battle that would be etched in his memory. The encounter with the child had left him with more questions than answers, but one thing was certain—he had witnessed the emergence of a new era.

And now, he had a little girl and a boy to look after. Eh, perhaps later, they can wait…

Naruto stood up, went to the alley where the fight had begun. Megumi was still on the ground, clutching his wound, Naruto was too tired to heal the older boy, but he did it anyway.

"You know the Reversed Cursed Technique!?"

"Yeah, I guess, dattebayo." Naruto coughed blood once more, damn, this takes a toll on the body. Even with the Reversed Cursed Technique, it is very hard to heal the wound on his throat. "You should go to the cake-butt lady." He told Megumi. "You look like you were crushed by a bulldozer."

"That might not be entirely false…" Megumi halted his speech as he felt a very malevolent cursed energy spike coming from the subway station. "Sukuna…"

Perhaps Naruto felt it too as he tensed up, "Yuji-nii-chan," oh, he did. "I am gonna go and see what it is, just go the cake-butt lady."

~• •~

"I'll give you one second," Sukuna opened his eyes, feeling the familiar presence of Shibuya surrounding him. "Move your hand."

The cursed spirit immediately jumped away and stood beside the trembling girls. He had a horrified look on his face.

As he stood up, the twin girls and Jogo trembled in fear, their eyes wide with terror at his awakening. "Your heads are quite high,"

The twin girls fell on the ground with a thud, dropping to their knees with their heads bowed low. Jogo hesitated for a moment before reluctantly following suit. However, he just kneeled with one knee.

"You think one knee is enough?" Sukuna said, his voice cold and commanding. He released a slash, cutting off a part of his head.

Sukuna walked towards the girls, his presence exuding power and intimidation. He looked down at them, a smirk playing on his lips.

"What do you want?" he asked, his voice dripping with malice.

The girls trembled as they stammered out their response, "T-t-there is a man downstairs wearing clothes like a monk… Sukuna…sama. Please kill him!" She then gained a little confidence. "

Sukuna laughed, a cruel sound that sent shivers down their spines. "You think I would ever be controlled by anyone?"

With a flick of his wrist, Sukuna summoned his curse energy, causing the ground to tremble beneath them. The girls and Jogo looked up in horror as Sukuna's power surged around him, his eyes glowing with a dangerous light.

"We know where another one of your fingers is…" one of the girls said.

"You think you can buy me with such a thing?"Sukuna said, his voice low and menacing. "I think it's time to finish this little charade,"

The girls whimpered in fear as Sukuna raised his hand, ready to strike. But before he could make a move, a blur appeared between them. A boy. The boy. He stepped forward, a desperate look in his eyes.

Sukuna's slash didn't cut anything because of the Infinity Barrier between them.

"Please," the boy said, his voice barely a whisper. "Spare them…"

"And why should I do that?" Sukuna asked.

"I…" the boy had no answer. Of course he didn't.

Sukuna turned to look at Jogo, his expression unreadable. After a moment of silence, he spoke, "Fine. I'll spare them, but only because of your plea."

Naruto let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Sukuna had shown mercy. The girls bowed their heads in gratitude, thanking Sukuna for sparing their lives. Naruto had at least twelve or thirteen fingers' worth of strength, according to Satoru. But, due to his previous fight with that superhuman, he had become physically weaker. He had also been saving civilians and fighting curses for quite some time.

But Sukuna's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the girls. "However, that doesn't mean I'll let you off so easily."

With a swift motion, Sukuna unleashed his curse energy, blasting the girls with a powerful wave. They cried out in pain before collapsing to the ground, bruised and broken.

Sukuna looked down at them, his eyes cold and unforgiving. "Remember this and never forget the power of Sukuna, the King of Curses."

Naruto stood defiantly in front of Mimiko and Nanako Hasaba. The two girls huddled behind him; their eyes wide with fear as they clutched each other's hands. Before them loomed Sukuna, the King of Curses, his presence alone enough to chill the bones of the bravest warriors.

Sukuna's eyes narrowed as he regarded the boy, a smirk playing on his lips. "You wish to protect them?" he asked, his voice a low rumble that echoed off the concrete and glass. "Very well, I shall give you a chance. But you must pass two tests."

Naruto's jaw set, and he nodded, determination etched into his young features. "I'll do whatever it takes," he replied, his voice steady despite the tremor he felt in his heart.

"The first," Sukuna began, his fingers idly tracing the air as a figure materialized beside him, "is to defeat him, the volcano curse." He looked at the cursed spirit. "How about this— if you manage to kill him I will do whatever you want."

Jogo stepped forward, his form crackling with fiery energy, the heat emanating from him warping the air. Naruto swallowed hard but stepped forward to meet the challenge. "I will eradicate your pathetic existence."

Sukuna clapped slowly, a look of amusem*nt on his face. "Impressive," he said. "But the second test will be revealed in time. For now, you have to earn a reprieve for these two."

Naruto turned back to Sukuna, "Okay, I will. But I would like to add one more condition."

"Oh, and what would that be?"

"If I pass," Naruto said, his amethyst eyes shining with determination. "Then you will leave the body of Yuji-nii-san, dattebayo!"

Sukuna stared at him for a moment before breaking out into laughter. However, Naruto's gaze remained fixed on him.

"Okay, brat!" Sukuna finally said. "That's the binding vow?"

Naruto nodded, but his eyes remained on Sukuna. "I'll be ready for the second test," he said. "Whatever it is." He gave the girls a reassuring look. "But let them go first."

"Okay." The girls quickly left the place after looking at the boy with wide teary eyes. They swore that they had seen a sh*thouse of Geto-sama beside him.

"I am ready." Naruto declared.

Sukuna's grin widened, revealing sharp teeth. "We shall see, brat. We shall see."

As the King of Curses vanished into the night, Naruto looked at the cursed spirit.

"You will pay for what you did to Mahito!" The cursed spirit yelled, lava falling from the top of his head.

"He is your friend?" Naruto asked with a frown. "Can't say he didn't deserve it, dattebayo!"

"Shut up, demon brat!" Yelled the cursed spirit as he jumped at Naruto like an animal.

The clash of the demon and a monster had begun. Shibuya, a district usually pulsating with life, now stood as the silent witness to a battle of epic proportions. Jogo, the embodiment of earth's volcanic wrath, faced off against Naruto.

As they squared off amidst the towering skyscrapers, the air crackled with cursed energy. Jogo's eyes, burning with a primal fury, were fixed on the boy, his fists igniting with the promise of destruction. Naruto, with the calm of a winter's night, gazed back, his Six-Eyes revealing the infinite layers of reality that lay before him.

With a burst of speed that shattered the ground beneath him, Jogo launched forward, his fists trailing flames. The boy, a clear sign of sadness in his eyes, activated his Infinity barrier. The invisible barrier repelled the cursed spirit's fiery onslaught. Each punch from Jogo was met with the unyielding force of the void, his attacks dissipating into nothingness upon contact.

The boy responded in kind, his fists moving with a grace that belied his age. The blows were precise, aimed not to harm but to subdue. Yet, Jogo's cursed form absorbed the impact, his resolve as unbreakable as the earth he commanded.

The exchange was a symphony of power and restraint. Jogo's flames roared against the silence of the Infinity, a testament to the cursed spirit's indomitable will. Naruto, his amethyst eyes shining with a celestial light, maneuvered with an elegance that spoke of his noble lineage.

He did not wish to exorcize Jogo, for within the cursed spirit's fiery heart, he saw a flicker of something pure, something worth understanding. And so, they fought, not as enemies, but as two beings searching for meaning in a world that had branded them as anomalies.

Their confrontation drew to a close, neither having gained the upper hand. The Infinity barrier remained unbroken, and Jogo's spirit unyielding. As they paused, the air around them shimmering with heat and power, it was clear that this was more than a fight—it was a dialogue of souls, spoken with fists and fire.

Jogo, his frustration mounting, as his fiery assaults were effortlessly repelled by Naruto's Infinity barrier. The cursed spirit's flames, which had razed countless adversaries before, were rendered harmless before the boy's serene gaze.

Undeterred, Jogo summoned the full might of his fire abilities, the air around him shimmering with the heat of a thousand infernos. He unleashed a barrage of fireballs, each one a miniature sun, hurtling towards Naruto with the intent to overwhelm.


The street thermometer of Shibuya rose from 21°C to an astonishing 300°C before the machine exploded.

Naruto, with a flick of his wrist, he invokedReversal Red, the technique that turned power against itself. The fireballs halted mid-air, their momentum reversed, and they sped back towards Jogo, who narrowly avoided his own attack.

Seizing the moment, Naruto extended his hand, his fingers tracing the complex patterns of theBlue. A gravitational well formed, seeking to pull Jogo into an abyss of unconsciousness. Yet, the cursed spirit's resilience was formidable; he resisted the pull, his cursed energy flaring to counter the boy's intent.

The boy's eyes, reflecting the depths of his lineage, were filled with conflict. He held back, his heart not in the fight to harm but to reach an understanding. His attempt to subdue Jogo with Blue was powerful, yet it lacked the decisive force, a testament to his reluctance to cause true damage.

"You won't give up, right?" Naruto yelled in a sad tone as he evaded a fireball.

"Never!" A frustrated Jogo shouted back as he stood on a busted skyscraper. "I won't hold back anymore!" He raised his hands towards the heavens and shouted, "Meteor!"

The skies above Shibuya darkened as Jogo, his fiery spirit unquenched, called forth his most cataclysmic ability. With a bellow that resonated through the very foundations of the district, he unleashedMeteor, a colossal orb of cursed fire that blazed like a second sun, its trajectory set to obliterate everything in its path.

Onlookers from afar, their eyes wide with terror, could only watch as the impending doom descended. Among them, Sukuna, the King of Curses, observed with a twisted grin, his interest piqued by the spectacle of destruction. 'How can I make it more enjoyable?' Then he felt a few human prescenes in the subway. He instantly appeared next to a human and a cursed corpse. He sauntered towards a cursed corpse and a swordsman, his presence alone enough to paralyze them with fear.

"Stay still and enjoy the show," Sukuna commanded, his voice laced with malice. The cursed spirit's delight was palpable as theMeteordrew closer, its heat scorching the air, playing with the dread that gripped the hearts of those who dared not move. "Don't move until I tell you to."

In the battlefield, Naruto stood resolute, his amethyst eyes reflecting the fiery descent. 'This is overkill!' He thought. 'I have to use it! I am glad that I helped everyone in the city evacuate. or else I would not be able to use it, dattebayo!" He raised both his hands towards the heavens and began to shape a spinning shuriken like structure. The air around him twisted and contorted, forming a spiraling vortex of cursed energy that mirrored the hues of twilight.

He invoked, "Hollow Style: Purple Rasenshuriken!"

With a motion that seemed to tear the fabric of reality, the boy hurled thePurple Rasenshurikentowards the Meteor. The two forces collided in a spectacle of light and shadow, an explosion that echoed through the realms of humans and curses alike.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the clash faded, Sukuna's smirk widened, his interest in the boy deepening, while Jogo, his attack thwarted, realized the true extent of Tenodakume's abilities.

