21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (2024)

Dec 27, 2018 | 25 comments

21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (1)

It’s almost January! And you know what that means…Abstractifywill be open for registration later this month, and by way of spreading the word to those who arelooking for what it offers, while providingsomething fun and valuable in itself, I am delighted to be bringing back the popular free challenge for artists of all kinds,21 Days in My Art World!

Part of the richness of being an artist is the connection – to your own inner artist and to creative source yes, but also to other artists, and, if you’re wanting to sell your work, to potential collectors.

The connection part can feel quite daunting for many of us, because it means ‘going public’ in some way. It can feel incredibly vulnerable and scary to share what you’ve made, much less to offer it for sale – for many it’s like revealing a piece of your soul, which means opening yourself and your work up to scrutiny and judgement.

Tempting, right?!

The arrival ofInstagramchanged that for a lot of us. It’s offered a place for creative communities that are supportive, kind, and enthusiastic about each other’s wins. I’ve met so many other artists around the world through Instagram and have found it to be friendly and encouraging, as well as a great platform for connecting with others and selling work.

And so a couple of years ago I devised a challenge, or as I like to think of them, an invitation. We’ll call it a challenge as that’s language that many of us are used to, since they are everywhere these days. But think of it as an invitation if that feels less onerous!

Stronger together

This challenge is aimed at making it easier to connect with other artists and kindred spirits, and, if you like, with possible collectors of your work.

The added bonus is that it’s designed to build your ‘story’ as an artist.It’ll help you clarify aspects of your own process, what works and what doesn’t, and hopefully make it easier to talk about your work and motivations.Art collectors love to know more about the person behind the art – this will give them a glimpse behind the curtain and help us connect with each other as humans and creative beings.

How it works

Over 21 days, startingFriday 4th January 2019, we’ll share aspects of our unique artist worlds as a way to connect and expand.

We’ll invite people in to see what being an artist is like for us, what we’ve learned, what we love, what inspires us, what’s not so easy.

We’ll talk to each other about what it means to each of us to be an artist, and our dreams and plans.

If you’ve been wanting to connect and share more but have felt tentative about doing so, or even if you’re used to it by now but would love to expand further, you’re very welcome to join us!

If you’re not on Instagram and are a part of my private Facebook group {for course alumni and Artnote subscribers}, members often join in with challenges within the group. You can join by signing uphere.

21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (2)

Feel free to share either image in this post with anyone you think might like to join in – you can download them by right clicking and saving to your computer, or taking a screen shot on your phone. You could also pin either or both to Pinterest. Sharing is not compulsory, although of course the more the merrier!

On Instagram we’ll be using the hashtag#21daysinmyartworld, which is how we’ll find each other. I encourage you to comment on each others’ posts and embrace the connections! If you’re not yet sure about how to use hashtags or how they work, there’s some great info here.

If you’d like to join us and receive the daily inspiration/encouragement emails, sign up by clicking the button below.

The emails are designed to help you find fun ways to interpret each prompt and to keep the momentum going, if that feels helpful. Or you can go rogue and riff off the prompts yourself each day!

Whether you just join in for a handful of days, or stick with it for the whole three weeks, you’re welcome. It doesn’t have to be about selling your work if that’s not something you want to be doing.

The only rule is no ‘I must catch up’ pressure!Takes all the fun out of it. 🙂 {This is why I don’t like the word challenge. It seems to activate some kind of performance pressure in people!}

Help spread the word!

Here are a couple of thingies to share on FB or Twitter – copy and paste, and edit them as you wish. Or you can share the image containing the daily prompts anywhere you like! Sharing is not compulsory.

Want to get better at sharing your art and connecting with other artists and collectors? Join the free challenge, 21 days in my art world, here: www.bit.ly/myartworld219

Joining in with Tara Leaver’s 21 Days in My Art World challenge to reach more potential collectors and get used to sharing my work more easily! Want to join me? www.bit.ly/myartworld219

In summary

  • 21 day challenge/invitation on Instagram {#21daysinmyartworld} to get us all connecting more, clarifying our own processes, and feeling more comfortable with putting our work out there.
  • If you’re not on Instagram, you can join in in the private FB group for all course alumni and Artnote subscribers; joinhere
  • You can join in without signing up for emails, but should you wish to receive daily ideas, resources and encouragement, click here
  • Help spread the word by sharing the image containing the prompts or one of the suggested snippets above. Thank you!

So will you be joining us? Any questions or clarification required please leave a comment!

  1. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (3)

    Diana Blackon January 1 at 3:20 am

    This sounds like something I want to do. I was thinking g about challenging myself on 2019… but doing it as a group sounds like fun!


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (4)

      Taraon January 1 at 10:27 am

      If you haven’t tried a challenge before I highly recommend it. Doing these things in company is so heartwarming, and helps with accountability too. 🙂


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (6)

      Taraon January 1 at 6:09 pm

      You’ll be very welcome Sylvia! Thank you for the kind words. 🙂


  2. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (7)

    Ellyon January 1 at 6:49 pm

    I would like to join …. But I’ve never done anything like this before and really a beginner


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (8)

      Taraon January 3 at 4:20 pm

      Beginners are welcome! There may be some prompts you don’t feel ready to answer, but you can always skip those or reinterpret them to suit you!