TheMeteor, a symbol of inevitable destruction just a few moments ago, was obliterated, reduced to nothing but stardust in the wake of the boy's technique. The streets of Shibuya, spared from annihilation, bore silent witness to the boy's power—a power that transcended the limits of cursed spirits and sorcerers.

Naruto collapsed on his knees and used the Reversed Cursed Technique to heal his almost crisp hands. His childish body was not strong enough to wield thePurple Rasenshuriken.

Jogo landed next to the boy, his fiery spirit undiminished by the boy's display of power, prepared to unveil his trump card. The air around him crackled with cursed energy, the heat intensifying until it was almost tangible. With a roar that shook the very soul of Shibuya, he initiated his Domain Expansion.

"Domain Expansion: Coffin Of The Iron Mountain!" Jogo smirked. "From what Hanami and Mahito told me, your domain is incomplete. Now, you shall die here!"

The world transformed around them, reality bending to the will of the cursed spirit. Jogo's domain materialized as a magnificent landscape of fire and brimstone, a realm where every ember told a story of destruction and rebirth. The skies blazed with an ethereal glow, and the ground pulsed with the heartbeat of the earth's core.

Naruto stood amidst this inferno; his amethyst eyes wide with wonder. The beauty of Jogo's domain was undeniable, a testament to the cursed spirit's connection to the primal forces of nature. For a moment, the boy was lost in the spectacle, his heart captivated by the raw majesty of it all. The fiery landscape of Jogo's Domain Expansion was a sight to behold, yet it was about to be challenged by a force of serene and overwhelming power. Naruto, the boy with the celestial gaze, stood ready to unveil the depths of his own ability. But the awe was short-lived, for Naruto knew that it was time to bring an end to this dance of fire and fate. With a resolve that belied his youthful appearance, he steeled himself for the final move.

The boy's own power surged, a cool wave of energy that contrasted sharply with the surrounding inferno. He focused his mind, his Six-Eyes piercing through the illusion of Jogo's domain, seeking the truth that lay beneath.

With a calm that resonated through the chaos of fire and ash, Naruto initiated his domain.

"I am so s-sorry…" Naruto whispered before forming a dragon hand sign. "Domain Expansion: Tsukuyomi." The world around them shifted, the oppressive heat of Jogo's domain giving way to a night sky of infinite stars. The realm of Tsukuyomi was a tranquil expanse, where the moon hung low, bathing everything in a silvery glow.

In the world of Tsukuyomi, Jogo's domain crumbled, its fiery pillars turning to dust, its embers fading into the cool night air. The cursed spirit, so accustomed to battle, found himself facing a different kind of opponent—one who fought not with brute force but with visions of what could be.

Naruto's domain was incomplete. 'Was' and 'is' are two completely different words.

It began with a whisper, a soft murmur that seemed to echo from the very heart of the earth. Jogo stood amidst a forest dense and wild, where the trees stretched high into the heavens, their leaves whispering secrets of an ancient time when spirits roamed free, unbound by human malice.

The air was thick with the scent of moss and wet earth, a fragrance pure and untainted. Jogo could feel the pulse of the land beneath his feet, a steady rhythm that spoke of life in its most primal form. Here, in this dream, he was not the feared cursed spirit but a guardian of the earth's sacred groves.

Dagon, Mahito, and Hanami appeared beside him, their forms ethereal and serene. They moved through the forest with a grace that belied their monstrous natures, each step a silent testament to the peace that enveloped this world.

"See how the world thrives without them," Dagon's voice resonated, deep and fluid like the waters he commanded.

Mahito laughed, a sound clear and bright, "In dreams, we find our sanctuary, a place where our curses become blessings."

Hanami, ever the nurturer, reached out to touch a blooming flower, its petals unfurling to reveal a vibrant hue. "This is the beauty we protect, the life that flourishes in our care."

Together, they wandered through this dreamland, witnessing the wonders of a world reborn. Mountains rose majestically, their peaks crowned with snow that never melted. Rivers flowed with a clarity unmatched, their waters a mirror to the sky above.

Animals of all kinds roamed freely, unafraid and unharmed. They recognized the spirits not as threats but as kin, fellow inhabitants of this untouched paradise. Jogo felt a kinship with these creatures, a bond forged from the shared dream of a world where harmony reigned supreme.

As the dream continued, Jogo realized that this world was not just a figment of his imagination but a possibility, a future that could be if only the cursed spirits could find their place within the natural order.

The dream shifted, and Jogo found himself atop a cliff, overlooking a valley where the spirits gathered. They spoke of their hopes, their dreams, and the world they could create—a world where the curse was not a mark of fear but a symbol of the earth's enduring strength.

Seconds turned into weeks, weeks into decades and decades turned into centuries. Soon millenniums passed.

The boy's domain was not just a visual marvel; it was a reflection of his innermost desire for harmony between humans and curses. As Jogo stood amidst the ethereal landscape, he felt a sense of calm he had never known. The boy's power did not just overwhelm the senses; it spoke directly to the soul.

The boy's domain showed him a reality where curses need not be in perpetual conflict with humanity. Overwhelmed by the serenity of Tsukuyomi, Jogo's will to fight waned.

In the silence of the domain, Jogo admitted defeat, not through words or gestures, but through a subconscious acceptance that resonated within the depths of his cursed existence. The battle was over, not with a climactic end, but with a gentle understanding that bridged the gap between two worlds.

As the dust of their epic confrontation settled, Shibuya's heartbeat slowly returned to its normal rhythm. The neon lights, once dimmed by the magnitude of their battle, now flickered back to life, casting a gentle glow over the streets that had witnessed such extraordinary events.

Naruto, the boy at the center of it all, his snow-white hair, a stark contrast to the darkness around him, moved with the gentle breeze that whispered through the streets. His eyes, once fierce with the fire of battle, now held a tranquility that seemed to transcend the world around him.

Jogo, the embodiment of the earth's volcanic rage, lay defeated yet unscathed. In his eyes, there was no trace of resentment, only the glimmer of a new perspective—a vision of a world where cursed spirits could coexist with the rest of existence. The battle had transformed him, and as he slowly vanished, returning to the realm of curses, a sense of serenity enveloped him, a feeling foreign yet welcome.

Sukuna, the King of Curses, watched the unfolding scene with a calculating gaze. The battle had been a mere diversion, yet the boy's power had piqued his interest. A power that even he, with all his might, could not afford to ignore.

Naruto said with a gentle voice, "You should be proud of yourself, you are very strong. The world is vast, and every spirit has its place, believe it!."

Jogo whispered as he was fading into the ether, a few beads of liquid coming out of his eye. "Is this what it feels to be acknowledged? You... you have shown me... a different path. Thank you… Tenodakume Gojo."

The cursed spirit was gone.

Sukuna murmuring to himself, "Intriguing... The boy possesses a power that demands my attention. This will be... entertaining."

As the echoes of the battle faded into the night, Sukuna, the King of Curses, remained perched atop a shattered remnant of what once was a bustling Shibuya storefront. His eyes, sharp and calculating, followed the retreating figure of Tenodakume, the boy whose power had just shifted the tides of an ancient conflict.

"The boy... he's an anomaly. Not just a wielder of the Six-Eyes, but something more. He has a vision for this world—a vision that challenges the very nature of our existence. Cursed spirits and humans living in harmony? A fanciful dream... Yet, he wields his power with such conviction that it almost seems plausible." A sly grin crept across Sukuna's face, his fingers tapping rhythmically against his crossed leg. "Jogo, that brute, he never stood a chance. But he served his purpose, revealing the depths of the boy's abilities. And what depths they are... Limitless, indeed. It's been ages since I've felt a stir of excitement like this. The potential for chaos and creation that this boy holds... It's intoxicating."

Sukuna's gaze lingered on the horizon, where the first hints of dawn were beginning to pierce the night sky.

"The sorcerers will no doubt seek to use him, to harness his power for their own ends. Fools. They don't understand the nature of true power. It's not something to be controlled or tamed. It's a force to be unleashed, to reshape the world in one's own image."

He stood up, stretching languidly, the air around him crackling with cursed energy.

"Gojo brat, you've caught my interest. I must nullify the threat. You." With a chuckle that resonated with ominous portent, Sukuna disappeared from his spot before reappearing beside Naruto. He clapped his hands, drawing the boy's attention.

"You are easily the strongest child I have ever seen," the King said. "I must say, I am impressed—"

"What's the next task?" The boy interrupted.

Sukuna was a bit annoyed, but didn't express it. "Survive one attack."

"Deal." No hesitation. Fascinating. How about…

"No Infinity Barrier." He added.

"Okay." The boy deactivated his barrier instantly. 'The hell, is this kid suicidal?'

"No Reversed Cursed Technique… nah, you can use it." Sukuna grinned. "Are you ready?"

The boy closed his eyes and Sukuna was mesmerized by the sheer beauty of the blood vessels and capillaries in the boy's eyelids.

"Do it," the boy opened his eyes and declared with unyielding determination.

"So be it," Sukuna said as he began to weave signs, the sheer beauty of them hypnotizing the child. "Fuga,"

Naruto, with his Six-Eyes, read them with wide eyes. 'This… is… beautiful!'

Sukuna began with his hands apart, palms facing each other as if cradling an unseen orb. His fingers were splayed wide, primed to manipulate the dormant energies that surrounded him.

Gathering. His fingers curled inward slowly, as if enticing the very essence of fire from the air itself, amassing the volatile energy between his hands.

Formation. With a swift and fluid motion, Sukuna's hands came together, fingertips meeting. He rotated his wrists, twirling his hands around one another, molding the collected energy into the shape of an arrow.

Infusion. His thumbs glided along the length of the ethereal shaft, endowing it with a potent force that made the air shimmer with heat, the arrowhead now aglow as if a piece of the sun itself.

Aim. Sukuna elevated his arm, lining up the fiery projectile with his intended mark. His hand became steady, the movement halting, except for the faint quiver of power pulsating through his veins.

Release. With an abrupt flick of his wrist, the fire arrow was loose. It surged across the void, a scorching comet driven by the command of its creator, leaving a trail of embers in its path.

Each gesture was a testament to Sukuna's command over the elements, a choreographed exhibition of might that culminated in the fiery arrow's forging and dispatch.

By the time Naruto realized that he was the TARGET, he was already being burned alive.

"I couldn't simply let you live," he heard Sukuna say. "A few more weeks, and you would become the strongest. I cannot risk it." Then, the king grinned. "Even now, right at this moment, you are an honored one."

Naruto's world became dark.

A figure appeared behind Sukuna and kneeled.

"Lord Sukuna," they said.

"Who are you?" The king asked in an authoritative tune.

"Your humble servant."

"Urarume!" Sukuna grinned.

They smiled gently.

Sukuna and Uraume talked for a few moments before both went away.

Sukuna looked at the crisp body of the boy before sighing. 'You were wrong sensei,' he thought. 'You were wrong.'

~• •~

In the depths of his mind, Naruto found himself with his mother and father, their presence a silent echo of sadness. Naruto's heart felt heavy, sensing their melancholy.

"Tou-chan, kaa-chan…" His voice barely rose above a whisper, laden with emotion.