  3. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (9)

    Judy Wallaceon January 1 at 10:41 pm

    Thankyou Tara and welcome back, I’ve missed your emails! This challenge/invitation is just the proverbial ‘kick up the rear’ I needed right now. I joined the 21 days last year but couldn’t get the hang of instagram, I’ll have another go this year:)


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (10)

      Taraon January 3 at 4:27 pm

      Ah thank you Judy! And so pleased you’ll be joining us! You can always do it in the FB group if you’re not so keen on Instagram. The link will be in the first couple of emails.


  4. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (11)

    Carolineon January 1 at 10:56 pm

    How do I know if I qualify as an artist to join this challenge. The word is very challenging and scary.


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (12)

      Carmenon January 2 at 7:26 pm

      If you make, create, do then you qualify Caroline. Labels shmabels x


      • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (13)

        Taraon January 3 at 4:31 pm

        WORD. 🙂


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (14)

      Taraon January 3 at 4:30 pm

      Hi Caroline – first I recommend reading this post: https://taraleaver.com/2014/12/why-i-dont-think-of-myself-as-an-artist/. 🙂 Secondly, there are no ‘qualifications’ here. If you do anything creative with art materials, from doodling to sewing to sculpture to painting to murals, you’re very welcome to do as much or as little as you like. There are no requirements to keep up, to do every prompt, or to do anything that feels uncomfortable. Sometimes people just follow along and chat to participants without actually posting to the challenge themselves. Whatever will be the kindest way is the best way. Hope that helps!


  5. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (15)

    Nigelon January 2 at 1:08 pm

    I’m just in the process of taking down the decorations and putting the art table back in it’s rightful place.
    This sounds like the perfect way to get back in the swing of things! 🙂


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (16)

      Taraon January 3 at 4:31 pm

      Excellent! So glad you’ll be joining us Nigel. 🙂


  6. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (17)

    Ireneon January 3 at 7:12 pm

    Hello! I am a loyal follower of Tara! Definitely not as prolific and one that wants to hide behind the “I’m not really an Artist” banner! I’m in because I enjoy seeing what other people do and knowing about the “Path” I may share some and I may not, but I’m here!!!


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (18)

      Taraon January 5 at 4:27 pm

      Most welcome to participate in any way that feels good to you Irene! 🙂


  7. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (19)

    Eleanaon January 5 at 6:07 pm

    Hi. This sounds great. I’ve never been involved in challenges before, so I’m new to this. I already registered on the daily mailings list. Is there anything else I should do? This message in English is translated by Google, so I apologize if it is not fully understood.


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (20)

      Taraon January 8 at 12:43 pm

      Welcome aboard Eleana! Along with the emails, you’re welcome to share your posts either on Instagram or in the private Facebook group {link is in he first couple of emails}. However you feel most comfortable is perfect. 🙂


  8. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (21)

    Dianeon January 6 at 4:54 pm

    Starting late. Hope that is okay.


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (22)

      Taraon January 8 at 12:42 pm



  9. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (23)

    Huguette Legareon January 14 at 8:46 pm

    Thank’s for this opportunity… I do not received the day one and two…


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (24)

      Taraon January 16 at 9:58 am

      I’ll send those across to you now Huguette.


  10. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (25)

    Rochelle Weidneron January 7 at 1:18 am

    Did this last time and still working from the ideas. Love it.


  11. 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (26)

    Alexandra Qon January 12 at 10:09 pm

    Hello , my name is Alexandra!

    I would like to know if you are going to start a free 21 days challenge these year 2021? I am interested!
    I been frustrated looking to find how to develop my own unique painting style. I would love to be able to afford your curses right now. 2020 hit me hard since I lost my art teaching job in a elementary public school. I have more time in my hands to give my art career a full time chance.
    I loved the preview sample of your curses, would it be possible to get an scholarship for your curses?

    Thank you,


    • 21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (27)

      Taraon January 16 at 10:49 am

      Hi Alexandra – Sorry I didn’t see this sooner, and hopefully you found the challenge over on Instagram and were able to join in! I’m so sorry to hear you lost your teaching job. I’m afraid I don’t currently offer scholarships, although I’m about to reinstate a free course. If you sign up for Artnotes here you’ll be able to stay up to date with offers and so on.


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I am an expert and enthusiast, and I can provide information on various topics. Let's discuss the concepts mentioned in this article.

The article discusses a 21-day challenge called "21 Days in My Art World" that aims to connect artists, help them clarify their artistic processes, and make it easier for them to talk about their work and motivations. The challenge encourages artists to share aspects of their unique artist worlds on Instagram using the hashtag #21daysinmyartworld. It also mentions that artists can join a private Facebook group if they are not on Instagram.

The challenge is open to artists of all levels, including beginners. Participants are encouraged to interpret the daily prompts in their own way and there is no pressure to catch up if they miss a day. The article emphasizes that the challenge is not solely about selling artwork but also about building connections and sharing experiences with other artists.

The author mentions that participating in the challenge as a group can be heartwarming and provide a sense of accountability. The challenge is seen as an opportunity to overcome the fear of sharing artwork and connect with a supportive community of artists.

Overall, the challenge aims to create a supportive and encouraging environment for artists to share their work, connect with others, and gain confidence in talking about their artistic process and motivations.

Please note that the information provided above is a summary of this article and is based on search results.

21 days in my art world :: a free challenge for artists of all kinds - Tara Leaver (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.