"Naruto," Kenji spoke with a serene calmness. "You're truly ready to face death, aren't you?"

"I-I am sorry," he sniffled, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

"Darling…" Hanako knelt and wrapped him in a warm embrace, her hug a sanctuary from his troubles.

"But I think I did something good today." Naruto's smile was strained, unconvincing. "I saved seven hundred lives!"

"Naruto…" Kenji's voice was gentle yet firm. "It's okay. It's okay to cry."

"I am…" The words were a mere breath, a prelude to the tears that followed.

"People don't cry because they're weak, but because they've been strong for too long," Hanako whispered, her hand comforting his head.

And so, Naruto cried, his tears flowing freely, like a child unburdened by the world's weight.

"But no worries!" He tried to laugh through his tears. "There are so many people I want you to meet. There's Pervy Sage, Neji, Jiji, Old Man First and Second. And, oh, there's mom and dad… my other mom and dad… hehe… Maybe I'll see them in heaven…"

"Oh, my boy…" kaa-chan's voice was soft as she stroked his back.

"Naru-chan…" Kenji knelt beside him. "What if I told you there's a way…"

"A way?" Naruto's eyes shimmered with a mixture of hope and confusion.

"Yes," Kenji nodded. "There are two latent powers within your core."

"What are they? How?" Naruto's curiosity sparked.

"I don't know," Kenji admitted. "But one of them might be strong enough to face Sukuna."

"What?!" Naruto's excitement was palpable. "Then why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"We feared the cost," Hanako interjected, her eyes filled with a mother's worry.

"What's the price?" Naruto's frown deepened.

"We're not sure," Hanako said softly.

"The other power?" Naruto pressed on.

"It's strong, but not enough," Kenji explained. "Tell me, Naruto—"

"Are you willing to take this power, knowing the risks?" Hanako finished for him.

Naruto inhaled deeply, his eyes closing for a moment of contemplation before opening with newfound determination.

"Tou-chan, kaa-chan, I'm counting on you."

His mother and father shared a glance and a nod before clasping their hands together.

~• •~

In the Prison Realm, Gojo Satoru looked at the ceiling of his prison and grinned.

'Here he comes!'

~• •~

Sukuna had just finished off Mahoraga by using his domain when he felt something suffocating. Him?! The King of Curses feeling sick?! What is this cursed energy?!

Suddenly, the color of the sky changed, the dark blue replaced by a brilliant sapphire as something brilliantly blue shot up at the sky with blinding speed.

Sukuna felt something landing behind him, something immensely powerful…

"Oi, Terrible Chef of a third-grade restaurant," they said in an odd voice that sent chills down his spine. "Let's show you how a Shinobi fights, dattebayo!"



Author Note:

Wow! More than eight thousand words...

Attention:I wish to know if you know what I know... ugh... I mean, do you know what power is Naruto using? Tell me in the review section; let me see how good or great your guess is! Predict how the fight will go and how it will affect the whole Jujutsu world.

Thanks for reading this chapter! The next chapter will come with bundles ofsurprises. We shall redefine the word 'BROKEN'in many ways there.

Next Chapter:


If you have any suggestions for the fights, do let me know in the review section!

I shall update this story soon. So, make sure to stay tuned!

Till next time!

Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven: When The Earth Shook


Author Note: 62,000+views... wow, thanks guys...!

At long last, the moment we've all been waiting for has arrived. A monumental clash is about to unfold, a battle of epic proportions between a formidable demon and a king. The process of crafting this narrative was no easy task. It required the delicate handling of a myriad of perspectives and a whirlwind of emotions. Yet, the challenge was a joy to undertake, a labor of love that I relished every step of the way.

The fight was supposed to be longer, you say. Who said it is the only fight between them...

I sincerely hope that you, too, will find joy in this chapter, that it will resonate with you and perhaps even earn a special place in your heart. If it does, I kindly ask that you consider adding it to your list of Favorites. Your support means the world to me.

Lastly, I welcome your thoughts and feedback. Reviews are not only appreciated, but they also provide valuable insights that help me grow as a writer. So, please feel free to share your thoughts. Enjoy the story!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Chapter Eleven: When The Earth Shook

In the depths of his mind, Naruto found himself with his mother and father, their presence a silent echo of sadness. Naruto's heart felt heavy, sensing their melancholy.

"Tou-chan, kaa-chan…" His voice barely rose above a whisper, laden with emotion.

"Naruto," Kenji spoke with a serene calmness. "You're truly ready to face death, aren't you?"

"I-I am sorry," he sniffled, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

"Darling…" Hanako knelt and wrapped him in a warm embrace, her hug a sanctuary from his troubles.

"But I think I did something good today." Naruto's smile was strained, unconvincing. "I saved seven hundred lives!"

"Naruto…" Kenji's voice was gentle yet firm. "It's okay. It's okay to cry."

"I am…" The words were a mere breath, a prelude to the tears that followed.

"People don't cry because they're weak, but because they've been strong for too long," Hanako whispered, her hand comforting his head.

And so, Naruto cried, his tears flowing freely, like a child unburdened by the world's weight.

"But no worries!" He tried to laugh through his tears. "There are so many people I want you to meet. There's Pervy Sage, Neji, Jiji, Old Man First and Second. And, oh, there's mom and dad… my other mom and dad… hehe… Maybe I'll see them in heaven…"

"Oh, my boy…" kaa-chan's voice was soft as she stroked his back.

"Naru-chan…" Kenji knelt beside him. "What if I told you there's a way…"

"A way?" Naruto's eyes shimmered with a mixture of hope and confusion.

"Yes," Kenji nodded. "There are two latent powers within your core."

"What are they? How?" Naruto's curiosity sparked.

"I don't know," Kenji admitted. "But one of them might be strong enough to face Sukuna."

"What?!" Naruto's excitement was palpable. "Then why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"We feared the cost," Hanako interjected, her eyes filled with a mother's worry.

"What's the price?" Naruto's frown deepened.

"We're not sure," Hanako said softly.

"The other power?" Naruto pressed on.

"It's strong, but not enough," Kenji explained. "Tell me, Naruto—"

"Are you willing to take this power, knowing the risks?" Hanako finished for him.

Naruto inhaled deeply, his eyes closing for a moment of contemplation before opening with newfound determination.

"Tou-chan, kaa-chan, I'm counting on you."

His mother and father shared a glance and a nod before clasping their hands together.

~• •~

In the Prison Realm, Gojo Satoru looked at the ceiling of his prison and grinned.

'Here he comes!'

~• •~

Sukuna had just finished off Mahoraga by using his domain when he felt something suffocating. Him?! The King of Curses feeling sick?! What is this cursed energy?!

Suddenly, the color of the sky changed, the dark blue replaced by a brilliant sapphire as something brilliantly blue shot up at the sky with blinding speed.

Sukuna felt something landing behind him, something immensely powerful…

"Oi, Terrible Chef of a third-grade restaurant," they said in an odd voice that sent chills down his spine. "Let's show you how a Shinobi fights, dattebayo!"

~• •~

The redhead walked towards the cave. The shadows of the cave seemed to cling to him, whispering of a time when his first friend stood beside him, a steadfast ally and friend.

In his heart, he carried the burden of leadership, a mantle he understood all too well. He thought of Konohamaru, the new Hokage, and the immense responsibilities that now rested on his shoulders. He knew the challenges of guiding a village, of being the shield against the darkness that threatened to engulf their world.

The cave was vast and echoed with the whispers of the past, a fitting place for the mighty fox to reside. His footsteps were silent on the soft earth as he approached the place where the great beast lay. The air was thick with power, and the shadows seemed to move with a life of their own.

"Kurama," Gaara called softly into the darkness.

The fox's eyes flickered open, gleaming like twin suns in the gloom. "Kazekage… it's been a long time," Kurama's voice rumbled, deep and resonant.

"I've come to talk," Gaara said, his voice steady but his heart heavy.

"You aren't the only one." The fox informed him. "That Uchiha-scum comes more often than I thought he would."

Gaara gently smiled. "He hasn't been able to forgive himself."

"So haven't I." Kurama said. "He's got a brat, right?"

"Yes, Naruko Uchiha, if I remember correctly." Gaara informed him. "But rest assured, she is a very sweet girl and nothing too much like her dad."

Kurama remained silent.

"Remember Konohamaru? The grandson of the Sandaime? He has become the Nanadaime." Gaara said with a sad smile. "He was Naruto's only student after all."

Kurama remained silent for a moment before saying, "I tried to save him. I used every ounce of my Chakra to keep him but failed. I felt pathetic."

"It wasn't your fault."

Kurama shifted, and the air crackled with latent energy. "Naruto… The Immortal Idiot," he murmured. "He saved us all, at the cost of his own life."

Gaara knelt beside the great fox, his eyes downcast. "They say you tried to save him."

Kurama let out a long, sorrowful sigh. "I did. With all my power, I tried. But in the end, it wasn't enough. He was determined to protect everyone… to the very end. I had a special trick, I tried to use that too, but failed."

"What trick?" Gaara raised a nox-exisnt eyebrow.

Kurama replied. "A special power bestowed upon me by my old man. It heals all sorts of mortal wounds and injuries. It enhances the user's powers so much that no opponent can defeat them. But it comes with a heavy sacrifice. The tailed-beast inside the host dies in the process."


"I am happy,"The fox said.

Gaara waited as the Fox was clearly not finished.

"A few weeks ago, my old man visited me in a dream. He told me that… Naruto is alive somewhere in another world…I wonder if he is safe out there… what if…"

"Kurama," Gaara cut him in mid-sentence. "He is Naruto Uzumaki." He smiled widely. "He'll be fine."

"You don't seem to be surprised." Kurama remarked.

"I knew it all along." Gaara said. "He is too stubborn to die."

A silence fell between them, filled with memories and unspoken words. Gaara finally spoke, "He lives on in the hearts of those he saved. And in you, Kurama."

"Yes," Kurama agreed, a note of determination in his voice. "His will is my will. His fight is my fight. And as long as I live, his legacy will never die in this world."

Gaara stood, a sad smile on his face. "Thank you, Kurama. For everything."

As Gaara left the cave, he looked back one last time. Kurama was a solitary figure in the darkness, a guardian of memories and a testament to the hero they had all loved. Naruto, The Immortal Hero, would forever be remembered.

Gaara's gaze lifted to the sky, where the clouds drifted freely. He remembered Naruto's unyielding optimism, his infectious belief that there was always a way. With a small, resolute smile, Gaara whispered to the wind, "Thank you, Naruto. Your dream lives on with us. I hope you are happy out there."

And with that, Gaara continued his journey, carrying the legacy of The Immortal Hero not as a burden, but as a beacon of hope for the future.

Meanwhile, Kurama stiffened in his cave as he felt a very familiar aura from an undetectable source.

'He can't be using that!' He thought in fear. 'How… Why would he be using Baryon Mode?!'

~• •~

The neon lights of Shibuya cast long shadows across the deserted streets, where the ancient and the modern collided in a silent dance. Amidst this urban sprawl, two figures stood facing each other, their presence a stark contrast to the surrounding stillness.

Naruto, a child of six with snow-white hair and amethyst eyes that held the depth of the universe, stood with a calmness that belied their age. gaze, piercing and serene, was fixed on their opponent—a being whose very existence was a curse upon the world.

Sukuna, the King of Curses, wore an expression that spoke of terror and fear. His vessel, Yuji's body, was poised with a calculative look, ready to unleash devastation at a moment's notice.

Naruto's transformation was a spectacle to behold. His hair, once a vibrant shade of snow-white, had cascaded down in a waterfall of the purest white, each strand a testament to the power they wielded. His eyes, deep and soulful amethysts, were slitted like a fox, they were windows to an unyielding spirit, reflecting a resolve as unbreakable as the gemstone itself.

Enveloping him was a cloak of sapphire-purple energy, vast and majestic. It stretched out like the endless night sky, dotted with the twinkling of stars, each fold and ripple a wave of cursed energy that resonated with the silent strength of the universe. This cloak was not merely a garment but a symbol of a will that refused to be contained, a force that expanded beyond the horizon of imagination. On his collar were purple tail-like four moving appendages made of pure energy. He had five similar, but longer on his back.

It was odd to see a six-year-old child in such a form. Their physical outline was of that of a young man or a petite woman. Sukuna, with all his sensing abilities, could not sense what power this was.

In this grandeur, Naruto stood not as a human, but as an entity of pure energy, a being whose very essence was intertwined with the fabric of existence. Their presence had been a beacon, a guiding light that promised protection and hope to all who fell under its shadow. The sapphire-purple energy that surrounded him was not just a shield but a declaration of his commitment to fight, to endure, and to prevail against all odds.

"I survived the attack," Naruto said in a calm tune, his voice filled with otherworldliness. "You must remain firm on your oath."

Sukuna took a defensive stance. The boy? Girl? Man… no… this isn't human. This isn't a curse. It's beyond demonic. It's… celestial.

The air between him was charged, heavy with the weight of impending conflict. It was Naruto who broke the silence, his voice clear and resonant in the night.

"Are you truly him?" Sukuna asked.

"Indeed. I am him and more." He replied.

'I didn't ask for more…' "What are you?"

"I am… Naruto."

"I don't believe it." Sukuna shook his head. "Nobody can survive Fuga, not even with the Reversed Cursed Technique."

"Let me help you then," Naruto softly said as he raised his hand, "Red: Almighty Push." Use no more than 10%, lest you should tear the space time barrier.

With a sweep of his arms, the boy unleashed a wave of force, invisible yet potent enough to shatter concrete. Sukuna was waiting for a colorful beam of cursed energy, yet he saw nothing. However, nano seconds later, an invisible force hit him so hard that he flew away like a baseball.

Sukuna definitely felt that, but said, "Is that all you have, child?"

Naruto's Baryon Mode, a manifestation of his immense cursed energy, was a sight to behold. It was not the familiar orange hue that many associated with Naruto, but a mesmerizing blend of blue and purple. It enveloped him like a cloak, its ethereal glow illuminating the darkened streets of Shibuya.

Sukuna's laughter echoed.

Naruto's eyes narrowed, not in frustration, but with a focus that sharpened the world around him. He answered, "Red: Universal Pull."

The command was a whisper, yet it held the power to bend space. Sukuna felt the tug, an irresistible force drawing him towards the child. But he was the King of Curses; he would not be moved so easily.


His voice was a growl, the sound of death itself. He lunged forward, his hand slicing through the air, aiming to end the battle with a single, decisive blow. But it was like striking at a mirage. Naruto's Infinity Barrier, an unassailable wall of energy, repelled the attack, leaving Sukuna's hand to pass through empty space.

The child remained unscathed, his expression unchanging. He regarded Sukuna not with fear or hatred, but with a sadness that seemed too profound for one so young.

Naruto yelled, "You are strong, Sukuna. But strength without purpose is meaningless. Why do you persist in this violence?"

Sukuna's laugh was harsh, a sound that echoed off the buildings around him. "Purpose? The strong take what they want. That is the only purpose I need."

The clash of his fists was a symphony of power, each blow resonating through the empty streets. Sukuna, with his cursed energy crackling around his fists, struck with the force of a tempest. Yet, each strike met with the unyielding force of Naruto's Infinity Barrier.

Sukuna yelled, "Infernal Punch!"

His shout echoed as his fist surged forward, a mass of dark energy aimed to obliterate. But it was as if he struck a wall of diamond.

Naruto invoked, "Limitless: Infinity Barrier."

The child's counter was calm, his voice steady as the barrier held strong, repelling Sukuna's devastating attack.

Sukuna's eyes narrowed, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. He was the King of Curses, and yet this child stood before him, defiant and unharmed.

Sukuna sneered, "You're a tough one, aren't you? But let's see how long you can keep this up. There has to be some drawback."

Naruto softly said, "As long as I must. I will not let you harm anyone else. Come on now, you have an oath to follow." No unnecessary movements.

His form blurred; movements too fast for the human eye to follow. Sukuna's relentless assault met with the unwavering defense of Tenodakume's barrier. The boy's eyes, those amethyst pools reflecting the heavens, remained locked on Sukuna, his resolve unshaken.

Naruto appeared beside Sukuna and gave a devastating punch on his back.

Sukuna yelled, "Cursed Energy Burst!"

A wave of dark energy erupted from Sukuna, the air itself seeming to warp and twist around him.

The barrier didn't let the attack pass through…

With a sweep of his hand, Naruto created a space where Sukuna's energy dispersed into nothingness, his attack neutralized by the child's incredible power.

The King of Curses let out a growl of frustration, his energy flaring up once more as he prepared another attack. But Tenodakume stood ready, his snow-white hair billowing in the wind, a beacon of hope in the darkness of the night.

Sukuna, with his back against the wall, felt a sensation he hadn't experienced in centuries—doubt. Tenodakume, the boy with the eyes of the heavens, was not just holding his own; he was dominating.

Sukuna yelled, "You're a mere child… How can you be this strong?"

His voice, laced with a mix of anger and incredulity, barely concealed his concern. Tenodakume's response was a serene smile, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

"Strength comes in many forms, Sukuna. You should know that better than anyone."Use the unique Domain Expansion.


"Limitless: Azure Sky!"

In a blink, the boy was beside him, their kick connecting with a thunderous crack that sent Sukuna hurtling skyward. The sound barrier broke with a deafening boom, and the King of Curses became a mere speck in the night sky.

As Sukuna regained his bearings, the gravity of the situation dawned on him. This child was unlike any foe he had faced before. Their power was immense.

Sukuna launched at the boy; he could feel a Black Flash on the tip of his fingers …

Naruto smoothly wrapped him with his tailed-appendages and punched him on his cheek.

He was sent flying in a flash of blue and white.

Of course, Sukuna's jaw shattered.

"This isn't over, brat!" With a fluid motion, Sukuna invoked his domain, a desperate attempt to regain control. "Malevolent Shrine!"

The world around them warped, a dark cathedral of cursed energy forming in an instant.

There he stood, the King of the Curses, in his white traditional dress ready to cleave and dismantle everything in a two-hundred-meter range.

But the boy merely watched, his gaze following Sukuna's ascent with calm certainty.

Naruto said, "It is over when we say it is. And we say, you will not harm another soul." Use the ultimate Domain Expansion He raised his hands and made a dragon seal, "Domain Expansion: Infinite Tsukuyomi."

The streets of Shibuya lay quiet once more, the echoes of their clash fading into the night. But the battle was far from over…

The Illusory Labyrinth...

In the heart of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, where the moon's pale light weaved enchantments of deceptive tranquility, Sukuna stood alone. The King of Curses, revered and feared in equal measure, now faced an adversary unlike any other—a world that preyed upon the mind.

The landscape before him was a paradox, a serene village surrounded by verdant fields, yet the air was thick with an unsettling silence. Sukuna's eyes, sharp and discerning, scanned the horizon. He knew this place; it was a memory, a fragment of his past life, twisted by the Tsukoyomi's influence.

He walked through the village, the sound of his footsteps echoing against the empty streets. The houses, once filled with laughter and warmth, stood hollow, their doors ajar as if inviting him to uncover their secrets. Sukuna, however, was no fool. He sensed the trap, the lure of comfort designed to ensnare his spirit.

As he ventured deeper into the village, the scenery began to shift. The sky darkened, and the ground beneath him trembled. From the shadows emerged figures—phantoms of those he had vanquished, their eyes hollow, their mouths agape in silent screams. They reached for him, their hands passing through his flesh, leaving trails of icy dread.

Sukuna's heart, if it could still be called that, remained unmoved. He wielded his power, slicing through the apparitions with swift, precise strikes. Yet, for every phantom he destroyed, two more arose. It was a battle he could not win by force alone.

He needed to escape, to break free from the Tsukoyomi's grasp. Sukuna closed his eyes, focusing his cursed energy. He envisioned a barrier, a shield to protect his mind from the relentless assault. When he opened his eyes, the phantoms had vanished, and the village was engulfed in flames.

The fire did not burn; it was an illusion, a reflection of his destructive nature. Sukuna walked through the inferno, unscathed, his resolve hardening with each step. He would not be swayed by this false reality.

As he emerged from the flames, the world shifted once more. He now stood atop a mountain, the moon hanging low and ominous in the sky. A voice, ethereal and haunting, called out to him.

"You cannot hold me here, Gojo. I am more than just a curse; I am a force of nature!" Sukuna declared, his voice rising like a storm.

"Sukuna, King of Curses, why do you resist? Here, you can have everything you desire. Power, dominion, reverence—lay down your arms, and it shall be yours."

Sukuna's gaze remained fixed on the moon. "I desire nothing from a lie," he replied, his voice steady and defiant.

The voice laughed, a sound that resonated through the very fabric of the dreamscape. "Then what do you seek, O mighty Sukuna? Freedom? There is no freedom in your reality. Here, you are unstoppable."

"I seek neither," Sukuna declared. "I am bound by neither man nor illusion. I am Sukuna, and my will is my own."

With those words, a surge of cursed energy erupted from within him, shattering the illusion. The mountain crumbled, the moon shattered, and the Infinite Tsukoyomi's hold weakened.

'Such a domain? Yet it seemed odd to be this weak, or…' He gasped. 'My cursed energy! It feels like more than half of it is gone!'

"Leave Yuji-nii-chan's body, Tattoo-Guy!" Naruto's voice resonated through the void, a command that brooked no defiance. "Tsunade Style: Crimson Flash!"

A crimson lightning struck between the clouds, breaking the sound barrier, shattering every glass and creating a tornado for half a minute.

Sukuna tried to heal his torso, which was apparently missing, but it was too hard… ugh!

The battle between Naruto and Sukuna was a spectacle that transcended the ordinary. The streets of Shibuya, usually bustling with life, were eerily silent, save for the sounds of their intense combat. The neon lights of the city flickered in the reflection of their clashing powers, painting a surreal picture of chaos and beauty.

Naruto, his blue-purple Baryon Mode aura flaring brightly around him, simply nodded. "I am not the same Naruto you knew," he said, his voice steady. "This is my true power."

The air around them crackled with tension as they resumed their battle. Naruto, with his newfound power, was a force to be reckoned with. His attacks were faster, stronger, and more precise. Sukuna, despite his initial surprise, rose to the challenge, his four arms moving in a deadly dance of defense and attack.

Buildings crumbled, streets shattered, but neither of them paid any heed. All that mattered was the fight, the clash of their powers, the test of their wills.

Naruto would not be deterred. With a roar of defiance, he unleashed a devastating blow, channeling the full power of Baryon Mode into a single, decisive strike. The very heavens seemed to tremble as the force of his attack bore down upon Sukuna with unrelenting force.

Sukuna, whose very essence was intertwined with Yuji's corporeal form, found himself ensnared in this emotionless existence. The void sought to strip him of his rage, his pride, his very identity.

Their battle was a dance of destruction, a symphony of power and determination. Each attack, each counter, was executed with precision and intent. The ground beneath them bore the brunt of their clash, cracking and shattering under the sheer force of their cursed energy.

Yet, amidst the chaos and destruction, there was a sense of awe and respect. Naruto, with his unwavering determination and courage, stood his ground against Sukuna, a testament to his indomitable spirit. His every move, every attack, was a declaration of his resolve to protect and fight.

"Why do you resist, Sukuna? This world can be your sanctuary, free from the burdens of human sentiment," Naruto offered, his voice echoing like a whisper from beyond.

"A sanctuary? Your barren wasteland?" Sukuna's retort was a growl, laced with contempt. "I am the King of Curses. I bow to no one, especially not to a puppeteer of the mind."

As the battle of wills intensified, the air itself seemed to thicken with the weight of their conflict. The void, once silent and oppressive, now pulsed with the energy of their struggle.

In the middle of the wild commotion, Sukuna took a risky chance. He was smart and tough, and he knew he had to do something dangerous that he wasn't supposed to do yet. But he had no other way out.

Sukuna appeared next to Megumi, who was unconscious. Quickly and with a bad intention, he took a finger, filled with his remaining cursed energy, from his current vessel and made Megumi eat it, even though Megumi couldn't fight back. Then, without stopping, Sukuna pushed his energy into Megumi by pressing his fingers on Megumi's abdomen. Right after that, Yuji's body dropped like it was empty, and in a tiny bit of time, 'Megumi' got up, filled with Sukuna's powerful spirit.

Just as 'Megumi' was about to run away, Naruto showed up. He moved like lightning and hit 'Megumi' in the stomach with a strong punch. The hit was so powerful that 'Megumi' was sent flying far away, breaking through walls and buildings along the way.

Before Naruto could follow him, he fell on his knees and began to gasp for air. Baryon Mode began to fade.

'Damn! I am running out of energy. I only have enough to cure Yuji-nii-chan…'

"Finally… at last," Sukuna whispered, feeling the new heartbeat within Megumi's chest. "But this is only the beginning."

For now, Sukuna revealed his victory, but he was not foolish enough to believe it was absolute.

"R-run… while you can,TattooGuy," Naruto warned, his voice fading with the disintegrating Baryon Mode. "You are so crippled right now that even a small baseball bat can shatter you in m-millions… of pieces."

Naruto's world spun as darkness clawed at the edges of his vision, the clamor of battle fading into a hushed silence. His limbs grew heavy, the ground rushing up to meet him, and then—nothing.

~• •~

Yuji woke up feeling like his head was pounding. He looked around and saw a big mess. Buildings were broken, the street was ruined, but the good news was that nobody got hurt. Naruto had managed to save everyone.

Then Yuji remembered Megumi and thought, "Oh no! Crap...!"

Then he realized. It is futile to chase him now...

He saw Naruto, who didn't have any clothes on and was breathing really fast. Yuji didn't waste any time. He picked up Naruto and carried him to a shop that was also wrecked. Since the shop was already damaged, taking some clothes for Naruto didn't seem like stealing, right?

After a little while, Yuji came out of the shop with Naruto on his back, all dressed up. He decided to head to the subway because getting to safety was the most important thing.

That's when he heard a voice he knew too well. "Hey, hey, Yuji-kun, is that a demon you're carrying?" Mahito said with a big smile. "I can tell he's getting weaker. It's time for me to get my sweet revenge!"

And just like that, Yuji found himself in a new problem that he had to deal with.

~• •~

When he stirred, it was not the cold, hard earth he felt beneath him, but the soft caress of grass, the scent of jasmine filling the air. His eyes fluttered open to a sky painted in hues of gold and pink, a sunset that seemed to promise eternal tranquility. He sat up, bewildered, taking in the serene landscape that unfolded around him.

"Mom? Dad?" His voice was a tentative whisper, disbelieving. There, under the boughs of a cherry blossom tree, stood his parents, their smiles as warm as the sun-drenched meadow. "I guess I crippled that Tattoo Guy enough, although I couldn't save emo-nii-chan…"

"Naru-chan, my brave boy," his mother said, her voice a soothing melody that eased the turmoil within him.

"We've been watching," his father added, pride evident in his tone.

A laugh bubbled up from Naruto's chest, pure and unburdened. "Thanks for waiting for me! We're going to have so much fun, just like we used to. We can play hide and seek, and there are my other mom and dad, Pervy Sage, Neji—"

"Naru-chan," his mother interrupted gently, her hand reaching out to cup his cheek. "This isn't your time, not yet."

Confusion furrowed his brow. "But… I don't understand. Aren't we in heaven?"

His father knelt before him, his eyes holding a sorrow that belied his comforting smile. "Heaven is a place of peace, yes, but you have so much left to do, my son. Your story isn't over."

Naru-chan's heart sank, a cold dread replacing the warmth that had filled him. "No! Please. Stay with me. I don't want to be alone again."

"We're always with you, in here." His mother touched his chest, right where his heart beat a frantic rhythm. "And we're so proud of you."

As they spoke, their forms began to shimmer, the edges of their figures blurring like a watercolor painting caught in the rain.

"No, don't go!" Naruto reached out, his fingers grazing nothing but air. "I need you!"

Tears streamed down his cheeks, sobs wracking his body as he watched his parents fade, their voices echoing words of love and comfort that felt like the cruelest of torments.

"Why? Why can't I go with you?" he cried out, his voice breaking.

"Remember, Naru-chan, our love for you is as boundless as the sky and as deep as the ocean. Carry it with you, and let it be your strength," his mother's voice whispered like the wind.

"Be brave, my son. Live a life full of courage and kindness. We'll be watching over you, always," his father's voice resonated with a warmth that transcended the coldness of the void.

"Worry not, my son." Hanako said. "We are being reborn in you; we will be alive within you."

"We are becoming one, kid!" His father said. "You will live in our blessings. And in our memories"

"We love you, Tenodakume!" They said in unison in a sad but enthusiastic tune before they disappeared.


The last glimmer of his parents' presence vanished, leaving Naruto alone with his grief. The meadow, once a place of beauty and peace, now felt like an endless expanse of sorrow. He shouted into the void, his words a mix of anger and despair, cursing the cruel fate that had taken so much from him.

He fell on the ground, his mindscape began to shift, transforming into a sewer.

The bright colors of his eyes began to fade. The white became pure dark and amethyst became purple.

Soon his eyes became hollow as he yelled at particularly nobody...

Naruto had lost his light.

~• •~

A figure opened its eyes in a void.

"It is almost time," they said. "Naruto Uzumaki."



Author Note:

Now, quick questions...01/Among all the JJK fics you've read, which protagonist can beat Baryon Mode Naruto from this fic?

02/Where does this fic stands among all the JJK/Naruto fics?

Do let me know in the review sections!

Quiz Time...!

01/Who is Kush Sarito?Hint: Somebody from the Shinobi world.

02/There is a Dragon Ball reference here, where? [Akira Toriyama...].

03/There is a Henry Rider Haggard reference here. Where?

If you can answer them, then you are aGOAT!

Next Chapter: Wait... How Are You Here!?

If you have any suggestions, do let me know in the review section!

I shall update this story soon So, make sure to stay tuned!

Till next time!

Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve: The Sage of Jujutsu


Author Note: Hey guys, a new chapter is here. 7000 words on this chapter.

5000 views! Yatta!

NOTE: If you are not a fan of the whole Otsutsuki and Boruto-Generation thing, then wait for a few days— this part of the story will not take much time to finish.

So, after reading this chapter, just in case you think whether I am pulling a Kishimoto or not, no, I am not.

I had all this planned from chapter one.

Now, enjoy...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter Twelve: The Sage of Jujutsu

The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow on the small, cozy kitchen. Hanako was already up, her hands deftly moving as she prepared breakfast. The smell of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the aroma of pancakes, filling the room with a comforting warmth.

Kenji shuffled into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He smiled at the sight of his wife, her hair tied up in a messy bun, a soft hum escaping her lips as she worked. He moved to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Good morning, love," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.

Hanako turned her head, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiled at him. "Good morning, Kenji," she replied, her voice soft and filled with affection. She turned back to the stove, flipping a pancake with practiced ease.

Just then, the pitter-patter of small feet could be heard, growing louder as they approached the kitchen. Tenodakume, their son, bounded into the room, his eyes bright and full of energy. "Morning, Mom! Morning, Dad!" he greeted, hopping onto a stool at the kitchen island.

"Good morning, Naruto," Kenji replied, ruffling his son's hair affectionately. He moved to pour himself a cup of coffee, adding just a splash of milk and a spoonful of sugar.

As the family settled down to eat, the room was filled with the sounds of quiet conversation and laughter. Hanako and Kenji listened with rapt attention as Naruto excitedly recounted his dreams from the night before, his hands waving around animatedly as he spoke.

At that moment, the kitchen was more than just a room in their house. It was a sanctuary, a place where they could come together as a family and share in the simple joy of being together. The love and warmth that filled the room was palpable, a testament to the strong bond that they shared.

As they were eating, Tenodakume looked up at his parents, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Mom, Dad, do you remember the first time we made pancakes together?" he asked.

Hanako chuckled, a soft, fond smile on her face. "Of course, sweetheart. You were so small, you could barely reach the counter even with the stool," she said, her voice filled with nostalgia.

Kenji joined in, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. "And you insisted on flipping the pancakes yourself. Do you remember what happened?" he asked, a teasing note in his voice.

Naruto's face turned a bright shade of red as he recalled the memory. "I... I may have flipped it too hard. It ended up on the ceiling," he admitted, his words causing his parents to burst into laughter.

"That's right," Hanako said, reaching over to ruffle his hair affectionately. "But you know what? That was the best pancake we ever had."

Kenji nodded, his gaze soft as he looked at his family. "It's not about how perfect the pancake is, Naruto. It's about the love and joy we share while making it. That's what makes it special," he said, his words earning a bright smile from both Hanako and Tenodakume.

Their conversation continued, filled with laughter and shared memories, a testament to the love and bond they shared as a family. It was these simple moments, these precious memories, that made their life together so beautiful and fulfilling. And as they finished their breakfast, they looked forward to creating more such memories, cherishing each moment they spent together as a family.

As they finished their breakfast, Kenji looked around at his family, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. He reached across the table, taking Hanako's hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I love you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hanako looked up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I love you too," she replied, her voice choked with emotion.

Naruto, oblivious to the tender moment between his parents, was already up and running around, his laughter echoing through the room. Hanako and Kenji shared a look, their smiles mirroring each other's as they watched their son.

And so, the day began, just like any other. But for the family of three, it was a reminder of the love and happiness that they shared, a testament to the bond that held them together. It was, in its own simple way, a perfect morning. And it was moments like these that they would cherish forever.

~• •~

In a spring morning, the Gojo family decided to have a picnic.

They found a perfect spot under a large, shady tree. Hanako spread out a checkered blanket on the grass, while Kenji unpacked the picnic basket, revealing an array of delicious homemade treats. Naruto's eyes lit up at the sight of his favorite sandwiches and cupcakes.

"Wow, Mom! You made all my favorites!" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

Hanako laughed, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Of course, sweetheart. It's not a family picnic without your favorite foods," she said, handing him a sandwich.

As they ate, they chatted and laughed, sharing stories and jokes. Naruto was full of energy, running around and playing with a frisbee that Kenji had brought along.

After lunch, they lay down on the blanket, looking up at the sky. Naruto was nestled between his parents, his head resting on Hanako's lap as he pointed out different shapes in the clouds.

Kenji looked over at Hanako, taking her hand in his. "This is perfect, isn't it?" he asked, his voice soft.

Hanako turned to look at him, her eyes filled with love. "Yes, it is," she agreed, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

As the day wore on, they played games, explored the park, and simply enjoyed each other's company. It was a day filled with laughter, love, and happiness, a day that they would remember for a long time.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, they packed up their things and headed home, their hearts full of precious memories. It was just another day in their lives, but it was a day that perfectly encapsulated the love and bond they shared as a family. It was, indeed, a beautiful day.

~• •~

The air in the bustling ramen shop was thick with anticipation. Naruto, all of four years old, sat perched on a high stool, his tiny hands gripping chopsticks like miniature swords. Across from him sat Mr. Tanaka, a seasoned ramen enthusiast with a belly that could rival Mount Fuji.

The rules were simple: whoever finished the most bowls of ramen in one sitting would be crowned the champion. The prize? A year's supply of ramen, which, to Naruto, was akin to winning the lottery.

Hanako and Kenji, proud parents, sat at the edge of their seats. Hanako clutched her heart, while Kenji whispered, "Remember, Naruto, chew slowly!"

The referee, a stern-faced waitress, raised her hand. "On your marks... get set... slurp!"

And so, the battle began.

Naruto attacked his first bowl with gusto. Noodles flew, broth splashed, and the slurping echoed like a symphony. Mr. Tanaka, on the other hand, approached his bowl with the precision of a samurai. He savored each bite, wiping his mouth with a cloth napkin between slurps.

As the bowls piled up, Naruto prepared his strategy. 'Okay, Naruto, you got this. Remember what Dad said: 'Chew slowly.' But who has time for that? This is war! Ramen war!'

Across the table, Mr. Tanaka wiped his brow. His inner thoughts were more contemplative. 'Ah, youth. I used to be like that—devouring ramen like a typhoon. Now, I savor it. Each noodle tells a story. Like that one—it's been through the broth wars.'

Naruto's parents cheered, their voices blending with the slurping chorus. Hanako clapped her hands, her eyes shining. "Go, Naruto! Show them what our family's made of!"

Kenji nodded, his heart swelling. "He's got the spirit of a thousand sumo wrestlers!"

Meanwhile, Mr. Tanaka's face turned crimson. His chopsticks wavered. 'Why did I agree to this? I should've stuck to Sudoku puzzles. My stomach feels like a hot spring about to erupt.'

Naruto, undeterred, slurped his way through bowl after bowl. His cheeks flushed, his eyes sparkled, and his belly expanded like a balloon. The other diners watched in awe. Was this kid a ramen deity in disguise?

Mr. Tanaka, on the brink of defeat, leaned over to Naruto. "Kid," he wheezed, "you're a force of nature. Take the prize. Just promise me... name your firstborn 'Tonkotsu.'"

Naruto grinned, noodles dangling from his mouth. "Deal, Mr. Tanaka. But only if you teach me your secret technique."

And so, with a final slurp, Naruto polished off his tenth bowl. The crowd erupted into applause. Mr. Tanaka slumped, defeated, muttering, "I should've stuck to Sudoku."

Hanako and Kenji lifted Naruto onto their shoulders, tears in their eyes. "Our little ramen warrior!" Hanako exclaimed.

As they left the shop, Naruto whispered to his parents, "I love you more than a thousand bowls of ramen."

And in that moment, surrounded by love and broth-scented victory, the family knew: this was a memory they'd savor forever.

~• •~

Naruto had an overactive imagination. At four years old, he saw adventure in every corner, danger lurking behind every tree. So when he spotted a man in the park wearing a trench coat and sunglasses, he knew—without a doubt—that he'd stumbled upon a kidnapper.

The man, Mr. Jenkins, was merely waiting for his lost dog, Fluffy, to return from a squirrel-chasing escapade. But Naruto didn't know that. His mind raced with conspiracy theories.

"Mom! Dad!" Naruto sprinted toward his parents, his tiny legs pumping like pistons. "There's a kidnapper over there! We have to save Fluffy!"

Hanako and Kenji exchanged amused glances. They'd been through this before—the time Tenodakume thought the mailman was a secret agent, and the incident with the grocery store cashier who was clearly a pirate.

"Naruto," Hanako said, crouching down to his eye level, "that man is probably just waiting for someone. Let's not jump to conclusions."

But Tenodakume was already on a mission. He grabbed Kenji's hand, pulling him toward Mr. Jenkins. "Dad, we need a plan. I'll distract the kidnapper, and you can karate-chop him!"

Kenji raised an eyebrow. "Karate-chop? Where did you learn that?"

"YouTube," Naruto replied, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

They approached Mr. Jenkins, who was now checking his watch. Naruto cleared his throat, channeling his inner spy. "Excuse me, sir. Are you a kidnapper?"

Mr. Jenkins blinked. "A what?"

"A kidnapper!" Naruto insisted. "You know, someone who steals dogs and ransoms them for treats."

Mr. Jenkins removed his sunglasses, revealing kind eyes and a bemused smile. "Oh, no, young man. I'm just waiting for my dog, Fluffy. She's a Pomeranian."

"Fluffy?" Tenodakume's eyes widened. "That's the perfect kidnapper name!"

Kenji tried to suppress a laugh. "Naruto, buddy, Mr. Jenkins isn't a kidnapper. He's a dog owner."

"But what if Fluffy is a code name?" Naruto whispered. "Maybe she's a secret agent dog!"

Hanako patted his shoulder. "Sweetie, let's give Mr. Jenkins some space. Fluffy will be back soon."

As they walked away, Naruto glanced back at Mr. Jenkins. The man was still waiting, now humming a tune. Tenodakume squinted. Was that a secret signal?

"Mom," he whispered, "I think he's activating Fluffy's spy mode!"

"Naruto," Hanako said, her voice patient, "Let's focus on our own mission: finding the ice cream truck."

And so, the family continued their adventure, leaving Mr. Jenkins to his dog-waiting duties. As they rounded a corner, Naruto looked back one last time.

"Good luck, Fluffy," he whispered. "Save the world, one squirrel at a time."

And somewhere in the park, Fluffy—the unsuspecting Pomeranian—chased her tail, blissfully unaware of her double life as a secret agent.

~• •~

Satoru Gojo, the enigmatic sorcerer with silver hair and a penchant for flashy sunglasses, found himself in an unexpected predicament. His nephew, Naruto was a pint-sized bundle of energy with a stubborn streak that rivaled cursed spirits.

The bakery's bell tinkled as they stepped inside. The air smelled of freshly baked bread, sugar, and dreams. Satoru had planned a delightful afternoon—pastries, cakes, and maybe even a macaron or two. But Naruto had other ideas.

"Old-man-sensei," Naruto declared, tugging at his sleeve, "why are we here? Ramen is way better than sweets."

Satoru raised an eyebrow. "Naruto, my boy, you're five. How do you even know about sweets?"

Naruto crossed his arms, his tiny face scrunched in determination. "I know A LOT, Old-man-sensei. And ramen is life."

Satoru sighed. He'd battled curses, exorcized demons, and survived countless near-death experiences. But this? Arguing with a kindergartener about culinary preferences? This was a new level of absurdity.

"Listen, Naruto," Satoru said, crouching down to eye level, "sweets are like magic. They make you feel warm and fuzzy inside."

Naruto shook his head. "Ramen warms my tummy. And it has noodles. Noodles, Old-man-sensei! You can't beat that."

Satoru glanced around the bakery. The glass display sparkled with éclairs, cream puffs, and rainbow-colored cupcakes. He pointed at a delicate strawberry shortcake. "Look at this masterpiece, Naruto. Layers of sponge cake, whipped cream, and fresh strawberries. It's like a love potion."

Naruto squinted. "But where are the noodles?"

Satoru resisted the urge to facepalm. "Naruto, life isn't all about noodles. Sometimes it's about—"

"—noodles!" Naruto interrupted, pointing at a croissant. "That looks like a noodle, Old-man-sensei!"

Satoru blinked. "That's a croissant, Naruto. It's flaky and buttery. You eat it with coffee."

Naruto grabbed the croissant, took a bite, and chewed thoughtfully. His eyes widened. "Old-man-sensei, this is like ramen in disguise!"

Satoru chuckled. "Kid, you're a genius. But let's try something else." He picked up a macaron—a delicate almond meringue cookie filled with ganache. "This, Naruto, is pure joy."

Naruto eyed it suspiciously. "Is it a tiny hamburger?"

"No, it's—"

"—a noodle burger!" Naruto exclaimed, taking a bite. His face lit up. "Old-man-sensei, this is the best noodle burger ever!"

Satoru surrendered. "Fine, Naruto. You win. Noodle burgers it is."

They sat at a corner table, Naruto happily munching on his "noodle burgers" while Satoru sipped his coffee. The bell tinkled again as a customer entered. It was Mr. Ijichi, another sorcerer.

Mr. Ijichi raised an eyebrow. "Gojo-san, why is your nephew eating croissants like they're ramen?"

Satoru sighed. "Don't ask. It's a long story."

Naruto leaned over; his mouth full of macaron. "Old-man-sensei, tell him about the secret noodle bakery!"

And so, Satoru spun a tale—a tale of hidden noodle bakeries, magical croissants, and the quest for the ultimate ramen-flavored sweet.

As they left the bakery, Naruto hugged Satoru's leg. "Old-man-sensei, can we come back tomorrow?"

Satoru ruffled his hair. "Sure, Naruto. Tomorrow, we'll find the legendary ramen éclair."

And as they walked home, Satoru realized that family bonding was sweeter than any pastry. Even if it involved noodle burgers.

~• •~

The game was a fast-paced adventure, filled with mythical creatures and magical realms. The boy's fingers danced over the buttons, his tongue sticking out in concentration. Inumaki and Panda watched, their expressions a mix of amusem*nt and awe.

Inumaki, usually a man of few words, found himself caught up in the excitement. He cheered the boy on, his usual "Tuna" and "Salmon" replaced with words of encouragement. His thoughts were a whirlwind of surprise and delight. 'Who knew a child could bring so much joy?' he mused.

Panda, on the other hand, was the perfect cheerleader. His large paws clapped together, creating a sound that echoed through the room. His thoughts were warm and fuzzy, much like himself. 'This is what family feels like,' he thought, his heart swelling with affection.

Just then, Maki sauntered into the room. She took in the scene, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Shouldn't you be training instead of playing games?" she asked, her tone teasing.

The boy looked up at her, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "But Emo-nee-chan, we are training. Right, Inumaki-nii-chan? Panda-nii-chan?"

Inumaki nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Salmon," he agreed, which, in this context, meant 'yes'.

Panda chuckled, his laughter rumbling like a soft thunder. "We're training our reflexes, Maki. It's important for a jujutsu sorcerer."

Maki rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile tugging at her lips. She watched as the boy returned to his game; his determination unwavering.

~• •~

Yuji stood in the dim light of the Shibuya subway station; his eyes locked on Mahito. The boy, Naruto, clung to Yuji's back, his small hands gripping Yuji's jacket tightly. The air was thick with tension, the only sounds were the distant rumble of trains and Naruto's quiet sobs.

Mahito moved first, his body twisting into a grotesque form as he lunged at Yuji. "Let's see you dance, Yuji," he sneered.

Yuji dodged to the left, narrowly avoiding Mahito's swipe. He could feel Naruto's grip tighten. 'Stay calm. Protect the kid,' he thought.

Mahito attacked again, faster this time, his fist aiming for Yuji's head. Yuji ducked and felt the whoosh of air as the punch missed him by inches. He countered with a quick jab to Mahito's side, but the cursed spirit twisted away, unharmed.

"You're holding back," Mahito taunted. "Scared to hurt the little one? Or should I say... demon?"

Yuji's jaw clenched. He wasn't scared. He was careful. With a swift kick, he aimed for Mahito's knee, trying to bring the spirit down. Mahito jumped back, laughing.

The fight was a blur of movement. Yuji's every step was calculated, each punch and kick designed to keep Mahito away from Naruto. The boy's safety was his priority, even as Mahito's attacks grew more vicious.

With a sudden burst of energy, Yuji pushed forward, his fist connecting with Mahito's cheek. The spirit stumbled back, surprise flashing across his face.

Yuji didn't let up. He followed with a series of strikes, each one pushing Mahito further back. The spirit's form wavered, his attacks becoming sloppy.

Yuji, panting heavily, stood ready as Mahito slowly rose, his form shimmering with malice. The cursed spirit's grin was gone, replaced by a snarl of frustration. "You'll pay for that," he hissed, lunging forward with renewed fury.

Yuji shifted Naruto higher on his back, ensuring the boy was secure. 'Hold on, Naruto. Just a little longer.' He met Mahito's charge head-on, their fists colliding with the sound of thunder.

Mahito's attacks were relentless, a flurry of punches and kicks that Yuji narrowly evaded or blocked. Each movement Yuji made was precise, designed to shield the child from harm while seeking an opening in Mahito's defense.

With a quick feint, Yuji drew Mahito's attention low, then delivered a solid kick to the spirit's midsection, forcing him back. Mahito recovered quickly, though, his body contorting in unnatural ways as he attempted to strike from multiple angles.

Yuji leaped, twisting in the air to avoid a sweeping kick from Mahito. He landed gracefully, using the momentum to propel himself forward into a series of rapid punches. Mahito staggered under the assault, his form flickering.

The boy sobbed while unconscious.

Yuji's heart clenched, but his voice was steady. "I've got you, Naruto. I won't let him touch you."

Empowered by newfound determination, Yuji's next attack was a whirlwind. He spun, delivering a roundhouse kick that caught Mahito off-guard. The spirit was thrown against the subway station's wall, the impact echoing through the empty space.

Mahito slid to the ground, and for a moment, there was silence. Yuji stood over him, every muscle tensed, ready for any trickery.

As Mahito lay against the wall, his body began to distort and bubble, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You think you've won?" he spat, his voice a venomous whisper as he rose to his feet. "I'm not alone either, Itadori."

Suddenly, the shadows of the subway station stirred, and from them emerged figures—transfigured humans, their forms twisted and grotesque. They moved with eerie synchronicity, encircling Yuji and the boy, Naruto.

Yuji's mind raced. 'I need to keep Naruto out of their reach.' He tightened his hold on the boy, feeling the small heartbeat against his back. "Don't worry, I won't let them near you," he promised, more to reassure himself than the child.

The transfigured humans advanced, their movements jerky and unpredictable. Yuji kicked out, sending one sprawling back into another. He punched; each blow fueled by the desperation to protect Naruto.

Mahito watched, a twisted smile returning to his face as he orchestrated the attack. "What's the matter, Itadori? Overwhelmed yet?"

Yuji ignored the taunt, focusing on the enemies before him. He ducked under a wild swing, then swept the legs out from under another attacker. He had to end this quickly.

Yuji's senses were heightened, his body moving with a fighter's grace. The transfigured humans were relentless, but Yuji was a whirlwind of precision and power. He struck out with a series of rapid punches, each one landing with a thud against the distorted bodies of his foes.

Mahito's laughter echoed around them, a sound that sent shivers down Yuji's spine. "Come on, Itadori! Is that all you've got?" he jeered, his voice dripping with malice.

Yuji's response was a fierce battle cry as he launched himself into the air, flipping over a lunging attacker. He landed and immediately rolled to the side, evading a crushing blow that shattered the concrete where he had just been.

With no time to waste, Yuji sprang up, delivering a powerful uppercut to the nearest transfigured human. The force of the impact sent the creature flying, crashing into its comrades and creating a momentary barrier between Yuji and Mahito.

Mahito, growing impatient, surged forward, his form blurring as he attempted to bypass the fallen transfigured humans. Yuji met him head-on, their fists colliding with a sound like thunder. The force of the clash sent shockwaves through the station, dust and debris dancing in the air around them.

Yuji ducked and weaved through Mahito's barrage of attacks, each movement deliberate and calculated. He was the eye of the storm, calm and focused despite the chaos.

He invoked, "Black Flash!"

Then, Mahito was thrown away like a dodgeball.

Seizing the opening, Yuji unleashed a flurry of strikes, his fists moving too fast to see. Mahito's defenses began to crumble under the onslaught, his form flickering erratically.

"Black Flash!"

As Yuji's fists flew, a sudden surge of cursed energy from Mahito sent him staggering backward. The spirit's form stabilized, becoming clearer and more menacing. "You thought you could defeat me so easily?" Mahito taunted, his voice echoing with dark power.

Yuji steadied himself, feeling Tenodakume's weight on his back. The boy's presence was a constant reminder of what was at stake. "I won't give up," Yuji declared, his voice firm despite the uncertainty that flickered in his heart.

Mahito laughed, a sound that seemed to crawl along the walls of the subway station. "Let's see how long that determination lasts." With a swift motion, he unleashed a torrent of cursed energy that materialized into sharp tendrils, aiming straight for Yuji.

Yuji reacted instantly, jumping to the side while shielding Naruto with his body. The tendrils missed them by mere inches, slicing through the air where they had just been. Yuji landed, rolled, and sprang up, ready to face the next wave of attacks.

Mahito pressed on, relentless. He moved with a speed that seemed to defy the limits of the physical world, his attacks a blur of motion and cursed energy. Yuji found himself on the defensive, each block and dodge more desperate than the last.

The boy's grip tightened, his small fingers digging into Yuji's shoulders. Yuji could hear Naruto's ragged breathing, each breath a whisper of pain; the boy needed a doctor, fast! "Hold on, Naruto," Yuji breathed out, his own fear buried beneath layers of resolve.

Mahito's onslaught continued, each strike more powerful than the last. Yuji felt the impact of each hit, the cursed energy searing through the air, threatening to overwhelm him.

The battle's ferocity reached a fever pitch as Mahito, with a surge of cursed energy, delivered a devastating blow that sent Yuji reeling. The impact forced Yuji to loosen his hold on Naruto, and the unconscious boy slipped from his back, tumbling to the cold floor of the subway station.

Mahito, seizing the opportunity, advanced with a sinister grin. "Now, Yuji, you have nothing left to protect," he sneered, raising his hand to deliver a final, crushing blow.

But before Mahito's attack could land, a figure emerged from the shadows, battered and seared, yet standing with an unwavering resolve. It was Nanami, his suit charred, his expression a mix of pain and determination. Half of his body was burnt-crisp, a testament to the horrors he had already faced.

"Nanamin!" Yuji exclaimed, a mix of relief and concern in his voice.

With a grim nod, Nanami stepped forward, positioning himself between Yuji and Mahito. "I can't let you have all the fun," he said, his voice rough but steady.

Mahito's eyes narrowed. "You're supposed to be dead," he hissed.

Nanami's response was a wry smile. "Not yet. And not before I see you defeated."

The two warriors stood side by side, ready to face the cursed spirit together. Mahito's confidence wavered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "Two against one? I'll still crush you both," he declared, his cursed energy flaring up once more.

The fight resumed with Nanami and Yuji coordinating their attacks, their movements a dance of strategy and skill. Nanami's experience and Yuji's raw power complemented each other, creating a formidable force against Mahito's malevolence.

The battle intensified as Mahito, tapping into his cursed energy, split his form, creating duplicates of himself. The subway station became a battlefield of shadows and echoes, each Mahito moving with lethal intent.

Nanami, despite his injuries, stood firm. "Focus on their patterns," he instructed Yuji, his eyes scanning the multiplying adversaries. "They may look the same, but they're not equally strong."

Yuji nodded, his own cursed energy pulsing in response. He watched as Nanami moved with calculated precision, his jujutsu techniques flowing seamlessly. Nanami's hands sliced through the air, his own form of cursed energy cutting into the nearest Mahito duplicate, causing it to dissipate into nothingness.

But the spirit was relentless. The Mahito duplicates attacked in unison, their movements synchronized as they converged on Yuji and Nanami. Nanami parried a strike, then countered with a swift thrust of his palm, his cursed energy targeting the core of another duplicate, erasing it from existence.

Yuji followed Nanami's lead, his fists and feet moving in a blur. He struck out at the duplicates surrounding them, each hit infused with his determination to protect Naruto and to fight alongside Nanami.

The station echoed with the sounds of combat; the air charged with cursed energy. Nanami, his body moving with a grace that belied the severity of his burns, executed a series of complex maneuvers. He was a master of his craft, each attack deliberate and deadly.

Mahito's laughter was drowned out by the sound of his duplicates being destroyed one by one. Yet, with each one that fell, another seemed to take its place. It was a battle of attrition, and Yuji and Nanami were determined to outlast their foe.

With a roar, Nanami unleashed a powerful wave of cursed energy, the technique known as 'Ratio Technique: Collapse'. The air shimmered as the energy wave hit multiple duplicates, obliterating them in a cascade of light and shadow.

Yuji seized the moment, his own energy surging as he leaped high above the remaining duplicates. With a shout, he came crashing down in the midst of them, his impact sending a shockwave that tore through the cursed forms.

"Black Flash!"

The duplicates faltered, their numbers dwindling under the relentless assault. Mahito's true form, now revealed among the weakened copies, snarled in frustration. "Impossible!" he growled, his cursed energy flaring wildly in a last desperate attempt to turn the tide.

But Yuji and Nanami stood unbroken, their resolve as strong as ever. They moved together, a perfect team, their combined strength overwhelming the cursed spirit. With each movement, each attack, they pushed Mahito back, their victory within reach.

"After so many Black Flashes…" Mahito yelled like a drunkard. "I have finally managed to see through my 'core'!"

The air in the Shibuya subway station crackled with cursed energy as Mahito unveiled his final form, the Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing. His figure twisted and expanded, becoming a monstrous version of himself, his features sharp and lethal.

Yuji and Nanami braced themselves, their eyes fixed on the transformed spirit. "Be careful," Nanami warned, "This is his true power."

Mahito's laugh was a distorted echo, "Let's end this charade," he declared, his voice a chilling blend of multiple tones.

The battle erupted with renewed intensity. Mahito's movements were a blur, his attacks so swift they were nearly invisible. Nanami moved to intercept, but he was met with a force that sent him flying. He hit the wall with a sickening crunch, his body sliding down, motionless.

Yuji's heart raced. 'Nanamin!' But he couldn't afford to lose focus. Mahito was upon him, a whirlwind of death. Yuji dodged a swipe that would have decapitated him, feeling the rush of air as it passed.

Mahito's form was everywhere and nowhere, his cursed energy creating afterimages that disoriented Yuji. But Yuji had a weapon of his own—the Black Flash. He concentrated, his cursed energy coalescing into his fists.

As Mahito lunged, Yuji unleashed the Black Flash. The world slowed down, and for a split second, everything was clear. His fist connected with Mahito, the impact sending a shockwave of cursed energy that rippled through the station.

Mahito recoiled, his form flickering from the hit, but he was far from defeated. He retaliated with a barrage of energy spikes, each one aimed with deadly precision. Yuji twisted and turned, his body moving on instinct as he avoided a storm of lethal points.

The fight was a dance of death, each participant pushing their limits. Yuji's muscles screamed, but he pushed through the pain. He had to protect Naruto. He had to protect Nanami.

Mahito, sensing Yuji's fatigue, intensified his assault. He split into multiple forms again, each one attacking from different angles. Yuji fought with everything he had, his fists a blur as he struck out at the forms, trying to find the real Mahito among them.

Then, in a moment of clarity, Yuji saw it—the slight delay in one Mahito's movement. He focused all his energy, his cursed power surging to new heights. With a shout, he delivered another Black Flash, this time directly at the true Mahito.

The impact was monumental. Mahito's form shattered like glass, his scream a cacophony of distorted sound. The cursed spirit's final form began to unravel, the Instant Spirit Body of Distorted Killing unable to withstand the purity of Yuji's attack.

Yuji's breaths were heavy, his body on the brink of collapse, but the sight of Mahito's disintegrating form spurred a newfound resolve within him. He could feel the cursed energy coursing through his veins, a tempestuous storm that he barely contained. Mahito, now a mere shadow of his former self, writhed in agony, his consciousness flickering like a faulty light bulb.

In the chaos, Yuji's mind was eerily calm, a stark contrast to the pandemonium that surrounded him. He could hear his own heartbeat, a steady drum that anchored him to reality amidst the surreal battle. Mahito's inner thoughts were a jumbled mess, fragments of his past and his twisted desires flashing before his eyes as he struggled to maintain his existence.

Yuji advanced, his steps deliberate and powerful. Each movement was a testament to his determination, his fists not just weapons but symbols of his unyielding spirit. Mahito, in his desperation, attempted to piece himself back together, his forms coalescing into a grotesque semblance of life. But Yuji was relentless, his every strike a declaration of his will to protect and to fight against the corruption that Mahito represented.

Yuji, his muscles screaming in protest, refused to let the fight end. Mahito, sensing his own end drawing near, tapped into the deepest reserves of his cursed energy. The air crackled with power as both combatants prepared for the next phase of their epic confrontation.

Mahito, now more determined than ever, reformed his shattered body with a grotesque squelch. His many eyes, filled with malice, locked onto Yuji. "You think you can defeat me, human?" he hissed, his voice a chilling blend of mockery and rage. "I have killed many humans before and I don't even remember their names. You will be killed by me and I won't even remember you."

Yuji responded not with words, but with action. He dashed forward, his fatigue pushed aside by sheer willpower. His fists, though heavy, were precise and swift, targeting the weak spots he had learned to recognize in Mahito's fluid form.

The cursed spirit, cunning as ever, anticipated Yuji's moves and countered with a barrage of his own. The two were locked in a dance of destruction, their movements a blur to any onlooker. Mahito's forms multiplied, each one echoing his twisted laughter, trying to overwhelm Yuji's senses.

But Yuji's resolve was unbreakable. With each breath, he synchronized his cursed energy with his physical strikes, creating a rhythm that disrupted Mahito's attempts at duplication. The fight was far from over, and Yuji was ready to push himself beyond his limits to ensure Mahito's defeat.

Trapped against the crumbling wall, Yuji's eyes darted for an escape as Mahito loomed over him, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "You're at your limit, Yuji Itadori," Mahito taunted, his voice dripping with condescension. "Your body is breaking, your spirit is waning, and here you are, cornered like a rat."

Yuji's chest heaved, his breaths ragged, but his eyes burned with an unwavering flame. Mahito's mockery only fueled his determination. "It's not over yet," Yuji spat through gritted teeth, pushing back against the pain that threatened to overwhelm him.

Mahito's laugh echoed through the air, a sound as cold as the cursed energy he wielded. "Let's see how long that spirit lasts," he sneered, and with a flick of his wrist, he sent a wave of distorted figures hurtling towards Yuji.

The battle's intensity reached a fever pitch as Yuji, the unwavering flame within him refusing to be extinguished, met Mahito's onslaught head-on. The air was thick with cursed energy, crackling and popping like a live wire. Mahito's distorted figures, manifestations of his malevolence, swarmed towards Yuji, their forms shifting and twisting in a grotesque ballet.

Yuji, his jaw set and eyes ablaze, moved with a dancer's grace and a warrior's precision. He ducked, weaved, and struck with a series of Black Flashes, each one a brilliant streak of destructive beauty that cut through the figures like a scythe through wheat. His fists, now glowing with an otherworldly light, were not just tools of combat but extensions of his indomitable will.

Mahito, growing increasingly desperate, saw an opportunity in the chaos. An unconscious boy lay vulnerable, a pawn in the grand scheme of their fight. With a cruel smile, Mahito lunged, his cursed energy sharpening into a deadly point aimed at the boy's heart.

But Yuji was faster.

With a roar that echoed the depths of his soul, Yuji unleashed the Divergent Fist, a technique that split his cursed energy into multiple paths, creating a labyrinth of force that intercepted Mahito's attack. The impact resonated through the battlefield, a clear message that Yuji would not allow any harm to come to the innocent.

Mahito, cornered and frantic, knew this was his last chance. "Domain Expansion: Self Embodiment of Perfection!" he yelled, and the world twisted. Yuji felt the air change, heavy with cursed energy, as Mahito's domain engulfed them.

Inside, Yuji's mind raced. 'This is bad,' he thought. 'But I can't give up. I won't.' His fists clenched, ready to fight whatever came next.

Mahito's voice echoed, "Welcome to my world, Yuji." The domain was a nightmare, a place where Mahito's power was absolute. But Yuji's will was strong. 'I'll break through,' he vowed silently. 'I have to.' "You don't have Sukuna to save you like last time…"

The battle within the domain was fierce. Yuji dodged and struck, his every move a fight against Mahito's control. 'I'm not just fighting for me,' Yuji reminded himself. 'I'm fighting for everyone Mahito has hurt.'

Mahito laughed, thinking he had the upper hand.

"Goodbye Yuji Itadori," Mojito grinned. "See you in hell."

When Yuji was about to lose, Mahito's Domain Shattered as a small figure, a boy with Snow white hair entered. The boy said a single word.


Then it was chaos everywhere.

~• •~

Naruto opened his eyes and immediately felt pain all over his body. His body was burning with fever. Every single muscle of his body ached. His vison was blurry. With quite some effort, looked around his surroundings.

Sunglasses-sensei was unconscious, half of his body was burned, roasted like chicken.

Yuji-nii-chan was fighting the Stitch-faced guy. Yuji was losing.

Naruto couldn't feel Old-man-sensei. He was nowhere. But he was here. Not anymore. He just disappeared. Nobody disappears like that. Unless…

Emo-nee-chan was… she was fading. So was Inumaki-nii-chan.

Naruto sighed, he looked around. Then he heard the sound of electricity cracking.

He looked at the source.

A thick wire was hanging from the ceiling.

He walked towards it.

'It can't be that painful, right?'

He stood beside it. 'I am coming, everyone.'

He touched it.

One second.

Two seconds.



The sound of electricity cracking was gone, gone was the battle cry of Stitch-Faced spirit and Yuji-nii-chan. It was as if the world held its breath and so did time.

He opened his eyes.

And felt something otherworldly emerging out of thin air…

In the dim space, in front of him, about five meters above the ground, reality wavered. The station's sterile light faded, replaced by a golden radiance that seemed to carry cosmic secrets. It was as if an angelic messenger had descended, bearing divine edicts.

Suddenly, a cluster of vortexes materialized, swirling with otherworldly hues. Colors emerged from the spirals, each one pulsing with its own energy: white, brown, purple, black, red, and gray. These chromatic fragments merged, coalescing into a humanoid form.

Naruto's heart raced. He instinctively assumed a defensive stance, but the figure before him defied comprehension. Clad in a white kimono, the fabric clung to their body like a second skin, hinting at timeless wisdom. Their eyes held the weight of ages: a ringed red eye bore into Naruto's soul, while ringed purple eyes blinked languidly.

In their right hand, the figure wielded a long black staff, its end adorned with a cluster of smaller rings. Nine black orbs materialized, orbiting them like celestial sentinels.

It was him

"Among all my children and their descendants no one was as strong willed as you." He spoke. "Tell me, my boy, why do you give up?"

"S-super G-g-gram—" Naruto stammered.

"Indeed, my boy," he spoke. "It is I, whom this world knows as Kush Sarito—"

Naruto held his breath.

"—but you know me as Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki."


Author Note: Okay, now who saw it coming? I had given hints throughout the story. Who guessed that Kush Sarito was Super Gramps Sage?

I have the next chapter ready, but I will update it in due time.

Quick Question: Which do you think was the best moment of the entire story? Tell me in the reviews!

Next Chapter:

Hagoromo Tells Naruto his story and the truth about his unique dojutsu, which are not exactly Rikugan... But something a certain king possesses... He tells him how he got it and his duty and task on the Shinobi world.

Now, what is Naruto's dojutsu? Tell me in the review section.

Till next time!

Eyes That Hold The Heavens - McPhoenixDavid - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.